Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling
> (but maybe i am wrong here).
Frayed so. I've posted about it before but decided in the end it was down to the machine it was on or Windows itself rather than an intrinsic slowness in MMC. I have now proved conclusively (to myself anyway!) that it is neither.
> and me questioning your undying for support for Spoon
No, no, no, I'm fickle I'm afraid. Spoon is a nice helpful bloke (Hi Spoon, just ignore me talking about you as if you're not here!) but I use his software because it's the best damn software out there. If there was something better with good support and no move to improve the local offering I'm afraid I'd be off like a shot and I don't think Spoon would want it any other way to be honest.
> it has nothing to do with you personally
Don't worry about it, I'm thick-skinned and rarely take anything personally but we are going to have to stop blowing each other kisses - people will talk!
> (but maybe i am wrong here).
Frayed so. I've posted about it before but decided in the end it was down to the machine it was on or Windows itself rather than an intrinsic slowness in MMC. I have now proved conclusively (to myself anyway!) that it is neither.
> and me questioning your undying for support for Spoon
No, no, no, I'm fickle I'm afraid. Spoon is a nice helpful bloke (Hi Spoon, just ignore me talking about you as if you're not here!) but I use his software because it's the best damn software out there. If there was something better with good support and no move to improve the local offering I'm afraid I'd be off like a shot and I don't think Spoon would want it any other way to be honest.
> it has nothing to do with you personally
Don't worry about it, I'm thick-skinned and rarely take anything personally but we are going to have to stop blowing each other kisses - people will talk!
