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MMC - Faster Scrolling

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  • kweller
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Apr 2002
    • 175

    MMC - Faster Scrolling

    I downloaded iTunes yesterday out of curiosity and installed it on the same machine as I have dAP. It's a very nice interface and fast but doesn't come close to dAP in terms of functionality. There's no way it's going to displace dAP on my machine but...

    There is one area of dAP that I think suffered in comparison (IMHO natch!) and that is the MMC display speed.

    I currently have about 8700 tracks in MMC and I loaded iTunes with the same number. Starting at the top of the track lists and using the vertical scroll bar I clicked on the down arrow and held it. iTunes scrolled from top to bottom in 2 minutes 33 seconds. I then tried the same thing in MMC and after 5 minutes I was still in the 'C's and had scrolled through 1523 tracks. The speed difference also manifests itself very visibly when using the slider - in iTunes the track list scrolls in real time, in MMC...well it just doesn't come close to doing that. Is there anyway the scrolling could be speeded up?

    While I'm asking for something I might as well drop in another request - I don't use the pop-up info as it's alway popping up when I don't want it to! Any chance we could have 'properties' on the right click within MMC to display the same information?
  • donny
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Oct 2002
    • 761

    Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling

    you can shut down the pop-ups (I didn't understand from your post are you aware of this), and about hte properties, you can right clikc -> edit tag - and click on "details" and you'll get (more or less) the same text as in a pop-up.

    scroll speed reallyisn't something. usually i don't have problems, but when my computer is bussy (like when ripping CDs) it takes a lot of time to refresh the list on the screen:(


    • kweller
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Apr 2002
      • 175

      Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling

      Originally posted by donny
      you can shut down the pop-ups (I didn't understand from your post are you aware of this), and about hte properties, you can right clikc -> edit tag - and click on "details" and you'll get (more or less) the same text as in a pop-up.
      Yes that's what I've done and do thanks I just thought displaying the pop-up info as a result of selecting properties from the RMB button would be more elegant.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling

        I think it is down to Windows and its scrolling speed, put it this way if you had a 300MHz processor and a 3GHz processor, in Word pressing the down arrow will take exactly the same time to scroll to the bottom on each.


        • kweller
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Apr 2002
          • 175

          Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling

          Well I would probably have said the same thing which is why I haven't mentioned it more than a couple of times in the past! What makes me now believe that may not be the case is that iTunes and MMC were running on the same machine and the pace of scrolling was very significantly different.
          Last edited by kweller; October 18, 2003, 06:34 PM.


          • Razgo
            • Apr 2002
            • 2532

            Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling

            i fail to see the purpose of making a faster scroller? the purpose of the holding down the button to make it scroll continuiously is to slowly see what is being scrolled. to make it go faster why not just grab the little horizontal bar and drag the sucker quicky down? the whole point of a steady scroller is to "slowly" scroll.

            just my opinion on the subject though.


            • kweller
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Apr 2002
              • 175

              Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling

              ...and if the slider was responsive I'd agree with you but it isn't. The purpose of holding down the arrow was to demonstrate how much slower MMC is compared to iTunes.


              • Razgo
                • Apr 2002
                • 2532

                Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling

                hmmm.... not responsive how? jerky? i can load MMC with 6,799 files inside and it only takes about a second from top to bottom by grabbing the little button and draging down. although i am running AMD at 1Ghz.

                The purpose of holding down the arrow was to demonstrate how much slower MMC is compared to iTunes.
                i guess this is where you lost me?

                perhaps MMC does require more grunt to slide faster? i wouldn't have thought so though.


                • kweller
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Apr 2002
                  • 175

                  Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling

                  The quickest way to get from top to bottom is CTRL-Home and CTRL-End IME and, as you say, that's reasonably quick.

                  > i guess this is where you lost me?

                  I seem to do that a lot! Now do a real test - go to the top of the list and use the slider to find the start of, say, artists beginning with 'M'. Then compare that with a similar operation in iTunes.

                  <Slightly Later> You may be right about processor grunt...or it may be memory. I've just loaded dAP on a 2.4GHz P4 with a gig of memory and scrolling is much faster. I'm afraid it's not as quick as iTunes on the dual 600 but it is very usable.

                  Have you installed ITunes so you are able to compare the speed difference?


