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Asset scrambling Japanese artist, album and track names

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  • feeling_zen

    • Jun 2015
    • 5

    Asset scrambling Japanese artist, album and track names

    I've noticed that since moving to Asset, all my Japanese albums are not displayed correctly anymore (actually, a few German classical albums also get garbled so seems like a broader unicode issue). The file format is WAV and if I look at the ID3 tags in dbpoweramp via the tag editor, they show up correctly so it seems the embedded info is correct. But Asset makes them available to devices as scrambled text.

    I know the UPnP client isn't the problem because this hasn't changed and the Japanese info appears fine when streamed via MediaTomb. Is something special required to make Asset work with unicode album info?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset scrambling Japanese artist, album and track names

    As a test install Asset Control from the test section of this web site and browse Asset with it, are the tags scrambled?

    Asset is running on Windows?


    • feeling_zen

      • Jun 2015
      • 5

      Re: Asset scrambling Japanese artist, album and track names

      As instructed, I installed Asset Control (nice app by the way), but the tags still appear scrambled.

      Asset is running on Linux.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Asset scrambling Japanese artist, album and track names

        Please upload one wave file to dropbox or similar, and forward a download link by personal message.


        • PeterP
          Super Moderator
          • Jul 2011
          • 1498

          Re: Asset scrambling Japanese artist, album and track names

          Some WAV tagging software may encode non-ASCII characters ambiguously - encoding text with "local codepage" of your Windows machine, which reads back correctly only on another Windows machine with similar international settings.

          I recommend converting your files to FLAC, then making sure that the tags in FLAC files are correct; FLAC mandates Unicode metadata which Asset should have no trouble reading correctly.


          • feeling_zen

            • Jun 2015
            • 5

            Re: Asset scrambling Japanese artist, album and track names

            A sample WAV has been uploaded. A personal message with link is to follow.

            As for other tests:

            * dbpoweramp batch converter was the tool used to add the ID3 data to the WAV files.
            * The operating system is also Japanese.
            * Using dbpoweramp batch converter to convert the file direct to FLAC does in fact result in correct text display of the FLAC file data when streamed from Asset (as per PeterP's suggested test). But to create that readable text, dbpoweramp read the original ID3 tags from the WAV file that Asset was having trouble with.
            * Converting to FLAC is not really a long term solution. Non-transcoded WAV is the recommended optimal file format for the streamer I use.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Asset scrambling Japanese artist, album and track names

              It is as Peter said, the wave file sent has scrambled tags on my Windows, even when using dBpoweramp. The tags are not unicode in wave files, that means they are specific to the computer which created them, if you install Asset on your Windows it will have the right tags, but on a NAS it will not.


              • feeling_zen

                • Jun 2015
                • 5

                Re: Asset scrambling Japanese artist, album and track names

                Okay that is fair enough. I can code a solution for that. I found the codepage used by Japanese Windows and am fairly certain I can translate it to UTF8 in the RIFF trailer.

                Thanks for your help guys.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: Asset scrambling Japanese artist, album and track names

                  You would be better using FLAC with its compression set to 'Uncompressed' then the flac file is the same size and uncompressed like wave.

