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ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

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  • Unregistered

    Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

    Ok. I have read through this whole topic twice, and all the information is just contradicting itself. So I have 3 questions.

    1) Can you play .ATP files using Sonic Stage?
    2) If so, HOW do you get it to play them because I can't get it to do that. (Yes I have the bloody codec)
    3) If not, is there ANYTHING that will play them, convert them to another file, etc?

    I'd really like to get these songs back, burning them to an MP3 CD was my worst mistake ever, because they are of no use to me if I cannot play them on my computer (my MP3 player is broken).
    Some comprehensive help would be really great here.


    • Unregistered

      Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

      i'm afraiad your out of luck. the only thing that will play the .ATP files is a Sony ATRAC3 Discman. and the only way to get you music back is to record it through line out, in real time.


      • Unregistered

        Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

        I have some recordings of my group made with a MD using a microphone.
        I didn't find the way to transfer it on my PC. Does someone know if now it is possible or Sony still denies this opportunity?
        Sorry for my bad English, Thanks to anyone who wants to reply.


        • Unregistered

          Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

          Me too. Another customer here who bought a sony MD for recording things with, on the crazy assumption that it actually works.

          For me it's even worse though; I can't use Sonicstage. Because I have a Japanese MD and an English windows. Japanese Sonicstage refuses to run on English windows. English Sonicstage refuses to work with Japanese MD. Great.

          I can access it as a removeable drive, though, and pull HMA files off it. Can I do anything with these? Or have sony sold me a totally useless piece of junk? Sony won't help me at all, of course. They basically just said, "Yes, it doesn't work. Thank you for purchasing Sony product."


          • Raz

            Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

            Originally posted by Celtic friend
            Yesterday I bought a Sony CD walkman portable player, and with it comes a thing called Atrac3 plus.
            With software Sony provides it enables you to put 30 CDs on one disc with little loss of quality.
            I have failed to get it to work, what I can't get it to do is copy my CD too my hard disk, its then that it compresses the files to enable so many to go on one disk, I think.
            Soon as I click on record, up comes the message programme as to close do you want to send message to microsoft.
            I have uninstalled Nero thinking there might be a conflict, no good.
            As anyone had a go at doing this and succeeded?
            I do hope someone as, thanks in advance.
            I have updated software to latest version.
            This is a bug of Sony and one of the MS security patchs. There is a fix for it. go to for details.



            • Unregistered

              Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

              Hi to all! firstly sorry for my english because I'm spanish. Well, I have the same problem that somebody have. I can't transfer the MD recordings to my hard disk. I told the problem to sony and they answered me that I must reinstall sany stage... miss I tryed more things, and i wrote another time to sony. They said me that it's only posible t transfer with a hi-md disk. I tryed but it's imposible, but, with this disk it's posible to transfer the HMA extension files to my hard-disk. It's posible to converd (encode) de HMA files to atrac3 or mp3...? Thank you to read my reply


              • Unregistered

                Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                hi. can you tell me what program or software you are using for moveing files between pc and md. how i can convert mp3 for atrac3 plus? help me please


                • xoas
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Apr 2002
                  • 2662

                  Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                  hi. can you tell me what program or software you are using for moveing files between pc and md. how i can convert mp3 for atrac3 plus? help me please
                  I believe you need SonicStage to move files to the mindisc and to convert mp3 to Atrac.

                  Well, I have the same problem that somebody have. I can't transfer the MD recordings to my hard disk. I told the problem to sony and they answered me that I must reinstall sany stage... miss I tryed more things,
                  Raz indicated that there is a known incompatibility issue btewwen some Microft Windows security updates and some of Sony's audio programs which use OpenMG (which presumably includes SonicStage and Simple Burner). Please follow his link to find out more about this problem and to download the patch that Microsoft and Sony have devised for this.

                  Good luck and best wishes,
                  Bill mikkelsen


                  • Unregistered

                    Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                    Originally posted by Unregistered
                    They said me that it's only posible t transfer with a hi-md disk.
                    It means I have no chance with an old MD (2 years old, 350 Euro!!) ??

                    It seems to be an incentive to buy the new Hi MD!!!


                    • Unregistered

                      Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                      that should do it

                      All the luck


                      • Unregistered

                        Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                        i have a d-ne500 walkman, and i installed the atrac3plus software, no problem,then made a cd with 59 songs with no problems there either, but last week i tried to make another cd , but the damn thing says i have run out of transfering credits or some bs. does anyone know how to bypass or get rid of this problem?


