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  • Problem with R15 : no way to make vorbis work properly

    Hello !

    I'm using DBPAMC R15.1 64 bits with win 7 64 bits and my antivirus is avast.
    My problem is that i cannot convert files to vorbis anymore (which i used flawlessly as my default choice for the 5 or 6 past years).
    The latest ogg vorbis codec is installed on my system,...
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    Last edited by ryukisai; January 24, 2015, 12:01 PM. Reason: added more details

  • d2b
    started a topic Fixed Value Tags (FLAC): ENCODEDBY and ENCODER

    Fixed Value Tags (FLAC): ENCODEDBY and ENCODER


    We wish to establish a fixed-value field names for one existing VorbisComment (FLAC tag) and to redefine an existing tag in the list of meta tags as a custom fixed-value tag with a value other than the default tag. At the same time, we do not wish to write this tag: ENCODED BY, as...
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    Last edited by d2b; October 02, 2014, 07:42 AM.

  • Cups
    started a topic OPUS Codec Update

    OPUS Codec Update


    I was just wondering if there was going to be an update to the latest stable 1.1 version?

    Is there going to be more options for OPUS? as in surround sound and the selection of frames or is the standard of 20 for music to be the normal set.

    Thanks for...
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  • MadCat
    started a topic FLAC tag / vorbis comment editing

    FLAC tag / vorbis comment editing

    I've been using dBpoweramp to rip my CD collection to FLAC for just over a year, but have recently found I need to change the DATE tag details on a number of the FLAC files.

    Looking around I see that I can select a group of files and right-click, select Edit ID-Tag and change the details...
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  • d2b
    started a topic Custom Tags and Vorbis Comment Fix Badly Needed

    Custom Tags and Vorbis Comment Fix Badly Needed

    When creating custom tags for ripping CDs to FLAC, dbpoweramp does NOT always obey the preferred vorbis comment recommendation and therefore we do not get the desired results.

    For some 'standard' fields, such as Composer, this entry

    COMPOSER=composer1; composer2
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  • elliott5742
    started a topic Transcoding from AAC to Ogg

    Transcoding from AAC to Ogg

    Hi everyone.

    I've just transcoded an AAC file (in the M4A container) to Ogg, and received the message that the AAC codec needed to be installed, and if I wanted this to be automatically downloaded from the website. I answered yes, and everything converted fine.

    I was wondering,...
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  • Bring back SSE2 support to the aoTuV Ogg Vorbis encoder

    It seems that with the aoTuV b6.02 release, SSE2 support to the aoTuV Ogg Vorbis encoder is now gone:

    This results in us with CPUs that support up to SSE2 only, being forced to use the slower SSE-encoder. Please put...
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    Last edited by galacticninja; June 29, 2011, 10:09 AM.

  • Album Art problem in Ogg Vorbis [dBpoweramp CD Ripper R14]


    I m using dBpoweramp CD Ripper R14 [Licensed]
    I m converting to Ogg Vorbis but if I choose the Album Art, the picture is not only copied as a folder.jpg in the target folder but also added within the OutputMusicFile.ogg in the MetaData area.

    The problem is...
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    Last edited by Vince_v90; November 07, 2010, 07:12 PM.

  • d2b
    started a topic What tags do AMG, GD3, MusicBrainz and FreedB support?

    What tags do AMG, GD3, MusicBrainz and FreedB support?

    ...and how are they mapped when using CD Ripper to rip a CD to different file formats or the Converter to transcode to a different format? Is there a comprehensive table that shows what tags these on-line databases support and how the various formats ingest or ignore them?

    In our case,...
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