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Asset UPnP for QNAP

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44772

    Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP


    Which audio player are you using?


    • kg648
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • May 2011
      • 52

      Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP

      Originally posted by Spoon

      Which audio player are you using?
      A Linn Majik DS and a Akurate DS.


      • kg648
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • May 2011
        • 52

        Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP

        Originally posted by kg648
        A Linn Majik DS and a Akurate DS.
        Hi Spoon,

        Did you have any more thoughts on this one



        • Declaration

          • Jan 2014
          • 23

          Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP

          Hi Spoon,
          as i told you last time the the test version09a was the ONLY one which worked.. Can you enlight me , what was the cause and how you solved it??
          If you provide a newer stable testversion. will this solution part of it??


          • Karl_Napp

            • Feb 2014
            • 3

            Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP

            Originally posted by Spoon

            2: asset uses whatever it can find first for an artist, if you put your compilation albums in a folder which is scanned last they will be just used to fill missing.
            Spoon, how can I affect, that the compilation folder is scanned last?
            My compilations are located in a folder named "Various Artists". The compilation tag is set "1"

            In my opinion it would be better if asset ignores cover art from compilations for albums with compilation tag set "0".


            • hahni

              • Mar 2014
              • 7

              Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP


              sorry for asking this, but i wonder that only the package for:
              QNAP _12, _19, _20, _21, HS-210
              QNAP _69, _70
              x09 QNAP

              are ready for downloading.

              What about the QNAP Models x39 Pro - with Intel Atom Processor?

              That is a single core CPU and the Intel package is not working based on 64 bit.

              It would be great if someone could explain this to me.

              Regards, André


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44772

                Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP

                Originally posted by kg648
                Hi Spoon,

                Did you have any more thoughts on this one

                We have yet to test this.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44772

                  Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP

                  Originally posted by Karl_Napp
                  Spoon, how can I affect, that the compilation folder is scanned last?
                  My compilations are located in a folder named "Various Artists". The compilation tag is set "1"

                  In my opinion it would be better if asset ignores cover art from compilations for albums with compilation tag set "0".
                  You would remove the various artists folder, let asset scan first time then re-add.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44772

                    Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP

                    Originally posted by Declaration
                    Hi Spoon,
                    as i told you last time the the test version09a was the ONLY one which worked.. Can you enlight me , what was the cause and how you solved it??
                    If you provide a newer stable testversion. will this solution part of it??
                    The issue was with IP address lookup which was causing the crash, Test 10 included this fix also, it should not be crashing as earlier versions to Test9a. Does test 10 crash?


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44772

                      Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP

                      Originally posted by hahni

                      sorry for asking this, but i wonder that only the package for:
                      QNAP _12, _19, _20, _21, HS-210
                      QNAP _69, _70
                      x09 QNAP

                      are ready for downloading.

                      What about the QNAP Models x39 Pro - with Intel Atom Processor?

                      That is a single core CPU and the Intel package is not working based on 64 bit.

                      It would be great if someone could explain this to me.

                      Regards, André
                      The 32 bit ATOM qnaps are not supported sorry.


                      • hahni

                        • Mar 2014
                        • 7

                        Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP

                        Originally posted by Spoon
                        The 32 bit ATOM qnaps are not supported sorry.
                        Thank You Spoon fpr your answer, but i dont understand this!

                        i have two QNAP 439 systems running and want to get the "best media-server"... actually i am running minimserver, but the possibility running asset would be great...but it seems to buy a new QNAP why?

                        Could you explain this?

                        Regards ANdre


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44772

                          Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP

                          We do not have a 32 bit qnap, Asset is built to native target the QNAP, that means it has to be compiled on each model, the 32 bit qnap was not that popular and is no longer available.


                          • Declaration

                            • Jan 2014
                            • 23

                            Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP

                            Originally posted by Spoon
                            The issue was with IP address lookup which was causing the crash, Test 10 included this fix also, it should not be crashing as earlier versions to Test9a. Does test 10 crash?

                            It works so far. it is running an counting tracks


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44772

                              Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP

                              Originally posted by kg648
                              Hi Spoon,

                              Did you have any more thoughts on this one

                              I have tested it today, FLAC and Wave file 2 channel 24 bit 192KHz all played for 30 minutes without interruption, even if the QNAP was stressed by copying files to and from it and setting asset to rescan, no dropouts on an Accurate DS. I do not know what to suggest, if you can look at the qnap control panel, bottom right is the resource monitor, see what CPU usage is like.


                              • kg648
                                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                                • May 2011
                                • 52

                                Re: Asset UPnP for QNAP

                                Originally posted by Spoon
                                I have tested it today, FLAC and Wave file 2 channel 24 bit 192KHz all played for 30 minutes without interruption, even if the QNAP was stressed by copying files to and from it and setting asset to rescan, no dropouts on an Accurate DS. I do not know what to suggest, if you can look at the qnap control panel, bottom right is the resource monitor, see what CPU usage is like.

                                just noticed, it happens almost once throughout any track from Mark Knopflers - Privateering, would it be helpful for me to send you the album and see if the same issue happens to yourself? this is only 96KHz/24bit 2 channel flac.

                                I can confirm there is no corruption, I have tried another copy of the album from a friend just in case the copy I had on my qnap got bitrot! haha.

                                I wonder if it is something to do with the types of files I am playing? never had an issue in the normal PC version of asset.

                                Most of my music is from the Linn site.

                                CPU/RAM usage looks fine, this is taken from the moment of the drop

                                Last edited by kg648; March 05, 2014, 07:25 AM.

