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Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

    But with Top Albums or Top Artists, I have never seen a display of the (favs of the day/week...) albums, that currently are played several times a day/per week. That's what this playlist-item used to display in V2, if I remember correctly.
    Top albums would be the most played albums. Does the top tracks list correctly?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44845

      Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

      Originally posted by guybrown
      Pausing and seeking FLAC files on an Onkyo AVR works flawlessly with version 2 of Asset UPnP so it is not an Onkyo issue or should I say it should be possible!

      I can confirm that my Onkyo definitely displays FLAC on screen too!

      @Spoon - was the debug I posted helpful? I am hoping that the Onkyo/Flac/Pause issue will be fixed before the final release - is that possible?


      Guy look at your PM on this forum (top right of the screen), 2 weeks ago I sent you a test version.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

        Originally posted by guybrown
        Yeah, that is the problem.

        My files don't have the DISCNUMBER and TOTALDISCS!

        I use an automated CD ripper add-in for Home Server called AVA-Media and it does not seem to add the disc number tags which is why I name the album 'Title, Disc 1' and 'Title, Disc 2' to identify the disc!

        Unfortunately for me, Asset removes the ', Disc x' part of the album titles.

        It is not a real problem - I was just wondering if there was a way to disable this feature - I guess I just have to manually change the tags for my multi disc albums.


        That is the issue then, you need the disc number in the tags for this feature to work. The ', disc x' is removed to keep all albums consistent.


        • guybrown

          • Aug 2010
          • 22

          Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

          Originally posted by Spoon
          Guy look at your PM on this forum (top right of the screen), 2 weeks ago I sent you a test version.
          Sorry Spoon - didn't see the message and didn't get email notification of a new message!

          I tried it and it works perfectly - nice work! - thanks :komisch9:




          • muka

            • May 2010
            • 24

            Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

            Hi Spoon,

            Do you know the reason why the name of artist cannot be displayed on the album by Artist selection

            Normal Log file
            [All Tracks]: co31: 0\Advanced Search\Album by Artist\ [All Tracks]\: :
            &*blooper*29872;&*blooper*29699;SACD&*blooper*2282 5;&*blooper*30879;&*blooper*31995;&*blooper*21015 ; - &*blooper*26997;&*blooper*21697;&*blooper*20043;&* blooper*36984;&*blooper*37969;&*blooper*32893;&*bl ooper*29256; [Various Artists]: co28: 0\Advanced Search\Album by Artist\: (t_album=3): Various Artists&*blooper*29872;&*blooper*29699;SACD&*bloop er*22825;&*blooper*30879;&*blooper*31995;&*blooper *21015; - &*blooper*26997;&*blooper*21697;&*blooper*20043;&* blooper*36984;&*blooper*37969;&*blooper*32893;&*bl ooper*29256; [Various Artists]

            Adnormal Log file
            [All Tracks]: co2772: 0\Advanced Search\Album by Artist\ [All Tracks]\: :
            2L Audiophile Reference Recordings: co2327: 0\Advanced Search\Album by Artist\: (t_album=5256): 2L artists2L Audiophile Reference Recordings


            • Michael Sargent
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Dec 2009
              • 135

              Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

              Originally posted by Spoon
              It does work, but the tracks have to be tagged correctly, if you have FLAC files then you would have to have a tag:

              What tags should be used with WMA Lossless (.wma) files?



              • dvdr
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Sep 2008
                • 235

                Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                Originally posted by Spoon
                Top albums would be the most played albums. Does the top tracks list correctly?
                Spoon, here is a detailed answer what I can see under "Playlists":

                - New Albums: works, shows recently added albums, latest album on top

                - New Tracks: works, shows the tracks of the newly added albums. Difference: Songbook shows latest added track on top (for example track 11 on top counting down to track 1, then next album), Plugplayer does order them alphabetically (if you don't limit display to 30 items in Asset options, then it does sort them numerically!)

