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batch ripper

  • Boffy
    started a topic Bug in Batch Ripper

    Bug in Batch Ripper


    I think I discovered a bug in the newest version of Batch Ripper.

    The naming scheme is the same as I have always used:

    Batch Ripper (more often than not) names the files 0001, 0002, 0003, etc....
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  • MarkSealey
    started a topic Batch ripping on macOS; possible?

    Batch ripping on macOS; possible?

    Relatively new to dBpoweramp (version 2023-12-22 on macOS 13.6.1).

    Two related questions, please:
    1. Is it possible to batch rip multiple CDs in one operation using dBpoweramp on macOS?
    2. Is there hardware which users here would recommend? I have four USB CD drives of various ages;
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  • electronix.cjr
    started a topic source of meta data

    source of meta data

    i know this question was asked some years ago, but was a little confused by the answer. i apologize for the repetition; is there a way for the batch ripper to get the track information from a text file of some sort? i purchased an old discmakers elite micro from ebay, to help rip about 1000 cdr's...
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  • BryanO
    started a topic Batch Ripper and Nimbie USB+ on Windows 11

    Batch Ripper and Nimbie USB+ on Windows 11

    I made most of the mistakes mentioned in several of the community threads. Community answers have been very helpful - thank you!

    Here is a summary in case it can help others:
    1. Download and install the Acronova 1.1.3 driver manually (clears all warnings in Windows device manager)...
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  • Batch Ripper requests re -registration though i have a valid Family Pack registered

    I did not use my Nimbie NB21 batch ripper for a long time and now i have massed up so many CDs that I wanted to ripp them.

    I am reinstalling everything on my Laptop, loading my registered Family Pack and loading the Batch Ripper.
    BUT: the Batch Ripper requests me to...
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  • Batch CD ripping with Primera Composer XL but now can't auto-reject on metadata fail

    I was concerned that my homebrew automated CD ripping project was going to involve a lot of custom programming but after downloading and installing dbpoweramp trial reference, batch ripper, and primera driver, I am happy to report that dbpoweramp works pretty darn well with the Primera Composer XL robotic...
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  • Stormrider
    started a topic DBPoweramp CD-Ripper and CDPlayer.ini

    DBPoweramp CD-Ripper and CDPlayer.ini

    Hi all,

    i'm new to dbpoweramp so i hope this questions wasn't discussed before, but is there any way to set the local cdplayer.ini as Primary source for metatada in the CD Ripper/Batch Ripper

    - Stormrider
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  • nmarvig
    started a topic Ripping to different folders (NO METADATA)

    Ripping to different folders (NO METADATA)

    Hello everyone

    I have a bunch of audio CD's - most of them without metadata.

    Does anyone know, if it possible to set up Batch ripper to rip drives into different folders?

    I can only manage to set up one profile for all drives, where I can't seem to specify...
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  • jradams3
    started a topic Naming and file directory structure

    Naming and file directory structure

    I am developing a workflow to use Batch Ripper to rip our Community Radio station library into flac, properly tagged, and organized by Album Artist\Album\tracks. The problem I need to solve is related to multiple disc albums. When ripping discs one at a time you can set the naming convention appropriately...
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  • Speigo
    started a topic Multi-Session / Multi-Changer

    Multi-Session / Multi-Changer

    Hi all,
    I have been using dbPoweramp for years and using it with the Sony Vaio VDP XL-1B. I have run it in many configurations starting with XP MCE, XP Pro, Win 7, Win 8.1, and now Win 10 Pro. I have been able to get all these OS's to batch rip with the Sony Changer using this software. Up...
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  • martin0
    started a topic Batch Ripper Differences with CD ripper

    Batch Ripper Differences with CD ripper

    Hey, i am as we speak trialling you latest version of dBpoweramp and dBpoweramp Batch ripper. i am still figuring out what to use to rip my 600 disc cd collection in flac or wav format. However, i stumbled onto some differences between the batch ripper and the cd ripper:
    Q1: I mostly have classical...
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  • jcuticchia
    started a topic Stuck on CD and wont move on - VGP-Xl1B

    Stuck on CD and wont move on - VGP-Xl1B

    Sometimes Batch Ripper hangs. It will come to a CD and just stay there trying to rip a track. When this happens, it will go on indefinitely. I had the ripper going and came in the next morning and it was stuck. I tried to Cancel Track, Cancel Disk, nothing.

    I couldn't even cancel...
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  • GeekEmeritus
    started a topic Transfer Batch Ripper Tags to file MetaTags

    Transfer Batch Ripper Tags to file MetaTags

    Hey, everyone,

    Several months ago there was some discussion on how to transfer information entered into the batch ripper, such as BatchID, BatchName, pre-batch notes into the metatags of each file in the batch using "Tag Mappings" in the batch ripper. Several suggestions were...
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  • Bfb1963
    started a topic Small Unplayable File Size using Nimbie NB11

    Small Unplayable File Size using Nimbie NB11

    I'm a new user. I just bought DBPA and a Nimbie NB11. I rip fine with DBPA choosing either my internal DVD player or the Nimbie Opticarc. However, when I use Batch Ripper with the same setting, it seems to rip as it should (as I watched it through DBPA) but the output is only 15kb files. Nimbie...
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  • DennisK
    started a topic Older Nimbie models

    Older Nimbie models


    I'm considering buying a four year old Nimbie (because the price is about a quarter of a new one) but I'm wondering if the current drivers provided with DBPoweramp will work. I have searched several forums and I haven't found any indications that the firmware or drive used have changed,...
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