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Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

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  • petes

    • Oct 2009
    • 20

    Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

    Originally posted by Spoon

    @petes - when you say that asset is reindexing its database - you can see in Asset Configuration that is it 'Counting Tracks', etc?
    @spoon - yep - goes into counting tracks mode, then works its way through the whole directory structure rebuilding all the track information. By the way, it does this even though I've unticked the automatic rebuild option.


    • mville
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Dec 2008
      • 4023

      Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

      Re: Asset v3 05 June release, Album By Release is still not consistent.

      Some directories are sorted with newest releases first, some are sorted with newest releases last.


      • Dave26q

        • May 2010
        • 4

        Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

        Originally posted by Spoon
        I have tested the latest version of Asset (released today 5th June) against the latest KinskyDesktop v3.3.6 and the 'Composer as Artist' does not seem to be an issue.

        If anyone who was having troubles if you can try the latest Asset and do a full rebuild of the database.
        This remains an issue for me with both Kinksy Desktop and Songbook 3.01. With the June 5 update and rebuilt database, "Unknown Conductor" appears in the library and playlist under the individual track titles where the artist tag normally resides.


        • dvdr
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Sep 2008
          • 235

          Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

          Originally posted by mville
          Re: Asset v3 05 June release, Album By Release is still not consistent.

          Some directories are sorted with newest releases first, some are sorted with newest releases last.
          Mind trying the following, maybe this helps: go into Asset configuration and limit playlist-count to 30 (I hope, I remember this names' entry properly offhand, you'll know, what I mean when you see it...)
          Plugplayer has this behaviour, that when browsing Asset's "Playlist" feature, it starts to sort albums and tracks (newest, most played etc.) alphabetically, when there's more than 30 items present. So the default setting of 50 or 100 makes them sorted alphabetically when browsing, 30 sorts them by "age": latest on top, counting down to the oldest.
          I could imagine, that with this new Album by release feature, something similar happens - so limit to 30 and see, what happens.... Just a thought, might help, might not help, just an idea...


          • dvdr
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Sep 2008
            • 235

            Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

            Originally posted by Spoon
            I have tested the latest version of Asset (released today 5th June) against the latest KinskyDesktop v3.3.6 and the 'Composer as Artist' does not seem to be an issue.

            If anyone who was having troubles if you can try the latest Asset and do a full rebuild of the database.
            just finished rebuilding the database with the new Asset version and tested it against Plugplayer, Songbook and Kinsky Desktop 3.3.6 and then later against the latest nightly build of Kinsky Desktop: I do get the "unknown conductor" problem...
            Before I get you and others into trouble, let me mention, that I added fields to the database configuration for additional tags, that I have (indexing seems to work). I formatted them the following way:

            t_tagname,0,INTEGER for single value-fields
            t_tagname,3,INTEGER for multiple value-fields

            by the way: multiple value fields are still displayed value1; value2; value3

            the old way of doing it like this:
            still works for indexing (and also produces the "unknown conductor" problem)

            tagname,3,INTEGER (without the leading t_) messes up the database, no browsing is possible.

            My personal added fields are configured like this:


            Some other thing, that you might be interested in knowing:

            The entry/tag
            formerly was spelled
            original artist
            before you moved to the end of May build.
            With "original artist" and the reindexing (from scratch!!!) of the database after installing the end-of-May-build , this tag was not properly recognized: in the browsing tree, the values for "artist" were put out instead (somehow, the space in the tag was not recognized anymore). Once I converted the tag (omitting the space between words) into "originalartist", the problem was gone, and the extra tag was recognized and browsable.
            This behaviour applied to both ways of adding entries to the database configuration: t_original artist AND original artist/VARCHAR

            Mind giving us some insight on how you decided on the formatting of the tag-value-entries and what the different formatting options mean? This would be really helpful, since this might
            a.) help to omit problematic configurations
            b.) help advanced users to enhance the use of Asset

            Thanks - as always - for being helpful and for making Asset the best uPnP server software present!


            • dvdr
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Sep 2008
              • 235

              Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

              Just did another database-rebuild, now the "unknown conductor"-problem seems to be limited to Songbook alone. Will keep an eye on it and do some more testing...


              • dvdr
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Sep 2008
                • 235

                Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                One more question:
                what's the "Playlists"-entry "Recent Albums"/"Recent Tracks" supposed to show - Albums/Tracks, that I have recently played? Neither with Kinsky Desktop, nor with Plugplayer or Songbook, I do get anything displayed, even after playing an album multiple times/adding it multiple times to the playback cue.
                And, for testing purposes: what (and how much) should be displayed in // according to what rules are the following entries populated?

                New Albums

                New Tracks

                Top Albums

                Top Artists

                Top Tracks

                Least Played Albums

                Least Played Tracks


                • dvdr
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Sep 2008
                  • 235

                  Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                  Originally posted by mville
                  Re: Asset v3 05 June release, Album By Release is still not consistent.
                  Some directories are sorted with newest releases first, some are sorted with newest releases last.
                  Tried this with June release, after a complete database rebuild (stopped Asset service, deleted both "*.bin"- databases (%appdata%\dbpoweramp in the command prompt gets you to the right folder) and restarted the service) and I have no sorting problems whatsoever....
                  Please look into the tags of some of the files: what entry do they have in the "year"-tag? Are they somehow different, and does this difference somehow reflect their different positioning?


