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Replay Gain vs Volume Normalize DSP's

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  • schmidj
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2013
    • 526

    Replay Gain vs Volume Normalize DSP's

    In reviewing my dBPoweramp settings, and bringing things up to date, I reset the Replay Gain (no apply) R128 setting to -18 dB LUFS, which makes more sense for consumer use (as opposed to -23, which is required of TV broadcasters). In doing that, I noticed that for the M3A rip settings (but not the FLAC settings), I had installed both the Replay Gain (no apply) and Volume Normalize DSP's. I assume this was wrong, because as far as I can see, the volume normalize DSP works like the Replay Gain (apply) DSP, with some additional options. Since I want the playback device to adjust the audio levels, I shouldn't be using Volume Normalize, I presume?? After reading the help files, I'm still not certain why there are separate DSP's.

    As a long time audio design engineer with a lot of professional editing under my belt, I know about normalization, which typically changes the audio levels of the audio file, versus Replay Gain, which is a metadata tag to tell the playback device to (hopefully) adjust the levels. I am also very familiar with the new EBU R128 standards, as I was responsible for installing metering and control devices where I was employed before recently retiring. But, I'm not clear on what the Volume Normalize DSP is as compared to the Replay Gain (apply) DSP.

    Any clarification will be appreciated.

    BTW, Spoon's Audio Guide still says the Replay Gain default is -23, but it appears you have changed it to -18 in the current release of the DSP.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: Replay Gain vs Volume Normalize DSP's

    The portable player most likely does not use replaygain tags, so for your mp3s it is best to not have rg calculation, just the volume normalize.

