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Wishlist R13.x/R14

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  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

    Not sure about getting it compatible with r12/r13, but you can have both the new version and r11.5 installed, as long as you follow the instructions here:


    • seanchristian01

      • Feb 2009
      • 4

      Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

      Thank you very much... Now I know, because at first I didn't notice the advance option... You really help me a lot! Also, about the tagging scheme...
      I understand now that only id3v1 mp4 is support by an mp4 container unlike raw aac, mp3, etc... Because It has been said that that might break the container structure and it is not widely supported. but all in all, it doesn't matter anyways... Tnx again:-)


      • seanchristian01

        • Feb 2009
        • 4

        Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

        And also, need some help about the tagging... Is there anyway to exclude or replace a specific character in the tag of the song? For example, a metadata of the song contains a "!" character... Would it be possible to automatically change it to "_"? Because my device doesn't read the tags of the song when it detects a "!" in the song, whether it is in the artist, title or album field, etc... If possible, how? Because my tags came from amg, that's why I'm having a hard time editing it one by one. changing all the "!" to "_"... So it will be become readable by my device... Thanks 4 advance...


        • curbfeeler

          • Jul 2008
          • 2

          Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

          CUE sheets
          -Option to write cue sheet when ripping to individual tracks.

          I second that emotion.


          • 003

            • Dec 2008
            • 7

            Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

            -Support for more than 4-core multithreading, prefferably 16+ as Core i7 already does 8 threads per CPU.

            -Ability to drag a cue sheet directly into the CD writer

            -Faster converting to audio CD format when choosing files to burn, and support for multithreading that operation

            -ATI Stream / nvidia CUDA support for encoding/decoding operations


            • Ferminator

              • Mar 2009
              • 1

              Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

              It would be great to rip sound out of FLV files.


              • HalfBit

                • Mar 2009
                • 13

                Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                I am new to dBpoweramp, and appologize in advance for missing what may have already been posted. My interest is in automatically including lyrics during the process of re-ripping my CD collection to FLAC files. I had been using MP3s, and most of the files had lyrics that had been automatically gathered and included, although my previous system did a poor job of lyrics display. In upgrading to FLAC-capable receivers and control units (Squeezebox Duets), I find the lyrics very valuable. I see that I can copy and paste the lyrics from the MP3s to the FLAC files with tag&rename, yet that is far too time consuming. I have scanned the forums here, and see that there are copyright issues with lyrics, although I cannot see how that is an issue for CDs that I own. I cannot determine the plans for lyrics-gathering support by dBpoweramp, and have a few questions:

                - Is it likely that dBpoweramp will be able to include a service that will gather and include lyrics at the time of ripping? I am willing to pay extra for this service.

                - If such a service is likely, will it be able to be applied to files in FLAC format,that have already been ripped?

                - If linked dBpoweramp lyrics services are unlikely, is there any practical way available from any vendor to add lyrics to existing FLAC files?



                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                  AFAIK no commercial service would offer lyrics as they are copyrighted. There are sites around but they seem to get shutdown now and then.


                  • Porcus
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Feb 2007
                    • 792

                    Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                    Originally posted by HalfBit
                    I see that I can copy and paste the lyrics from the MP3s to the FLAC files with tag&rename, yet that is far too time consuming.
                    What about a script? If you use the same naming convention, you might traverse your FLAC files, find an MP3 with the same name except the .flac vs .mp3, extract the tag, write the tag?

                    Originally posted by HalfBit
                    is there any practical way available from any vendor to add lyrics to existing FLAC files?
                    I guess so, using the foobar2000 player:

                    Disclaimer: have not tried it.


                    • wobbegong

                      • Sep 2007
                      • 16

                      Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                      Originally posted by HalfBit
                      - If linked dBpoweramp lyrics services are unlikely, is there any practical way available from any vendor to add lyrics to existing FLAC files?
                      Originally posted by Spoon
                      AFAIK no commercial service would offer lyrics as they are copyrighted. There are sites around but they seem to get shutdown now and then.
                      RapidSolution's Tagrunner will add lyrics to existing files but it does NOT work with FLAC files :(. This has been available for some time, so I wonder how they get around the copyright issue.

                      (I asked RapidSolution if they had any plan to add FLAC support and their response was no, and that I should convert my entire music collection to MP3 in order to add lyrics. :thumbdown)


                      • DarkZod

                        • Jun 2009
                        • 27

                        Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                        Is there any chance we could get iTunes AAC Encoder with dbpoweramp?


                        • EliC
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • May 2004
                          • 1175

                          Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                          Spoon, just wondering if there are any updates on when R14 development may begin as this will bring the updated AccurateRip and gap detection...correct?


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44844

                            Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                            All I can say is the feature list is being compiled and work has yet to start.


                            • EliC
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • May 2004
                              • 1175

                              Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                              No problem, thanks for the reply

                              What I am really hoping to see:

                              - Updated accurate-rip, that will compare different pressings. As far as I know this is planned.

                              - Final implementation of cue sheets and gap detection, hopefully with the ability to write cue sheets when ripping to individual tracks, as well as image. Also planned as far as I know

                              - Re-Rip track in multiple drive: different drive do error recovery differently. It may be possible to partially rip a track in one drive, then re-rip the missing parts in a second drive to re-build an accurate rip of the track. I guess this would save info on which frames had C2 errors and/or needed to be reread. The new drive could start the rip from scratch and see how it does, but also utilize data and C2 error info from the first drive.

                              - Would like to see meta data pulled from multiple freedb choices, not just one random one as is currently done

                              - Add discogs as a Perfectmeta source

                              - Add as a album cover source, and option to upload scanned album art to this site.

                              - A confidence indicator for the PerfectMeta results, the more closely all the results match, the higher the confidence, the lower the confidence, the more closely the user should manually inspect the results.

                              - Write the raw meta-data from each provider to a txt file in the ripped album directory. This is not caching or storing the meta data in your software and not really different from writing it as meta-data in the file tags, but would make it easier to edit the meta tags of ripped files more easily in the future


                              • DarkZod

                                • Jun 2009
                                • 27

                                Re: Wishlist R13.x/R14

                                I would really like if dbpoweramp used Windows 7 superbar api to show progress

                                the same thing happens when you download something from the net with IE8 or when you install programs (Adobe and other programs take advantage of this new feature already).

