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ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

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  • troylawson

    Several of you say that atrac3plus takes a long time and is combersome to use. I recorded the bulk of my collection on one CD-R which was about 35- 40 disks. I have also used mp3 conversion programs in the past and those took 75-100% longer than the sonic stage simple burner. I cued all the tracks and burned them in about two evenings.
    As far as being cumbersome, I will agree with you there. The exclusivity of this technology will be limiting as we have seen in the past. I know that if Sony makes available this technology for use in software packages on pcs and macs, this technology has a chance of being more popular than mp3. If not, it should die a quick and relatively painless death.
    I like Atrac3plus for several reasons. I will run out of batteries before it completes one playing of the disk. I have the option of making better quality recordings, the software is easy to use, and I can still rip and burn mp3 files if I so desire.
    Sony delivered with a product that works exactly as they said it would! How many products can you say that about? I only have one problem with their Atrac3plus technology, in that it is in fact exclusive to certain Sony products. That in itself limits their fair evaluation of their market to only those who purchase their products. They may find, inaccurately, that demand or interest in the technology they created is seriously lacking and may in fact discontinue any support whatsoever in the future, unfortunately.
    I too will keep searching for the right download and if I come up with anything I will post.
    I also just found out that you can take the WalkMan "Output" (phones) and patch them into the "Line-In" jack of your sound card. It sounds awesome to me! Now I need better speakers and an A/C adapter. So many things to get, so little time! LOL! Please post what you think. I like hearing different viewpoints because mine is certainly not right!


    • Joseph
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Oct 2002
      • 211

      The only beef I have with Sonic Stage Simple Burner is that one time, I was ripping a large amount of CD's to Atrac3Plus for my sister, and in the middle of burning the software said error, and all the information was lost and the cd was unusable. I wish it could've ripped the cd's to the hard disk and then burned them, but it rips them to a temp directory and if something goes wrong all that hard work that you did ends up getting thrown away.

      That's why we want Atrac3 and Atrac3Plus supported in DBpowerAmp. So we can have entire music collections of Atrac encoded files on our hard drive at our disposal, to do whatever we want with them, and play them in DBpowerAmp and even convert them to another format if we wanted to.


      • Unregistered

        Most sentiments expressed here are appreciated and respected by me, as a temporary ATRAC CD Walkman user.

        Definately, SS Simple Burner should be binned and the appropriate support added to SonicStage proper (the full version) as this at least allows track preview post encoding - yep, any ATRAC user will agree with the sentiment that some tracks will not effectively encode well at the highest comp rate, so you kinda have to mix and match your tracks compression rates for the best results. This is always the case, as anyone doing lots of compression in any format understands.

        I'm sad to say that SS Simple Burner is the only reason the D-NE1 is gonna be returned to the retailer, as i have no intention of transcoding my files twice either to MP3 or to Audio CD just to get them on a bloody ATRAC CD-ROM.

        SS Simple Burner is also hated here, due to not being able to keep a localised backup of encoded files that can be easily re-organised into a new compilation without the the usual image-build from sources stupidity.

        I've only ever burnt ATRAC to CD-RW, so i can't comment too much on the probs that are mentioned about trashed discs since i tend to use the re-usable aspect of CD when it comes to CDP's.

        I'd definately support the call for ATRAC support in dBPowerAmp, but definately wouldnt see the need for getting caught up in Sony Corp's legal hell as a necessary evil to achieve the goal - better to not bother than endure Sony as a legal adversary.

        Well, that's my moan and observations - and i still stand by my comments elsewhere that dBPowerAmp MC stands proud as a item of software for everyone, a few non-supported codecs dont change matters one bit :o)

        'Tom Kat' - The Audio-world Cat Spirit much hated by audiophiles and Ogg users :oP


        • Unregistered

          Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

          This is my first post to this forum. Just had to say something after I received the wonderful D-NE1 yesterday as a present.

          Maybe I haven't lived with the product long enough yet to see its warts but.........

          I was exceptionally skeptical (before I listened) as to how a track compressed to 64Kbits would sound. After burning up a CD-RW with some tracks I was amazed! When you consider the level of compression the quality is amazing...... and I'm used to listening to my music on a high end system.

          "I'm sad to say that SS Simple Burner is the only reason the D-NE1 is gonna be returned to the retailer, as i have no intention of transcoding my files twice either to MP3 or to Audio CD just to get them on a bloody ATRAC CD-ROM."

          But WHY do you need to? That's the whole point of the D-NE1. It already plays MP3 discs and CD's. I certainly wouldn't bother re-encoding into ATRAC3plus until I can play them directly from my PC...... Which really brings me to the point of this post. From a quick look around the 'net I get the feeling that Sony are keeping the ATRAC3plus codecs to themselves. Right? Surely someone out there has (or will be soon) written a player application. That's what I'm looking for.



          • Unregistered

            Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

            i have good news and bad news. as being one of the first to start this conversation i felt responsible for finding a solution.

            I'll start with the good news i have found one is all what we've been looking for. i added some file to suport reading/writing of ATRAC3 format wich i called ".AC3"

            but sit down i ran into a few problems. I'll start from the top and if anyone can help, tell me, as this might be it. i use a program to serch for ATRAC3 formats and found tones of bull and 3 real sites.

            problem 1) the way i serched was for evry site that had a ftp port related too music i serched its storige (not me a lame prgram). but each site changed the ftp site locations and you cant realy ask them where too as this was a aligal way of doing things. this was the first problem and easyest.