                        • dam_ged

                          • Jan 2004
                          • 2

                          Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                          Ok. I have read through this whole topic twice, and all the information is just contradicting itself. So I have 3 questions.

                          1) Can you play .ATP files using Sonic Stage?
                          2) If so, HOW do you get it to play them because I can't get it to do that. (Yes I have the bloody codec)
                          3) If not, is there ANYTHING that will play them, convert them to another file, etc?

                          I'd really like to get these songs back, burning them to an MP3 CD was my worst mistake ever, because they are of no use to me if I cannot play them on my computer (my MP3 player is broken).
                          Some comprehensive help would be really great here.
                          :o I am in the same case. I have many cd's with atp tracks and my discman is broken too.
                          I look for a solution.
                          An atrac3plus codec would be a good solution.
                          But at the moment sony want to keep it secret.
                          Even sonicstage can't play atp files.
                          The latest codec was "ATRAC3 Audio Codec v0.98" but it doesn't work with atp.
                          We can hope such a codec appear one day...

                          NB: it's said there are two steps/states for an atp file:

                          1) Before being burned: in the sstage temporary folder you see atp files with real names and tags embedded.
                          2) On the CD structure: atp files have hexadecimal names and there tags have been exported in files on the CD root.


                          • dam_ged

                            • Jan 2004
                            • 2

                            Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                            Let's remember the main goal of that topic: play atrac3plus files.

                            That's false.
                            That tool converts MP3 to OMA atrac3plus.
                            It doesn't convert ATP in a readable format.

                            NB: it's said there are two steps/states for an atp file:
                            1) Before being burned: in the sstage temporary folder you see atp files with real names and tags embedded.
                            2) On the CD structure: atp files have hexadecimal names and there tags have been exported in files on the CD root.
                            That's true with Sonicstage Simple Burner only.

                            With Sonicstage 2.2 it's different: you have two temporary folders when you burn from MP3:
                            "sonicSTAGE\Optimized Files\"

                            And for each MP3:

                            "omg81.tmp" is used to build the atrac3plus
                            then "omg81.tmp" is replaced by "tempa00628"
                            then "tempa00628" is destroyed
                            then "trackname.OMA" is created in "sonicSTAGE\Optimized Files\" and immediately after
                            "trackname.ATP" is created in "sonicSTAGE\" and is immediately replaced by "ATRACCD.atp"
                            the same for each mp3 with "omg82.tmp" + "ATRACCD_1.atp", "omg83.tmp" + "ATRACCD_2.atp", etc.

                            Important notice:
                            Every OMA files are exactly 20kb bigger than their ATP corresponding files. :D

                            ...And the OMA files ARE playable and the ATP files not. :D

                            So the thing to do seems to compare OMA and ATP files.
                            And find the missing 20kb to add in order to make the ATP files readable as OMA files in Sonicstage :D :D

                            Alas I don't know how to do that... :blush:
                            Does somebody know? Can someone try?

                            PS: ATP files are deleted as soon as you stop the recording.
                            So you have to copy them before.


                            • Onemoresolo

                              • Jan 2005
                              • 1

                              Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                              Regarding OpenMG files.

                              I recently recorded a show with a friends (1) Sony Mini Disc recorder and need help converting the OpenMG files to .WAV

                              We put them on a friends (2) computer using and old version of SonicStage. Since my friend(1) was going back to Sanfransico i decided to put the OpenMg files onto a data disc and bring them to my computer at home as we couldnt figure out how to convert them.

                              Upon research i learned that you need SonicStage ver. 2.1 or higher and you also need .WAV converter on Sony's website.
                              I got both of them but when trying to play it i get the following error : "There is invalid rights management information in the OpenMG content"

                              Is there a way around this at all? or do i absolutely 100% need the original files? The persons (3) show i recorded was his cd release and had plans for this recording. I dont think the files are on the above mentioned computer.

                              with my friend going back to SanFran and the above mentioned computer possibly not having the original files am i screwed?

                              can i listen to or convert them is all i am asking.
                              any help would be much appreciated.

                              ps- (1). (2) and (3) are just there because im refering to 3 different people.

                              peace love and respect


                              • tmk

                                • Jan 2005
                                • 1

                                Re: ATRAC3 & ATRAC3Plus Support

                                Someone asked about Japanese SonicStage on English Windows XP and visa versa. Just change the "Default unicode language" to Japanese/English prior to installation and you can install without any problems (and yes, you can set it back after install).

                                For copying recordings out of MD (Hi-MD at least) it seems that one can use this tool:


