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ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

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  • Unregistered

    Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

    With the Connect service in SonicStage 2.0, you do have the abiltiy to download your purchased music and unlimited amount of times on any 3 machines at any given time. Sony had to do that because you haft to have 3 different licenses generated on the 3 authorized machines for your purchased music. If the music you purchased has 0 ATRAC3 burn rights, but unlimited Audio CD (Redbook) then those rights carry over to all 3 machines aswell as the unlimited OpenMG device export rights. If your music only allows 5 exports of ATRAC3 burns and 5 exports of Audio CD, then that license is only available on the original machine it was downloaded to.

    Note: ALL songs in Connect allow unlimited OpenMG device exporting, on ALL 3 AUTHORIZED machines, EXCEPT music purchased from the WARNER MUSIC GROUP which is LIMITED TO 3 OpenMG exports. Music purchased from the WARNER MUSIC GROUP can ONLY be exported from the original machine you purchased the song from.

    Sony ATRAC3/ATRAC3plus Compact Disc (CD) players do not count as OpenMG compatible devices.

    When I refer to "OpenMG Devices" I am referring to Sony's CLIE PDA's, Sony's Network Walkman's, Sony's Net-MiniDisc Walkman's and Sony's Hi-MiniDisc Walkman's.


    • Unregistered

      Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

      To re-download to an authorized machine in SonicStage 2.0, go to the Connect Music Store front through the "Music Source" tab. Click on "Log-In" in the top right corner. Enter your e-mail address and password and click "Login". Then you will be forwarded right back to the Connect homepage. Up in the top-right corner again, click on the text stating "Account". Then it will display a page named "Your Account". You should have 5 different boxes below. Under the box labeled "Purchased Music" there will be text stating "View and download your purchased music". It will then present a window titled "Purchased Music". Connect will only show 5 songs at a time if you've purchased 31, like I have. There will be check box's to the left of each song. Select/check the music you wish to either re-download or restore (there's no difference). Then click the orange button on the lower right area labeled "Download Checked Music". If you don't see all 6+ songs you've purchased, look down on the lower left part of the pages stating "results pages:" and there will be numbers to click on to access the rest of your purchased music. Mine has 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.

      Note: I'm giving up Roxio's Napster 2.5 (145 purchases) for the Connect service because I don't care for the WMA format and iTunes purchased music seems to only be able to go to 1 device, which I did not care to buy (price issue) nor was the design ever really appealing to me. ATRAC3, to me, honestly sounds better than AAC. My entire CD collection is in the none restrictive OpenMG ATRAC3 (not ATRAC3plus) format within SonicStage. Net-MD/HI-MD FOREVER!!!!!!


      • Unregistered

        Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support



        • Unregistered

          Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

          i found a way around the freekin copywrite, drag your mp3's onto your minidisk in window explorer, that way they stay mp3 and will still play, it works for me, even though i can only fit 3/4th of what i used to be able to on a minidisc.


          • Hangman

            Re: weeeeeeeeeeeeeelalalalalala

            DeX, I think you are half right.
            First of all the codec is a ATRAC DEcoder. (Link says encoder, but software says decoder).
            No good for ENcoding.
            I think the encoder can be downloaded at

            I am not sure if you have to download both encoder and decoder, but I did.

            The installation details are a little non-intuitive for the decoder.

            "Windows users can download this file, unpack it into a new folder, then right click on the atrac3.inf file and choose "Install". This loads an ATRAC3 codec (.acm file) into the system so that .wav files containing ATRAC3 audio can be played (and recorded!) with your normal system tools"

            See this FAQ: about half way down for more info.

            Anyway, then start Audiograbber (I used version 1.83), select "Settings"->"MP3 settings" and select the "ATRAC 3 Audio Codec" from the listbox under Internal Encoder. Select what ever bitrate with the other listbox.

            FYI I am running XP-Home edition.

            The file is encoded, and can be played back in windows media player.
            If you read the above FAQ, you will notice that the file is encoded with a WAV extension. If seems like you cant change the extension to .OMG or whatever Sony calls its files, the file header is different. But the file seems to be encoded in ATRAC alright, an examination of the file properties indicate that it has been encoded into ATRAC, and the size is much much smaller than a regular WAV file. It even sounds like music played on a MD!

            If anybody tried this, and transfers their files to a ATRAC compatible player successfully, let us know!

            Originally posted by DeX
            Flash news ppl: i took me sum time :rolleyes: but I FINALLY GOT THE SOLUTION:
            you can encode AND read atrac3 files, and even turn them into mp3 or sumthing else.
            The only player i found is winamp (with a plugin found here)
   (thnz to xaos)

            and the codec is about 100k and found here:
   (thnx to Vincent)

            The codec works like this:
            it's a format of *.wav, you can encode with it using:
            Goldwave, audigrabber, sound recorder and so on.
            just select wave--> atrac3-->66/105/135 kbps.

            unfortunatley dMC has a bug, it makes waves of 30mb when the file should normaly be of MAX 4-5mb

            DO NOT change the extension or else it will not play in winamp.