                  • mville
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Dec 2008
                    • 4023

                    Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                    Originally posted by dvdr
                    Tried this with June release, after a complete database rebuild (stopped Asset service, deleted both "*.bin"- databases (%appdata%\dbpoweramp in the command prompt gets you to the right folder) and restarted the service) and I have no sorting problems whatsoever....
                    Please look into the tags of some of the files: what entry do they have in the "year"-tag? Are they somehow different, and does this difference somehow reflect their different positioning?
                    Which *.bin files do I delete?

                    There are currently 5 .bin files in the (%appdata%\dbpoweramp folder.


                    • dvdr
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Sep 2008
                      • 235

                      Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                      Originally posted by mville
                      Which *.bin files do I delete?
                      There are currently 5 .bin files in the (%appdata%\dbpoweramp folder.
                      I am currently not at my computer at home, so I don't want to name wrong ones... But you can identify them by size - the ones you keep (they are configuration *.bin-files) are something between 1 and 3 kB, the two largest ones (in my case one is ~7000kB, the other one ~4000kB) are the ones to delete. If you restart Asset (be sure to disable the Asset Service in "Services" under "System Settings" - otherwise you cannot delete these two *.bin files) you have to wait a few seconds, then Asset will automatically start to rebuild the database. You don't have to press any buttons in the Asset-configuration-window such as "rescan" orr" scan for changes"....
                      If by mistake you delete the other bin-files: they are either rebuilt automatically upon Asset restart, or are built/changed when you configure Asset (Browsing tree, file-extension scanning options, options for transcoding etc.). If you are unsure: just deinstall and reinstall Asset, then all *bin-files are rebuilt using default settings....


                      • mville
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Dec 2008
                        • 4023

                        Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                        Originally posted by dvdr
                        If you restart Asset (be sure to disable the Asset Service in "Services" under "System Settings" - otherwise you cannot delete these two *.bin files) you have to wait a few seconds, then Asset will automatically start to rebuild the database. You don't have to press any buttons in the Asset-configuration-window such as "rescan" orr" scan for changes"....
                        Just need to confirm something else here. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit.

                        When Asset Running Mode is 'Local Account', the uMediaLibrary path is %appdata%\dBpoweramp\uMediaLibrary.

                        When Asset Running Mode is 'Service', the uMediaLibray path changes and appears to be C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\R oaming\dBpoweramp\uMediaLibrary.

                        Can anyone confirm this to be correct?



                        • dvdr
                          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                          • Sep 2008
                          • 235

                          Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                          Originally posted by mville
                          Just need to confirm something else here. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit.

                          When Asset Running Mode is 'Local Account', the uMediaLibrary path is %appdata%\dBpoweramp\uMediaLibrary.

                          When Asset Running Mode is 'Service', the uMediaLibray path changes and appears to be C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\R oaming\dBpoweramp\uMediaLibrary.

                          Can anyone confirm this to be correct?

                          Sorry, I am on Windows Server 2003, no experience with Windows 7. I hope, others can jump in on this...
                          Last edited by dvdr; June 07, 2010, 11:48 AM.


                          • mville
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Dec 2008
                            • 4023

                            Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                            Originally posted by mville
                            I'm running Windows 7 64-bit.

                            When Asset Running Mode is 'Local Account', the uMediaLibrary path is %appdata%\dBpoweramp\uMediaLibrary.

                            When Asset Running Mode is 'Service', the uMediaLibray path changes and appears to be C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\R oaming\dBpoweramp\uMediaLibrary.

                            Can anyone confirm this to be correct?
                            OK, just done some testing and I can confirm the above myself.

                            Also, having now rebuilt the uMediaLibrary databases for both Local Account and Service Running Modes, I can confirm that the Album By Release sort problem only occurs for Album Artists with only 2 albums. If the Album Artist has 1 album or 3 or more albums, the sort order is correct. I guess this is a minor development bug.

                            Last edited by mville; June 07, 2010, 12:40 PM.


                            • tillig

                              • Aug 2009
                              • 38

                              Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                              Upgraded to the latest v3 beta for Windows Home Server. The sort issues I saw earlier are fixed, which is cool. I also really like the alphabet search folders under artist and album so it's easier to get to stuff.

                              Not sure if it's intentional or just a function of the client, but the PS3 shows the alphabet folders under artist/album and the Xbox 360 still has the original behavior where it lists everything.

                              Playlists don't seem to be recognized. I have four .m3u playlists and have the library folders set up to find them, but (at least on PS3) the Playlist folder comes up as "Unsupported Data." This didn't happen with v2... but then, none of the playlists actually worked once you got into them, either, so there's no big net change there.

                              The UI for forcing streaming on different file types (where you can choose to stream different files as different types) is a little cumbersome. It's hard to see what you have overridden because now it's not checkboxes but scrolling through and reading what is set to what. I think there's probably a larger opportunity to make a mistake, too, and misconfigure.


                              • pinkd10

                                • Jun 2010
                                • 8

                                Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                                Since 3 days i use v3 premium. Very brilliant software. I have a Oppo BDP-83 SE and especially i use it for my in flac converted personal CD collection. It's a very great sound.

                                But i have a problem with my "m3u-playlists". How can i play my playlists?

