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Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

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  • bokko

    • May 2010
    • 6

    Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

    Brilliant software.
    I recently purchased a Oppo BDP-83. Having long ago converted my CD collection to flac. I have been searching for a way to playback these files. Knowing they would sound better than other methods I had tried before.
    I have a Windows 7 64bit machine and installed latest beta version 3 of Asset UPNP today. I am running as local account (recommend). As well as adding Asset UPNP to my software firewall manually. Once installed I ran "Asset UPNP Configuration" (must be as administrator). Next to "Advanced Settings" clicked "Edit" button once there under "Audio Format Streaming" I scrolled down to "flac" clicked "as is" and changed to "As LPCM" I also changed in bottom right corner "MP3" as "320kbps". Was immediately able to playback all of my FLAC files created as 2 channel audio, 16bit, 44.1Khz. As expected sounded much better than what I was using previously a ATI Video Card HDMI connection to my processor. Making me wonder what Oppo SE upgrade might sound like...
    Last edited by bokko; May 27, 2010, 05:47 PM. Reason: bobo


    • bokko

      • May 2010
      • 6

      Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

      Spoon I tried the L24 setting and it resulted in White noise. I also tried to playback 24bit flac's using the "Maximum" "16bit" "48khz" "2 channels" setting again white noise. Tried 24bit/44Kz flac = white noise, then 24bit/96Khz flac = very low audio with low white noise.
      I restarted Asset each time.
      Read you wanted the Assest-debug.txt which I created while playing above two files by "General Settings" "output debug log" send me an email I will provide for you or let me know where to send.

      PS for others trying this I turned of my speakers and used cheap head phones to test unsupported audio formats can sometimes result in equipment damaging loud sounds...
      Last edited by bokko; May 27, 2010, 06:20 PM.


      • timk

        • Feb 2010
        • 6

        Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

        Originally posted by dvdr
        First small feedback:
        What a step forward - great job!!!!!
        Works like a charm, although I noted some minor glitches - I'll post them, once I really can verify, that it's not due to a mis-tagging on my side.

        Indexing of m4b-audiobook-files still takes a long time (I am talking of files the size of 60 t0 120Mb!) - this may be caused by the way, tags are stored in those files. Maybe, a different readout-routine for m4b/mp4 could help? But I am not sure about that, since I am not familiar with the specs of m4b/mp4-tagging....

        Two questions, though:

        1.) Obviously, "composersortorder" and other "....sortorder"s are working, since for example for "composers", I do get different sortings, which are a bit tricky. Example:
        Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is sorted under
        "W" (Displaying Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) if the ripped disc does not have a composersortorder tag, but only the normal composer tag "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart"

        but it is sorted under

        "M", when in addtion to the composer-tag, there is a composersortorder tag entry "Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus". It is sorted under M, but still it is displayed as "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart"
        I know, that this is the way it is supposed to be.
        My only question is: only my newer ripped discs do have that "sortorder" entries for Composer, Artists, Conductor. The older ones don't, so I will have to search them under different letters. Does anyone know of a handy tool, that can index those files (I have mostly flac, some wma, some apple lossless and let me mass-retag them (for example search for composer "Liszt", select all found files and do an "edit id-tag" and add the composersortorder-tag "Liszt, Franz"?
        You might be able to use foobar2000 to do this. You can search for key words using the view filter and then mass edit tags of the resulting files. Very few of my flac files were tagged at all so I spent many hours using foobar to mass tag them. Took me a while as I had several thousand files to go through but it worked effectively.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44845

          Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

          bokko, see the last post here:

          Beta testing for Asset v3. Significant progress has been made on the internal database, including intelligent handling of similar artists, etc. Asset UPnP v3 is the most sophisticated UPnP DLNA audio server, rather than dumbly present Artist & Albums for selection, Asset helps to manage unwieldy audio collections through


          • bokko

            • May 2010
            • 6

            Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

            24 bit playback @ 16 bit working on 8 different files/ different recordings I have tried. 24b/44, 24/48 and 24/96...will response always be this fast :-)
            Great work be nice to get 24 bit someday but understand Oppo would need to help there.

            As for being a registered user and with beta to get added functionality how would I go about this?

            Has anyone tried Asset PNP with Server 2003?

            Usually store files on my RAID5 array on server have moved flacs to my workstation temporarily. Running anything UPNP on a server makes me a little nervous. Never mind turning my stereo up with my workstation 8 feet away from my sub. SVS SB-12plus...
            Might consider building a home server rather than messing with production server depending on feedback.

