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ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

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  • Unregistered

    Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

    Download Sony ATRAC3 Audio Codec 0.98 : Sony ATRAC3 Audio Codec is a compression tool developed by Sony for its portable audio players

    thats a link to a Atrac 3 Codec for your computer but I am not sure if it could work or run for dmc or dap


    • Unregistered

      Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

      thats a link to a Atrac 3 Codec for your computer but I am not sure if it could work or run for dmc or dap


      • Unregistered

        Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

        SonicStage 2.2 was release from It allows 7 playlist CD burns, like MSN Music, MusicMatch, RealPlayer 10.5, and iTunes and now you can authorize/de-authorize 5 machines. everybody experiment with the format. I have therally explained everything begging with I wish Nullsoft would remove the LiquidAudio plugin, cause you all seem to be under the impression that it support ATRAC3 files. It doesn't, I have tried. I said they license's some technologies from Sony and Dolby Labs...

        It's another language only Sony knows.....


        • Unregistered

          Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

          SonicStage doesnt let me creat a new mix from my music due to transfer count zero, how can i fix this problem?? Thanx a lot!


          • unregistered

            Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

            When I create atrac3plus CDs with Sonicstage I notice atp (something.atp) are present in the temporary folder used by Sonicstage.
            That atp files have theregood names and not hexadecimal names like onod the CD.
            At this step atp files are complete, I mean there tags are embedded and not regrouped in files like onto the CD.

            I think that is the good step to take the atp files.
            If you edit them it's possible to read tags in them.
            The problem is to find an codec to play atp files on PC.


            • Unregistered

              Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

              MP3 Converter anyone?


              • Unregistered

                Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                Thanks but that program convert mp3 to attrac3.

                It doesn't allow to play attrac3plus (atp) files on PC.


                • Unregistered

                  Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                  Maybe we don't understand the concept. Okay, here goes. Sony is the only company that knows how to read the *.ATP headers on an ATRAC3 CD. Thus, there is no way around this, unless you know alot of sh*** and work for Sonys' Open MagicGate division you are screwed. Please actually use SonicStage 2.2 legitimately and you might be suprised. You all now have 7 playlist Audio CD burns within SonicStage 2.2. Burn And Re-Rip. If you e-mail Sony Connect about 14 times, they may just fight the labels to the bitter end in order to allow 7 playlist ATRAC3 CD burns from Connect. The point that Sony is trying to make is "You actually haft to have the original content on your machine to begin with, then you go from there, not the other way around." I for one actually like Sony Connect now. They allow you to download your songs and unlimited amount of times to any of the 5 AUTHORIZED machines. Just about unlimited exportation to Sony's 30 OpenMG compatible devices, except for Warner content which is 3, but they could change this @ some point in time. I bought a Hi-MD from Fry's and I love having 1GB Mini-Disk media.

                  SonicStage 2.2......Rulez!!!! Better than iTunes @ least, but they're still not quite finish. ATRAC3 and OpenMG exportation license's are still reset upon downloading. And ATRAC3 CD Burns and Warner Export's are only allowed on the primary machine for the time being...but this could change.


                  • Unregistered

                    Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                    Originally posted by Unregistered

                    I've just bought an MZ-N10 and this only plays ATRAC3, is it possible to download ATRAC3Plus and sent it to my MD PLayer through the PC - MD cable.



                    • Unregistered

                      Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                      Yes, SonicStage will allow you to move ATRAC files from your PC to the MD. However, there is Digital Rights Management built-in, and that might be a problem for you. The files are basically not allowed to leave the PC they are sourced to, except on an MD, and then they cannot be moved to another PC or device, only to the original. Really locked down. If I had known this first, I would not have purchased MD format recording device.


                      • Unregistered

                        I've Found It!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        I'VE FOUND THE ANSWERS TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                        • Joseph
                          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                          • Oct 2002
                          • 211

                          Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                          Tested, Works! Go with it!


                          • Unregistered

                            Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                            Originally posted by Unregistered
                            SonicStage is well crap.

                            How the hell do I create a ATRAC3 file with at bit rate of at least 256kbps that sonic stage will allow to transfer to by netMD?

                            SonicStage 2 allows you to create a 256kbps ATRAC3PLUS, but this will not transfer to my NedMD.
                            The highest quality ATRAC file that I can create and transfer without further conversion is an ATRAC3 132kbps which is shit, as the bit rate of ATRAC stored on a MD is 256kbps.

                            Has anyone created better software yet??



                            • Unregistered

                              Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                              hi , im havin a problem i think is slightly related to this link

                              i cant put VBR files on my net md

                              im using sonic sstage 1.5 and i just get an error during conversion.

                              i cant be bothered to convert 80 gig of VBR into CBR, does any1 know if theres a fix for this problem ?



                              • Unregistered

                                Re: I've Found It!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Originally posted by Unregistered
                                I'VE FOUND THE ANSWERS TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                       me an idiot, but how does that thing work? I'm trying to convert a live show I recorded into any way shape or form of shareable media, or even just more easilly readable media (since my SonicStage refuses to play files for some odd reason...)

                                But I tell it the file to convert and it just starts screwing up.

                                What's it trying to convert the files to?

                                How do I make it convert?

                                Sorry for the stupid questions.

