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dirpubsaf started a topic program normalizing/equalize audio levels in multiple MP4 video files to same volumein How Do I?program normalizing/equalize audio levels in multiple MP4 video files to same volume
Which programs are for normalizing / equalize audio levels in multiple MP4 video files to the same volume level? -
Volume Normaize Settings Clarification
A group of us who are considering purchasing had a question regarding how the Volume Normalize DSP operates in addition to some confusion regarding documentation or stated operation.
A friend who previously purchased the software stated that when selecting either the EBU R128 setting... -
twie started a topic DSP 'Volume Normalize' options: Relation between 'Maximum Amplification' and 'Desiredin GeneralDSP 'Volume Normalize' options: Relation between 'Maximum Amplification' and 'Desired
I got into confusion reading the official DSP help page about Volume Normalize (https://DSP 'Volume Normalize' optio...lume' settings).
Is the help page clear enough? There is written:"Desired Volume can be set higher than 0 dB (which... -
Mp3 quality and used DSPs
Will be an increasing quality if i choose these DSPs for Mp3 320 CBR Lame Encoder conversion?
1) Bith depth 32 float point + Volume Normalize + Trim Silence + Bith Depth 16 with T. Dither and finally mp3 conversion
... -
Replay Gain vs Volume Normalize DSP's
In reviewing my dBPoweramp settings, and bringing things up to date, I reset the Replay Gain (no apply) R128 setting to -18 dB LUFS, which makes more sense for consumer use (as opposed to -23, which is required of TV broadcasters). In doing that, I noticed that for the M3A rip settings (but not the...