            Great Product.
            Last edited by bokko; May 27, 2010, 11:10 PM.


            • Dave26q

              • May 2010
              • 4

              Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

              Spoon, I am using Songbook on an ipod touch to control a Linn DS. The Album/Artist tree displays normally. The only aberration is the conductor tag appears where the artist tag should reside in the playlist. Kinsky Desktop has the same issue, however if I use Twonky the playlist is displayed correctly on both Songbook and Kinsky Desktop. I also did not have this issue with Asset v2.1 premium. I have tried to rectify with delete/reinstall without success.



              • oehlrich

                • Jun 2009
                • 24

                Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                Hello Spoon,
                I currently test V3 with Asset-Control. The real breakthrough of this combination is album browsing by album-art.

                As far as I have seen there three categories where album art ist displayed with "big" images: "Album", "Album by Artist" and "Album by release".

                For further improvement I have a suggestion:

                Is there a chance you create a "Album by Folder" so I can first browse my folders and then see the album art inside the folder. This would be a great feature because I guess many people have a folder structure in their CD assembly.

                Currently in folder browsing there is only a list display available that will display the album art at track level. It would be much better to see album art also at the folder level. So in the top folder all can be seen (also the album art of the subfolders). On a deeper folder only the album art of this and its child folders will be displayed. Maybee in the configuration you can make an input field from which level album art will be displayed.

                In general I think album browsing ist really the nicest way to find music. So please add the album view whereever you can!



                • oehlrich

                  • Jun 2009
                  • 24

                  Order of "Album by Release" Bug?

                  Hi Spoon,
                  looking at the "Album by Release" view I see most albums sorted well.

                  The rest of the albums apears below. They partly have no "YEAR" tag but a lot of them have a "YEAR" tag properly filled in.

                  I have no idea why they are not sorted in correctly.



                  • mville
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Dec 2008
                    • 4023

                    Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                    Yes, I too can confirm that Album By Release is not consistent. Most albums are sorted correctly, but a few get placed at the end of the chronological list.


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44845

                      Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                      The year - albums at the end, do they have a year showing in Asset?


                      • mville
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Dec 2008
                        • 4023

                        Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                        Yes, they do have a year showing in Asset


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44845

                          Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                          Ok next update will fix.


                          • demolition23

                            • Mar 2010
                            • 9

                            Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                            I've been using v3 Beta for a while now, and noticed the same thing as Dave26q above. Conductor tag shows where artist should be, but only in the playlist (not the album track listing), I think. I don't have "Conductor" specified in my library, so it just shows "Unknown Conductor".

                            Also, 1 request.
                            Since you seem to be very fast in releasing v3 betas that incorporate feedback, would it be possible to add a version number, or release date to the different beta builds, so that they can distinguished from one another? Just want to make sure I don't do redundant installs (or lose track of newer betas).

                            Thanks for the continued work.


                            • petes

                              • Oct 2009
                              • 20

                              Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                              I can't seem to stop the server constantly rescanning the directories for new tracks. I'm runnign the latest beta on Windows 2008 R2 and it's also running Slimserver on the same box. I would normally assume that it's a conflict between the two server looking at the same directories and so I want to turn off automatic scanning, but unticking the option doesn't seem to make any difference. It just scans, waits a couple of mins, and then scans again. Anyone else seeing this - any way to actually turn it off?


                              • Mactavish

                                • Apr 2010
                                • 19

                                Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                                Originally posted by demolition23
                                I've been using v3 Beta for a while now, and noticed the same thing as Dave26q above. Conductor tag shows where artist should be, but only in the playlist (not the album track listing), I think. I don't have "Conductor" specified in my library, so it just shows "Unknown Conductor".

                                Also, 1 request.
                                Since you seem to be very fast in releasing v3 betas that incorporate feedback, would it be possible to add a version number, or release date to the different beta builds, so that they can distinguished from one another? Just want to make sure I don't do redundant installs (or lose track of newer betas).

                                Thanks for the continued work.
                                Adding version numbers and dates is a MUST to get our feedback. The "Asset UPnP v3" first page where the beta releases are shared is dated 10-13-2009, and the files for example, just show: "XP: hxxp:// 14MB

                                NO version number NO date. The only way I have a clue, is the very bottom that shows the last time this single post was updated. I think it's great you are actively working on the program, but PLEASE assign beta version numbers like: 3.12b, and the release date, like: 5-20-10. I think this would benefit you as well as the beta testers.

