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Wishlist R13.x/R14

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  • Tigerman
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Mar 2005
    • 157

    Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

    I would like to be able to configure the default tags in Edit tag.
    With this I mean I want to be able to add certain tags in a configuration window so that the labels are already there when I rightclick on a file and choose "edit tag".


    • DarkZod

      • Jun 2009
      • 27

      Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

      With XLD on Mac we can select cover art tag compression quality,it would be nice if dbpoweramp new release introduced something like that too


      • usernaim

        • May 2009
        • 7

        Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

        Great program. Here's some refinements that would make my life better.

        Multiple Burst Passes

        I find that many times a drive gets an error on the first pass and gets stuck reading. If I cancel the track and reread, no problem. Hence I generally prefer to "rerip innaccurate and insecure" to using secure reading--at least a few times. But it is a waste of time and attention to invoke it manually.

        Could you add an option to have it do a user-set number of burst passes before passing to secure reading? Or at least up it to two by default?

        Batch mode: rerip innaccurate and insecure
        When I get disks with insecure tracks I look at the surface and sometimes remove a blemish or some detritus. If I stick the disk back in the stack for batch ripping, it erases the first rip. But a rerip inaccurate and insecure mode in the batch ripper would save time. Also, on the odd chance that my "cleaning" the disk screwed up a track that was previously ripped OK, it would preserve the accurate version.

        Batch Ripper: reject behavior
        I do not want my disks unceremoniously dropped so they hit the side of my ripper (Minicubis). I look at the results to see what went right and wrong anyway. Can we have the option for all disks to be placed in the hopper instead of dropping them as rejects?

        Thanks again.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

          Batch Ripper reject: You could replace reject.exe with unload.exe (rename it to reject.exe)


          • jhferry

            • Jul 2009
            • 15

            Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

            Any updates on v14?


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

              A very early alpha for R14 will arrive in a few days, it supports different pressing lookup with AccurateRip and is a very worthy addition.


              • Nisto

                • Jan 2010
                • 2

                Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                I don't know if it's already been suggested, but could you please add an option where the user can choose to extract a log together with the rip to the CD Ripper software. Like Exact Audio Copy does? Please!


                • EliC
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • May 2004
                  • 1175

                  Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                  Originally posted by Nisto
                  I don't know if it's already been suggested, but could you please add an option where the user can choose to extract a log together with the rip to the CD Ripper software. Like Exact Audio Copy does? Please!
                  Already available, though I think a simple check box to the effect of

                  [ ] Place log in rip destination folder

                  would be the easiest method


                  • Nisto

                    • Jan 2010
                    • 2

                    Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                    It is?! In that case, where can I find the log? Just looked in the dBpoweramp folder inside the Program Files folder, but it isn't there.


                    • EliC
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • May 2004
                      • 1175

                      Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                      Originally posted by Nisto
                      It is?! In that case, where can I find the log? Just looked in the dBpoweramp folder inside the Program Files folder, but it isn't there.
                      Go to:
                      Secure Settings

                      Scroll to the bottom for options regarding the extraction log and where to have it written.


                      • DarkZod

                        • Jun 2009
                        • 27

                        Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                        I have this request to make,it doesn't regard R14 in particular though. Nero AAC encoder can be set up up to Q 1.00 (-q 1.00 around 425 Kbps),foobar does this and also other programs,q 0,95 is not the maximum of their encoder. I got this working by simply modifying the encoder text file in m4a Nero AAC folder,but i think it should enabled by default. Anyway thanks for adding Windows 7 superbar % in R14,i'm also looking forward to the "audio" explorer tab fix in X64. Keep up the good work!:D

                        Last edited by DarkZod; January 07, 2010, 05:46 PM.


                        • sdcoomber

                          • Nov 2009
                          • 22

                          Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                          Originally posted by bhoar
                          Yeah. However, I suspect that the devils' bargain is that end users get to use premium metadata for free with non-parallel/non-automated ripping only because parallel/automated ripping comes with the commercial price.

                          Adding drive tabs to the cd ripper to allow for paralle ripping would likely trigger a renegotiation of metadata/art pricing. The fact that this is still possible with multiple separate CD Ripper instance is somewhat mooted by the inconvenience of working with things that way.

                          [The business side of the above is all supposition on my part, of course.]

                          I don't really agree. The sort of people on the edge of commercial usage who would rather save a few pence per rip by running multiple copies of dbpa rather than batch ripper are not going to buy the product whether drive tabs are put in or not. I represent the other end of the spectrum where I bought the licenses for batch ripper in order to speed up my personal ripping and was happy to do so.

                          Running multiple copies of dbpa is messy and the drives often get confused, so I don't do it. How about restricting the tabs to a couple of drives - that would be a good compromise?


                          • pdclose

                            • Sep 2007
                            • 21

                            Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                            Originally posted by usernaim
                            Great program. Here's some refinements that would make my life better.

                            Batch mode: rerip innaccurate and insecure
                            When I get disks with insecure tracks I look at the surface and sometimes remove a blemish or some detritus. If I stick the disk back in the stack for batch ripping, it erases the first rip. But a rerip inaccurate and insecure mode in the batch ripper would save time. Also, on the odd chance that my "cleaning" the disk screwed up a track that was previously ripped OK, it would preserve the accurate version.
                            I would like to see this as well. If you do this, please preserve the disc number. I rip audio books and I would need to know which disc(s) in the series to re-rip. And when the track was re-ripped, it should include the same disc number.

                            I also find that the last track or two do not rip at the highest speed. Instead of re-ripping each error one by one, I would like to see an option to re-read the track at a slower speed, then correct any errors. It would be nice to do this only if there were more than a certain number of errors. It's okay to re-rip 50 errors, it's another to re-rip 1500.


                            • richirich

                              • Mar 2010
                              • 5

                              Composer Section of DMC 13.4+

                              If the composer field has many composers, the DMC 12.4 popup showed them as 1st composer in 1st line, and then 2nd, 3rd so on, and it looked very tidy to view them if there were, say 7-8 composers.

                              But now when i'm using DMC 13.4, i see composers displayed all in one line, and that too with ; in between. Like this
                              And you can see that last composer takes next line place of a data field. i.e Encoded by - in this case.

                              I think that classic view of 12.4 was way better. Is there a way to revert to the old view.

                              Also if i want to change the way Size field shows
                              From ver 13.4 - (91% compressed)
                              To ver 12.4 - (9% of orignal, 10 to 1 compression)
                              Is there a way for this too?

                              Plz help.

                              I'd like DMC developers to share view on this.
                              And Sir, if you like this, plz implement this as an option in next version.
                              So user can choose the style from Classic(old) and modern(new one)
                              Personally i like old one from DMC 12.4

                              Regards. :blush:


                              • schmitty

                                • Mar 2010
                                • 47

                                Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                                It would be good to see output profiles available in the CD ripper included in the converter.