                - Top Albums: does not work, shows 7 albums, that are part of my collection, but that I have never listened to. The albums, that I listen to most, currently, are not displayed - even if I listened to them several times daily for two weeks! This is especially strange, since before upgrading to V3, I completely deleted every trace of V2 including the database and made a complete rebuild of the database from scratch (that is different from the old one anyway, as we know)! So there should be no referral to whatever album or artist...
                And: these entries have been there from the very moment I freshly had installed V3 and built the database, so nothing had played...
                And: One of these albums had been added after some weeks, and it just appeared in Top albums without having ever listened to it!

                - Top Artists: lists the 3 artists of the 7 albums mentioned above - as above: haven't listened to their tracks/albums

                - Top Tracks: lists the tracks of the Top Albums/Top Arists tracks

                - Recent Albums: lists one album (different from the abovementioned), that I have listened to once during all the time I upgraded to V3

                - Recent Tracks: justs lists ONE track of the "Recent Album" I had listened to

                - Jukebox Album and Track: works, lists different albums and tracks whenever you choose it.

                - Least Played albums: does not list anything

                - least played tracks: lists all those tracks, that are listed under Top tracks!!!!!!!

                So: all in all things are happening, that I cannot explain at all - considering, that during the time V3 betas have been released, I have been rebuilding the database several times and also deinstalled/reinstalled V3 a few times and completely deleted the folders known to me.....

                Hope, this helps. If there's anything I can do for you to reproduce things, just let me know...


                • ServerBaboon
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Sep 2009
                  • 52

                  Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                  Been having a look at playlists as well and I can report similar findings to the above.

                  Although I have to say that I I have been deleting the datbases every time I upgrade so there may not be enough of a history to create some of the builtin play lists.

                  Can anyone suggest the easiest way to create playlists, asset doesn't recognise the WMP play lists.


                  • ServerBaboon
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • Sep 2009
                    • 52

                    Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                    Cleared out the database and restarted Asset. Set of three streams 2 x WMP12 and Sony Bravia (2 wire and 1 wireless) playing different albums and the built in playlists started to populate correctly.

                    What caused a bit of confusion in the top albums Asset fills in the first few albums with albums by groups at the beginning of the Alphabet.

                    Afro celtic Sound system Album 1
                    Afro Celtic sound system Album 2

                    These have dropped off the end as I have played more albums.


                    • tillig

                      • Aug 2009
                      • 38

                      Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                      Tested Asset from WHS to my new Droid X (which comes with a DLNA client) - no luck. It says the data is unsupported. Tried transcoding things to WAV, LPCM, and MP3 but it didn't like any of them. Could just be a bad client, but thought I'd say something.

                      Also tried using AndroMote on the Droid X and it, also, didn't seem to like streaming content from Asset on WHS.

                      So, not a huge deal, but no Android love.


                      • dvdr
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • Sep 2008
                        • 235

                        Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions


                        I got a bit further with my abovementioned "Playlist"-problem
                        I again did a complete deinstallation of Asset, deleted ALL entries in the uMedialibrary-folder and did a complete rebuild of the whole database.

                        Again, there were the same 3 Top-Artists & Albums present in "playlists", that I already noticed before.
                        Analyzing the database, I came across a value "Playcount" in uMediatable .
                        This was populated completely with Zeros, of course. Looking for the tracks present in "Top Tracks", I found, that they all also had Zeros as playcounts, but their respective Artists had the IDs 1, 2 and 3.
                        Going into t-artist, IDs matched the "Top Artists". So, initially, when there is no playcount, most likely the Artists with the IDs 1, 2 and 3 seem to be treated as "Top Artists"

                        BTW.: Strange thing, though, that ID number 2 was "(Unknown Composer)"!!!! How comes, that there is such an entry in the table t-artist?

                        I then played a few albums, but analyzing the database again, all playcounts stayed at Zero! So, by selecting and playing the songs with my setup (tried both with PlugPlayer and Songbook), the cell for playcount does not get populated/altered.

                        I then manually edited the playcount in the database for three cells of one album, and the first entry for "Top Artist" got replaced in playlists, also first position of "Top Album" was this respective album. "Top Tracks" were lead by the three tracks I had altered the cell-value of. There were two "Top Arists/Albums" remaining, artist-ID number 2 ("unknown composer") got kicked out from the list, as well as the respective tracks of artist-ID number 2.