                  • Razgo
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 2532

                    Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling

                    to find the start of a letter the quickest way is to put the letter "M" in the search bar. it is lightning fast and accurate.

                    using scroll to browse for a range of files starting with a specific letter is/can be very clutsy. the same thing will happen when viewing a rather large text file or word document.

                    i shouldn't be right about MMC needing more grunt because in another thread Spoon said MMC should be able to load up 10's of thousands of files without any trouble. there was a thread where a user had trouble with speed but it turned out to be a skin problem, as it loaded faster with the default skin. however perhaps there really is a speed issue here that's not found?

                    i haven't installed itunes for testing/comparing. i'll leave that to Spoon and others.
                    but it is still odd that your faster computer will scroll faster than your slower computer as Spoon is saying this shouldn't be the case?


                    • kweller
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Apr 2002
                      • 175

                      Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling

                      > to find the start of a letter the quickest way is to put the letter "M" in the search bar

                      If I do that MMC takes me to the first track that has an 'M' in it. In my case that is 'round Midnight.

                      If I use the search drop-down I see M People. First time I've done that so I thought ah yes, that'll work. I select it, click Next and I'm taken to a track by Arrested Development called People Everyday (I obviously haven't quite figured that function out yet!).

                      If I modify the search fields by clicking album then title just leaving artist I'll grant you that does now take me to M People. Now I want to search for I'm Eighteen by Anthrax...

                      > as Spoon is saying this shouldn't be the case?


                      The bottom line is iTunes scrolls significantly faster than MMC. Unless you install iTunes and see for yourself you are unlikely to appreciate the difference.

                      My wish (as this is the Wishlist topic) is that the gap should be closed. I realise we don't get all our wishes but one never knows what the tooth fairy will bring!


                      • Razgo
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 2532

                        Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling

                        The bottom line is iTunes scrolls significantly faster than MMC. Unless you install iTunes and see for yourself you are unlikely to appreciate the difference.
                        well that's just it. there would have to be a whole lot more to attract me to want to install another audio app that just has faster scrolling.

                        My wish (as this is the Wishlist topic) is that the gap should be closed. I realise we don't get all our wishes but one never knows what the tooth fairy will bring!
                        fair enough too :D

                        however "the gap should be closed" was well and truly closed a long time ago i think. of course to do a full comparison i would have to test all functions of itunes and then compare it to what dbpoweramp offers. however i think i could take a wild guess here and say making MMC scroll faster isn't what will make MMC better. i am just looking at the overall bigger picture here though.

                        but don't worry about me, as i am like a dog who won't let go of the bone :D


                        • kweller
                          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                          • Apr 2002
                          • 175

                          Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling

                          Have you no curiosity Grasshopper?

                          dAP is still on my music server as there was no contest, iTunes isn't but it was definitely worth a look.

                          You seem quite defensive when it comes to dAP/dMC so I guess I ought to add that I've been running Spoon's software since Shuffler, was one of if not the first to register the PowerPack and had been pushing Spoon for some time to try to get some return for his hard work. One should never say "Never" but it is highly unlikely that anything else will supplant dAP/dMC on my machines as the whether-to-use decision is influenced by many things including support.

                          My response to finding some facet that, IMO, is better in another application is to post something in the Wishlist suggesting it is looked at. That's what I did here and I can see nothing in my posts that could lead you to believe I was going to replace it with iTunes because it scrolls faster. iTunes looks and feels more like a windows application as well (again, IMO) but I don't want to look at it either (no non-default skins in use here!) I just want to use it. <looks for smilie that says 'This isn't a rant, this is explanation' but can't find one!>
                          Last edited by kweller; October 19, 2003, 11:36 AM.


                          • Razgo
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 2532

                            Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling

                            it wasn't me being defensive about dbpoweramp but rather i couldn't figure why it took to look at another player to realize you should post about a scroll speed problem you had. (but maybe i am wrong here). if the speed issue was there before then Spoon would bend over backwards to try and figure out where the problem is. but then again Spoon can at least do a comparison test to see the difference.

                            and no, nothing made me think you would be droping dap and going with itunes. that was'nt even in my mind.

                            i guess in some ways i get slightly defensive because i don't want to see dbpoweramp end up looking like all the other apps out there. and i probably should stay away from hydrogenaudio forums because they are obsessively picky/fussy at just about everything!

                            and me questioning your undying for support for Spoon and dbpoweramp was the furtherest thing from my mind. sorry if it came out that way


                            • Razgo
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 2532

                              Re: MMC - Faster Scrolling

                              P.S, if i am coming across as a bit aggetated it has nothing to do with you personally, so please try not to take it that way :komisch9: just other issues i am dealing with.

