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Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

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  • rossw

    • Oct 2006
    • 4

    Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

    Spoon, I have a problem with the way tags are transferring between APE and Flac:
    Im mostly interested in the track not transferring over, I have pasted the outputs from tag for the .flac(new) and the .ape(original)



    ReadFileInfo failed.
    Tags: ID3v1, ID3v2
    Title: Closedown
    Artist: The Cure
    Album: Disintegration
    Year: 1989
    Track: 03/12
    Genre: Alternative
    Comment: Track 3
    Encoded By=Exact Audio Copy (Secure mode)


    Format: FLAC
    Details: 44100 Hz Stereo, 788 kbps, playtime 04:20
    Tag: FLAC
    Title: Closedown
    Artist: The Cure
    Album: Disintegration
    Year: 1989
    Genre: Alternative
    Description=Track 3

    Any thoughts on how to fix ?

    Ross Warren


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44772

      Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

      >ReadFileInfo failed.

      Which program is getting this information? If you hold the mouse over the ape file does it say 'Track Number 03/12' or 'Track 03/12' (with dbpoweramp)?


      • rossw

        • Oct 2006
        • 4

        Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

        i was using tag.exe a popular cli tag reader/editor.

        Intresting.. Track doesnt show up on the .ape or the .flac when the big yellow popup comes in dbpoweramp.



        • Spies

          • Aug 2006
          • 37

          Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

          Originally posted by Spoon

          It must be quite old (your plextor), we have implemented MMC reading, that is any drive from the last 8 years would be compatible.
          My PX-32TS was manufactured March 1999 and has the latest firmware offered which is 1.03. It was discontinued by Plextor February 2001. Not quite 8 years. The PX-32TS along with the PX-40TS was considered by many at the time to be two of the best rippers available and I think they still are.

          So are you saying that if the drive does not support the MMC command set it will no longer be supported in dMC R12?

          That would be most unfortunate.


          • Bill41
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Nov 2004
            • 56

            Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

            Will Batch Converter have the option of "Keep Path When Convert" as in File Selector? Thanks.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44772

              Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

              We might add the older command sets later if there is a sufficient demand. (I am guessing that the old read command will not have any c2).

              @Bill - keep path when convert was removed because it was the cause of many problems (search for it and you will see), it will be replaced by dynamic folder creation, ie c:\[artist] - [album]\ or c:\[orig folder] plus some nifty mini scripting (ie remove last folder, etc). Perhaps next beta will have this.


              • Dryden

                • Jan 2005
                • 30

                Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                Im sorry to have to bother you again about this, but with regards to the auToV encoder with CLI...
                I did get it to work, but not nearly as well as it used to. Tags didn't come out well, file names were not correct, etc. Most likely because Im not terribly educated in this type of stuff.
                My big question is will you evenually be releasing a codec for it, or with the new addition of the CLI do you not plan on supporting the lesser known codecs and focussing solely on the main ones?



                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44772

                  Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                  We will fully support lesser codecs as R11.5, there is no point ATM as they change relatively quickly, once R12 is out they can be added.

                  About tagging, do not bother, install the standard ogg codec and it will tag at the end.


                  • Dryden

                    • Jan 2005
                    • 30

                    Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                    Oh ok, Thanks for the reply. I just got a little worried for a second there. Your reasons are perfectly understandable.


                    • zbarnes

                      • Dec 2006
                      • 1

                      Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                      I love the feel and look of the ripper, much more intuitive than EAC.

                      As soon as you support FLAC images with embedded cuesheets, I have 200 cd's to rip. How far back is that on the list?

                      Thanks for the quality program!


                      • onthejazz

                        • Dec 2006
                        • 17

                        Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                        Originally posted by Spies
                        CD read error. It is almost as if the drive does not understand the command sent to it by dMC. I tried every combination of options I could think of. Burst, Secure with C2 on, Secure with C2 off, SCSI Pass Through, Windows Internal and ASPI. No matter what combination I try when I hit Rip I immediately receive the error "Unable to read CD, check CD disc" for every track. I have had no trouble with EAC and this system if that helps.

                        BTW Read command D8 is used with this drive in EAC.

                        OK, I may be on to something. I removed dMC R12 Beta 1 and installed dMC 11.5. I was only able to rip succesfully in dMC 11.5 by selecting Command Set Read Standard (SI). None of the other options worked.

                        I reinstalled dMC r12 Beta 1 and I do not see an option to set the Command Set.
                        Is there a way to choose the Command Set in dMC r12 Beta 1?
                        I too have been having problems getting my Plextor External UltraPlex 40max - PX-40TS drive working with dBpowerAMP CD Ripper (it will not configure/rip with any known-to-be-working Key Disc)

                        Post here:

                        Could this be the same situation? As I also use Read Command D8 within EAC. My drive was manufactured November 2000. and the has the latest firmware 1.14 (June 23, 2003). I have spent a fair amount of money acquiring 3 of these drives in external form the last couple years, including a couple spare internal models, for the very reason of ripping my cd collection more reliably now & into the future, as it has always been regarded as one of the best - if not THE best ripping drive for audio. I really do hope there is a way to get compatability into dBpowerAMP 12, if the lack of this read command is indeed the reason I cannot find great success. Maybe it is something else, but as stated in the other thread I have tried a full re-install deleteing registry keys as well. help! :smile2:


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44772

                          Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                          Yes this will be the problem.

                          >as it has always been regarded as one of the best - if not THE best ripping drive for audio

                          Drives deteriorate with age, and this drive unless I am mistaken does not have c2 error pointer. C2 error pointers (with how R12 was written, work very well), I would say a PX-230a or a 708 with c2 would easily outperform the PX-40TS (in EAC, or R12 without c2 you cannot set 700 retries as ba data would eventually match. With c2 pointers you can and get the benifit from doing that).


                          • onthejazz

                            • Dec 2006
                            • 17

                            Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                            So c2 error pointers are different from c2 error correction? Please enlighten me. The drives themselves were just recently purchased new, still sealed in plastic with retail box, so no worries on deterioration! I'm curious to find out how these (Plextor 40max PX-40TS) stack up to the newer drives too, anyone?


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44772

                              Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                              c2 error pointers are used to tell a program that the cd drive could not recover an error, otherwise a program has to guess by re-reading, if a re-read contains the same error then the error is let through. c2 pointers are important to ripping.


                              • LtData
                                dBpoweramp Guru

                                • May 2004
                                • 8288

                                Re: Discussion of dMC R12 Alpha

                                I think when Spoon says "deteriorate" he means both wearing out and that new drives come out that are better than current ones. Drives that are 6 years old should definitely have a newer model out that is better than them.