                        As for "recent Albums / tracks": they are not populated, still, even after playing one album several times. Found no entry in the database to look that up, yet.
                        Trying to open AudioFilesIndB.bin with Sqlite-Editor, I am asked for a password, so I cannot analyze that one.

                        Hope, this information is helpful....
                        Last edited by dvdr; September 07, 2010, 11:00 AM.


                        • Michael Sargent
                          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                          • Dec 2009
                          • 135

                          Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                          Originally posted by Michael Sargent
                          What tags should be used with WMA Lossless (.wma) files?

                          Does anyone know which tags should be used with WMA to get multiple disc sets to appear correctly with Asset?



                          • ServerBaboon
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • Sep 2009
                            • 52

                            Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                            Originally posted by dvdr

                            Again, there were the same 3 Top-Artists & Albums present in "playlists", that I already noticed before.
                            Analyzing the database, I came across a value "Playcount" in uMediatable .
                            This was populated completely with Zeros, of course. Looking for the tracks present in "Top Tracks", I found, that they all also had Zeros as playcounts, but their respective Artists had the IDs 1, 2 and 3.
                            Going into t-artist, IDs matched the "Top Artists". So, initially, when there is no playcount, most likely the Artists with the IDs 1, 2 and 3 seem to be treated as "Top Artists"

                            BTW.: Strange thing, though, that ID number 2 was "(Unknown Composer)"!!!! How comes, that there is such an entry in the table t-artist?

                            I then played a few albums, but analyzing the database again, all playcounts stayed at Zero! So, by selecting and playing the songs with my setup (tried both with PlugPlayer and Songbook), the cell for playcount does not get populated/altered.

                            I then manually edited the playcount in the database for three cells of one album, and the first entry for "Top Artist" got replaced in playlists, also first position of "Top Album" was this respective album. "Top Tracks" were lead by the three tracks I had altered the cell-value of. There were two "Top Arists/Albums" remaining, artist-ID number 2 ("unknown composer") got kicked out from the list, as well as the respective tracks of artist-ID number 2.

                            As for "recent Albums / tracks": they are not populated, still, even after playing one album several times. Found no entry in the database to look that up, yet.
                            Trying to open AudioFilesIndB.bin with Sqlite-Editor, I am asked for a password, so I cannot analyze that one.

                            Hope, this information is helpful....
                            My PLay lists seem to populating correctly now. WIll try playing some albums to tonight to see if they appear. The unknown artist is this in Asset Control or some other? I noticed this happening with my Sony Bravia and it was on some CDs that had not be recognised correctly by Ripnas Essentials and I had edited them with MP3TAG. However when I logged onto my windows home server box and hovered the mouse cursor over the offending flacs the built in tag editor highlighted a field that showed unkown artist which must be what Asset was using. using the Dbpoweramp edit tag facility I was able to add the band name and this solved the problem.


                            • dvdr
                              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                              • Sep 2008
                              • 235

                              Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                              Originally posted by ServerBaboon
                              The unknown artist is this in Asset Control or some other?
                              If you are referring to my note I made about "(unknown composer)" in the artist's field: this was when analyzing the database DIRECTLY by opening it with a SQL-editor - I wanted to see, how data was stored and what database fields were maybe causing the problemativ playlist-behaviour I had.
                              In the database, artists seem to be assigned an ID-number, and in one of the database tables, you see a column, where these ID-numbers are assigned to an artist's name - there, ID-number "2" was assigned to "(unknown composer)" instead of an artist's name or at least "unknown artist".


                              • ServerBaboon
                                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                                • Sep 2009
                                • 52

                                Re: Asset UPnP v3 Discussions

                                What I was trying to say was that have noticed that Asset had populated it's database with unknown artist after I had used mp3tag (for example) to label a cd.

                                When I used the edit ID tag which seems to be part of the dbpoweramp component of Ripnas essentials I could see that there was a field, I think BAND (but I am probably wrong), that had a value of Unknown artist and when I changed this it was ok from that point on.

                                And this was all despite MP3TAG showing everything as fine.

