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Add -q 0 (Very High quality) to the encoding of lame

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  • dbp

    • Sep 2009
    • 8

    Add -q 0 (Very High quality) to the encoding of lame

    is it possible to add -q 0 ?

    currently it's only:

    which are equivalent I believe to:
    -h Same as -q 2. Recommended. (High Quality, Slow)
    -f Same as -q 7. Fast, ok quality (Fast)

    not sure about normal..

    would be good to have -q 0 as well, cheers.

    on the other note, would be good to see the actual switches which dbPowerAmp uses when converting to MP3 (Lame) and maybe ability to adjust them as well?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Add -q 0 (Very High quality) to the encoding of lame

    We have the CLI Encoder if you wish to manually tweak Lame


    • dbp

      • Sep 2009
      • 8

      Re: Add -q 0 (Very High quality) to the encoding of lame

      Originally posted by Spoon
      We have the CLI Encoder if you wish to manually tweak Lame
      just tried this method (with bundled lame.exe from dbPowerAmp) - it works, but missing few things:

      1) proper progress on the encoding process (shows 100% and still doing smth)

      2) encoding process is 2x times slower than using built-in lame encoder

      adding the suggested option will give you one more happy user :D


      • Jeff Flowerday
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Mar 2008
        • 105

        Re: Add -q 0 (Very High quality) to the encoding of lame

        I have allot of power, I would like the ability to do -q 0 as well through the gui.


        • DarkZod

          • Jun 2009
          • 27

          Re: Add -q 0 (Very High quality) to the encoding of lame

          I would love that setting as well!


          • Jeff Flowerday
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Mar 2008
            • 105

            Re: Add -q 0 (Very High quality) to the encoding of lame

            -v0+ is now an option with 3.99.3, another new feature that would be nice.


            • twit
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Jul 2010
              • 79

              Re: Add -q 0 (Very High quality) to the encoding of lame

              Originally posted by Jeff Flowerday
              -v0+ is now an option with 3.99.3, another new feature that would be nice.
              I believe -V0+ is only an option with 3.99.3x, which is completely separate LAME code by a developer not on the LAME development team per*entry778153. In other words, if you used 3.99.3 and tried to use -v0+, the command would not execute.

              I found the developer's summary of his ABX results between the -v0+ using 3.99.3x and -v0 3.99.3 so incoherent that I question the robustness of 3.99.3x and his conclusion that 3.99.3x and -v0+ is better than using the -v0 with 3.99.3. That doesn't mean he's done bad work other than being incoherent, but I welcome a much more articulate description of actual ABX results.

              But a way within DMC to either use the default LAME.exe with the existing settings, with an option to specify a custom LAME.exe location and enter an command line to pass to that custom encoder would be nice. I realize we can use any encoder with CLI but I'd like to be able to use a custom LAME and still benefit from the excellent user friendliness of DMC's GUI.
              Last edited by twit; December 19, 2011, 10:10 PM.


              • ggunnell

                • Jan 2012
                • 8

                Re: Add -q 0 (Very High quality) to the encoding of lame

                I agree that typing a command line into a dialog box would be ideal.

                If not that, in addition to the numerical value of the -q switch being selectable from a drop-down dialog, I'd like to see the -y switch added as an option, which limits high frequencies to 16.7 kHz for -v2 through -v0, thus allowing a higher overall bit rate combined with a high end filter.