            The player doesn't know how to read this file whatever the extension is (mp3,wav,atp,omg) i don't know if crappystage knows how to read this file and convert it but in any case the god thing is that you can now transform atrac3<-->mp3<-->wma and so on, and of course save a lot of disk space.

            What really want to see is THIS codec added to the "codec central" and the dMC working perfectly converting with it!!!!!!!
            but his still doesn't solve the need for a player that will play *.omg files, i don't think there will ever be one because the damn files are cpoyrighted so even if you have the codec for them you can't play them...

            if you find anything new plz let me know
            Cheers to all the audio maniacs here :komisch12


            • Unregistered

              ATRAC3 To MP3

              Am more than desperate to convert my 100 or so albums in sonicstages .omg format to the more universally supported .mp3 without having to recompress all of my Cds. Anyone know of any software i can download that would facilitate this?


              • DeX

                • Jun 2004
                • 26

                Re: ATRAC3 To MP3

                Originally posted by Unregistered
                Am more than desperate to convert my 100 or so albums in sonicstages .omg format to the more universally supported .mp3 without having to recompress all of my Cds. Anyone know of any software i can download that would facilitate this?
                Man have your read this forum at all?????????
                You can't. You just simply can't do that...... i mean like this forum debated this question on almost every page..... :yawn:


                • Unregistered

                  Re: ATRAC3 &amp; ATRAC3Plus Support

                  Hey Im not sure if this has been covered, but SS wont let me burn a file twice, once I burn it once it says it cannot transfer the copyright info, is there a solution to this besides having to re-download my mp3s? Ive been reading the forum and I havent noticed anything about this topic, but please help me if you can.


                  • ChristinaS
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Apr 2004
                    • 4097

                    Re: ATRAC3 &amp; ATRAC3Plus Support

                    When all else fails, use dMC Auxiliary Input to record the file to another unprotected format.


                    • Unregistered

                      Re: ATRAC3 &amp; ATRAC3Plus Support

                      maybe at they offer the source codes of sony's openMG project wish uses atrac3/atrac+. It is some source for linux, but i don't have the time to check what it is, as the site is being updated.


                      • Unregistered

                        Re: ATRAC3 &amp; ATRAC3Plus Support

                        Originally posted by LoMaxXf3
                        does anyone know of any pc software/plugin(winamp, windows media player...) that i could download and use to play back my burned atrac3 cd's? I don't want to have to always listen to my atrac3's through my sony atrac3 cd player. It'd be nice if i could get something that would be as easy as popping in my atrac3 cd into the cd/dvd drive and instantly playing it like a normal cd.



                          Re: ATRAC3 &amp; ATRAC3Plus Support

                          Have you ever tried to play *.omg files with Windows Media Player 9 Series on Windows XP?


                          • BMW51k

                            • Jul 2004
                            • 11

                            Re: ATRAC3 &amp; ATRAC3Plus Support

                            Can you tell me what s/w you use to format your CD-RW's before using them with SS. I use directCD but SS (and also iTunes) does not recognise them for transfer.
                            If I should use CD-RW's with SS unformatted (i.e. straight out of the wrapper) - how do I then delete the data so I can re-write to them with SS?
                            Is there anyway to re-set a directCD formatted disc to be used by SS?


                            • Princess

                              Re: ATRAC3 &amp; ATRAC3Plus Support

                              Originally posted by Unregistered
                              ...........and now for a followup. I was obviously a bit hasty with my post above. Now I've lived with the player for a few weeks I've got to say that the ATRAC3plus encoding is very disappointing! 80% of tracks will sounds good. 20% are just unlistenable. On these tracks it seems to totally screw up something in the rhythm section and produces a noise sounding something like two coconut shell halves being clapped together! This sound certainly isn't in the original recording! Sorry Sony, ATRAC3plus is NOT the way to go if you want good quality reproduction. (BTW this is at 64Kbit/sec)
                              My advice it to stick to MP3 at between 128 and 196Kbit/sec and just live with having less tunes per CD.

                              I also now have to agree with the comments on Sonic stage simple burner. TOTAL RUBBISH! If you have to rip MP3's to fill an ATRAC3plus disk make sure you've got the WHOLE afternoon to do it. It's SLOW!

                              On a postive note the D-NE1 itself is still a brilliant disc player!


                              Hey Rob What are doing about converting ur atrac cds to mp3's? I need to do tht too coz my atrac simple burner gives me an error, I cant seem to get it going. Plz show me a way to convert atrac to mp3. Thnx.


                              • shahram_s_sh

                                • Aug 2004
                                • 1

                                Re: ATRAC3 &amp; ATRAC3Plus Support


                                i have a atrac3 codec and i can mail it to you.


