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Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

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  • _noel_

    • Dec 2009
    • 23

    Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

    Originally posted by Spoon
    There is a huge update for Asset v3 soon...
    I'm very curious and excited to see what lies in wait :smile:

    A good touch screen control point co-operating with a good server would be like all my Christmases coming at once ...



    • ServerBaboon
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Sep 2009
      • 52

      Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

      If you already have v3 do we need to uninistall before installing today's beta?


      • dvdr
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Sep 2008
        • 235

        Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

        Originally posted by ServerBaboon
        If you already have v3 do we need to uninistall before installing today's beta?
        Furthermore: I have extended the database setup with addtional fields and adjusted the browse-tree accordingly (f.e. "solo instrument", "work", "movement"). Any need to deinstall that first or can I just update?

        And, I don't want to miss to congratulate on that development - again, it's a great step forward, Asset stays way above other products!!!! Thanks!


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44845

          Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

          The previous version (even old beta) should be uninstalled.

          Note that in:


          There are new AssetUPnPDefinedBrowseTreev3.txt and MediaDatabaseFieldsv3.txt, because v3 now corrects the limitations of previous trees.


          • dvdr
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Sep 2008
            • 235

            Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

            Originally posted by Spoon
            The previous version (even old beta) should be uninstalled.
            Note that in:
            There are new AssetUPnPDefinedBrowseTreev3.txt and MediaDatabaseFieldsv3.txt, because v3 now corrects the limitations of previous trees.
            Coll, thanks for the info.
            Is there any way we can edit, or contribute to you for the great idea of artist "replacement"? I have a list of classical composers, that are written in various forms
            for example:
            Pyotr Illyich Tchaikovsky
            Piotr Il'yich Tchaikowsky
            Peter Tchaikovksi
            and a lot of nonsense stuff in various databases


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44845

              Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

              There is no manual table mapping, rather smart mapping, ie:

              The XXXX and XXXX
              X.XX and XXX
              XX' and XX

              also accented characters are compared to non-accented.


              • petes

                • Oct 2009
                • 20

                Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                Any news on WMP12 compatibility - I know that WMP12 is a bit problematic in its implementation of DNLA, but this beta seems to be just the same as earlier betas.

                Edit : Actually - scrap that. Initially when it started to index I again got all the multiple entries again, but oddly they seem to have disseapeared so may have jumped the gun. Strange....
                Last edited by petes; May 21, 2010, 08:06 PM.


                • petes

                  • Oct 2009
                  • 20

                  Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                  So, once it's done it "Combining Artists" tasks, it seem to be fine now in terms of building the track lists :-). However, WMP12 won't actually play the content when it's a FLAC file. I've got all the codecs and tag support etc. installed, but WMP won't play the URL. Any ideas?


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44845

                    Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                    Set FLAC to serve 'as wav' because I am not sure that WMP even with plug-ins for FLAC will stream it through upnp.


                    • petes

                      • Oct 2009
                      • 20

                      Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                      Thanks Spoon. WAV works fine - just wanted to see if it would work natively. Ah well..... One other thing - the server seems to constantly scanning the directory. I've tried turning off scanning in advanced config - in case something else was interfering, but it keeps on rescanning. Is there another way to turn off scanning and make it manual?


                      • dvdr
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • Sep 2008
                        • 235

                        Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                        First small feedback:
                        What a step forward - great job!!!!!
                        Works like a charm, although I noted some minor glitches - I'll post them, once I really can verify, that it's not due to a mis-tagging on my side.

                        Indexing of m4b-audiobook-files still takes a long time (I am talking of files the size of 60 t0 120Mb!) - this may be caused by the way, tags are stored in those files. Maybe, a different readout-routine for m4b/mp4 could help? But I am not sure about that, since I am not familiar with the specs of m4b/mp4-tagging....

                        Two questions, though:

                        1.) Obviously, "composersortorder" and other "....sortorder"s are working, since for example for "composers", I do get different sortings, which are a bit tricky. Example:
                        Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is sorted under
                        "W" (Displaying Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) if the ripped disc does not have a composersortorder tag, but only the normal composer tag "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart"

                        but it is sorted under

                        "M", when in addtion to the composer-tag, there is a composersortorder tag entry "Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus". It is sorted under M, but still it is displayed as "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart"
                        I know, that this is the way it is supposed to be.
                        My only question is: only my newer ripped discs do have that "sortorder" entries for Composer, Artists, Conductor. The older ones don't, so I will have to search them under different letters. Does anyone know of a handy tool, that can index those files (I have mostly flac, some wma, some apple lossless and let me mass-retag them (for example search for composer "Liszt", select all found files and do an "edit id-tag" and add the composersortorder-tag "Liszt, Franz"?

                        2.) I do have additional tag-entries like "Solo Instrument", "Lyricst" etc. in my files. I added those tag names to the database as well, adding appropriate entries to the database-configuration-file like Spoon once explained. This still works fine. Only problem: Some ot these tag-fields are set to allow multiple entries (option "5" in the configuration entry), but Asset does not recognize them as multiple entries.
                        For example "Lyricist":
                        Tag-entry would be Name1; Name2; Name3
                        Browsing Lyricists would not show Name1, Name2 and Name3 as separate entries, but as a single entry displaying "Name1; Name2; Name3".
                        This happens with all newly defined database-tag-entries, that are configured to allow multiple entries.
                        Is there any way to overcome this or am I doing something wrong here?

                        Suggestion: something like a "add tag to the database" editing option (like the browse-tree editing option (I uns the WHS add-in)) would be very handy, if ever possible....

                        Again, thanks for the great update!


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44845

                          Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                          browse to:

                          C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp

                          and run:


                          It will dump you whole database, save the notepad to a .xls and open in Excel to view.

                          2) Multiples are trimmed to a maximum of 3 per tag now (internally), this was to get the size and speed of the database up.


                          • dvdr
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • Sep 2008
                            • 235

                            Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                            Originally posted by Spoon
                            browse to:
                            C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp
                            and run:
                            It will dump you whole database, save the notepad to a .xls and open in Excel to view.
                            Great idea, thanks. This gets the database right...
                            Does anyone have an idea how to "cure things at the root" - in other words: is there any search utility, that is capable to browse thousands of flac files and sort them according to tags, so I can mass-edit tags of those files?

                            Originally posted by Spoon
                            2) Multiples are trimmed to a maximum of 3 per tag now (internally), this was to get the size and speed of the database up.
                            Spoon, even with only two different entries, it will show up non-separated...
                            Example: I created a tag-value & database-entry for "Solo Instrument" and entered the value "Piano; Cello" and when I browse "Solo Instrument", I do get "Piano; Cello" instead of "Piano" and "Cello".
                            Same happened with Lyricists, when there are two lyricists...
                            Any advice, what I should do?


                            • Dave26q

                              • May 2010
                              • 4

                              Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                              v3 has some very nice enhancements. I have only found one issue (bug?); Playlists don't get the correct metadata from tracks, specifically the conductor tag data appears where the artist tag data should be displayed.


                              • Spoon
                                • Apr 2002
                                • 44845

                                Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions


                                Which control point are you using? also for the playlist item to show metadata, it must be somewhere in the Artist / Album tree, if you browse to it does it show correctly that way?

