Re: Asset Control Discussions
Not much if the server is not indicating it is an album listing.
Asset Control Discussions
Re: Asset Control Discussions
You are so right. With Asset as server it looks exactly as it should.
What can I do?Leave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Ah! I didn't know that was from the server. I'm using:
- JRiver MC18
- Squeezeserver 7.8 with Whitebear
as DLNA servers
I have Asset premium too, just not using it much, mainly because I use JRiver and Squeeze in all other playback situations where I'm not using DLNA - so it's more familiar browsing wise. I'll run Asset and see what it looks like in control
Thanks for helping!Last edited by Magnus Thomé; February 20, 2013, 10:32 AM.Leave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Your UPnP server might not be correctly indicating it is an album listing?Leave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Asset control is the fastest control point I've tested, very nice! I wish it was available on Android too. Anyway, that's not why I'm posting. I feel stupid because I can't get Asset control to show album covers in a grid instead of a list.
I want it to look like in the pic below but instead I get a list with cover art thumbs to the left and names to the right of the thumbs. What am I doing wrong?
Nothing seems to change when changing the option "Album display" between:
- Artwork & Label
- Only Artwork
- Artwork to Left of Label in List
I guess that's the setting for this?
Last edited by Magnus Thomé; February 19, 2013, 06:32 PM.Leave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions - Disc/Track order
It turns out there is a way to do this, that doesn't work too bad.
From my Surface RT, I used Remote Desktop to log into my Windows 7 PC (big server tower upstairs). Then I could run Asset Control on the Windows 7 machine, but thanks to Remote Desktop the display is shown on my Surface RT, wherever I happen to be in the house.
It works well with one or two small caveats:
1) scrolling by touch seems way too sensitive (small flicks scroll for a very long time)
2) the controls (like exit) that only appear when the mouse is hovered near the top don't show up so well with touch, but it seems you can still click them to exit.
Natually a native Surface RT version would work better, but this hack isn't too bad.
MikeLeave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Hi Spoon,
Can you confirm whether development of Asset Control has stopped permanently or whether it's just 'paused'?
Assuming that you've not been burning the midnight oil secretly pushing it onwards, and having read some of the previous pages of this thread, in your opinion is Plugplayer the favoured alternative control point for ipad and android devices?
CheersLeave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
We are not currently developing Asset Control.Leave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Yes, I agree.
What can I do to find & fix the problem? Or is it probably a known issue?
-MikeLeave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
It is likely an incompatibility between Asset Control and renderer (not Asset Server).Leave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions
Hello Spoon,
I'm using Asset UPNP and testing Asset Control. Actually I'm listening to my music using RAUMFELD Connector as renderer.
Some tracks (tested mp3 and aac) are beeing played for some seconds a then it skips to the next track.
This does not happen using SKIFA on my Andoid mobile phone as well as MediaStreamer on my Nokia N800.
Is there a known problem when playing tracks or do you need more info?
Best regards
-MikeLeave a comment:
Re: Asset Control Discussions - Disc/Track order
OK, really looking forward for the release!Leave a comment:
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