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  • clinchje
    started a topic Unicode text from cdplayer.ini

    Unicode text from cdplayer.ini

    I used to be able to import unicode text from my cdplayer.ini file for rip metadata but recently I get gibberish. So I updated to the latest version of dbpoweramp, but I still get gibberish. The data I need includes characters such as these ยบ &*9837; &*9839; &*8220; &*8221; all...
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  • Asset scrambling Japanese artist, album and track names

    I've noticed that since moving to Asset, all my Japanese albums are not displayed correctly anymore (actually, a few German classical albums also get garbled so seems like a broader unicode issue). The file format is WAV and if I look at the ID3 tags in dbpoweramp via the tag editor, they show up correctly...
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  • mahara
    started a topic Unicode File Name Issue

    Unicode File Name Issue

    I have an issue with music conversion with Unicode file name.

    I try to convert a lossless WMA file named "06_Jessica_One Year Later (1&*45380; &*24460.wma" to MP3 using both Helix and Lame encoders. However, I encountered the following issue:

    Error converting...
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    Last edited by mahara; April 24, 2012, 06:40 PM. Reason: Escaped Unicode

  • ackcheng
    started a topic unicode support

    unicode support

    I understand that dbpoweramp now support unicode but my problem is like this. I am using Eng Windows 7 and I can display chinese content on IE8 perfectly. However, when I try to rip chinese music, all the songs name and artist name is not properly displayed. Is there any way to get around this? I try...
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  • mtan002
    started a topic unicode support in WAV tagging

    unicode support in WAV tagging

    I just installed dMC 13.2 and tried to tag wav files with unicode. The all end up as '???'. Is unicode supported in wav tagging?


    m tan
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