            Problem 2) i downloaded a few files that are needed for the program and then. well you know that stuff about music sharing and how big companys are prepering too sue. the people uploading and downlaoding music files. the programs alowing this and the actulal fact that you have something (music file) on your PC your computer will be serched and if you have there tag your in shit. thay took this a step further thay put out fake software for converting (its not fake but it dosent remove the tag, insted for thr people who have finaly craked it making them think thay have). and know there ARE!!! ATRAC3 music files under the name ****.AC3-2 BUT!!!!!!! dont get it. its got a tracer on them thats better the the mp3 one.

            anyway to the concustion. i havent taken much notes about that tag mp3 shit, but know i have. i cant be bothered finding it and so if someone knows were to get it post it so i can try to make a REAL ATRAC3 tag remover from a mp3 one. last advice whatever you do dont try to mess it AC3-2 i almost ended up being in jail on the same night i found this out.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44841

              Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

              AC3 I would think, is the Dolby AAC v3. Nothing to do with Sony.


              • Unregistered

                Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                Originally posted by Spoon
                AC3 I would think, is the Dolby AAC v3. Nothing to do with Sony.

                lol na its not that i know what that is; i'm not a idiot im programmer. just trust me on this one what your talking about is a format of a file or a encoder for an audio file and usualy their seen as "blabla.ATC" the code is AC3 writiing.

                what im talking about it AC3-2 "blabal.AC32" the 2 for V2


                • Unregistered

                  Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                  Originally posted by Unregistered
                  This is my first post to this forum. Just had to say something after I received the wonderful D-NE1 yesterday as a present.

                  Maybe I haven't lived with the product long enough yet to see its warts but.........

                  I was exceptionally skeptical (before I listened) as to how a track compressed to 64Kbits would sound. After burning up a CD-RW with some tracks I was amazed! When you consider the level of compression the quality is amazing...... and I'm used to listening to my music on a high end system.

                  ...........and now for a followup. I was obviously a bit hasty with my post above. Now I've lived with the player for a few weeks I've got to say that the ATRAC3plus encoding is very disappointing! 80% of tracks will sounds good. 20% are just unlistenable. On these tracks it seems to totally screw up something in the rhythm section and produces a noise sounding something like two coconut shell halves being clapped together! This sound certainly isn't in the original recording! Sorry Sony, ATRAC3plus is NOT the way to go if you want good quality reproduction. (BTW this is at 64Kbit/sec)
                  My advice it to stick to MP3 at between 128 and 196Kbit/sec and just live with having less tunes per CD.

                  I also now have to agree with the comments on Sonic stage simple burner. TOTAL RUBBISH! If you have to rip MP3's to fill an ATRAC3plus disk make sure you've got the WHOLE afternoon to do it. It's SLOW!

                  On a postive note the D-NE1 itself is still a brilliant disc player!



                  • Unregistered

                    Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                    I recently buy a Sony walkman with the SonicStage software and as said, when I rip CDs to make an ATRAC3plus CD, I get an error message which tells me to close the application. Of course, all the rips, localised in the temp directory is lost and have to do it all over again (not too good when you are ripping the 11th CD !).
                    I try to keep the temp file apart but it's not working.
                    Anyone has a solution to stop the bug from shutting down the application while in the middle of CD Rip ? Or at least "resume" the rip using the temp files ?

                    Thanx a lot


                    • Joseph
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Oct 2002
                      • 211

                      Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                      I had the same problem as you, so first I tried to update the program, and that didn't work. So I just use mp3 now. Since I never did find a solution... :(


                      • Unregistered

                        Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                        Hi im a new guy to this thing, but i have this sony discman that supports that atrac3plus mp3 stuff. and i was at my cousins computer when i installed the software, and burned all the songs.i think 81. but when i get here, i install the software, and when i burn the songs, no matter wut i do, or speed, ALL the songs skip... it sucks, because ive wasted like 6 cds doing one song to test which speed to burn on. does anyone have any ideas?? im considering to sell this and get a normal mp3/cd player , so i can play it on my stereo and discman. BUT I REALLY NEED HELP!!


                        • Unregistered

                          Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                          Stupid. I can't believe that Sony's making me return this player. This is just about the dumbest thing that I've ever heard of. Great product, absolutely horrific delivery.

                          Someone should be shot.



                          • Unregistered

                            Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                            ooooohhhh RAGE ANGER VIOLENCE!!!!!! This program is stealing my free time and I want Sony to pay me back for it! (they can afford it surely!!!) I've just spent all evening doing half a disc (from half eight to half eleven) and got half the songs prepared and the thing bombed AGAIN!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR..... I want my life back now, sony are a bunch of rich cretins who don't give a flying ATRAC burning program for their customers. Customer Support?!?!!?!? Where!?

                            An enraged recent Sony customer.


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44841

                              Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                              They only do it because Sony Music Label side tells them to, BTW different departments of Sony have sued themselves in the past! talk about conflict of interest...


                              • Unregistered

                                Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                                I got this cd from one of my friends because he had a cool collection of the 50 Cents and the Rap. But i have searched the hell at, imesh kazaa and all the other search engines to find a software that actually plays the cd for me. I think the sony guys are really nuts. By not releasing any software for the pcs to play artec3plus files they are shooting on their own foot!!!

                                A really frustrated person!!!!

