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Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

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  • PeterP
    Super Moderator
    • Jul 2011
    • 1498

    Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

    Asset UPnP R6 beta is now available for Mac/Linux platforms.

    Current version: beta 6

    <now released>

    Main changes since R5
    • New Feature: Asset Collections: create add additional asset instances, each with different audio libraries
    • Indexer can exclude specific artists, genres, etc
    • New option to set the static tree icon backgrounds a set color, defaults to black
    • Added new option to rename shown text in browse tree, or map tags to different values, see Asset Configuration >> Advanced >>
    • User Rename List (Display /Tag mapping)
    • New option to combine multi-disc albums as one album (disc 2 would have tracks offseted from 100) enabled by default
    • Improved Linux web interface, made apply button semantics more obvious as that it was confusing before
    • Mac OS 10.9 is now the oldest supported Mac OS for the Asset application.
      It's still possible to extract and manually launch service itself on older Mac OS versions.

    Changes in beta 2
    • Fixed multiple web config bugs
    • Added missing browse tree editor options, "new albums" and others
    • Web config cosmetic tweaks, made various Apply buttons larger

    Changes in beta 3
    • Fixed a bug preventing auto-descending browse tree items from working

    Changes in beta 4
    • M3U8 playlist file reading fixes.
    • Web configuration tweaks - links open in new tabs to prevent loss of not-yet-applied edits.

    Changes in beta 5
    • Added missing multi disc album handling options.
    • Fixed debug log writing regressions.

    Changes in beta 6
    • Fixed seeking in ALAC files.
    • Fixed folder browsing not working on mac.
    • Folder browsing now also picks folder images from images embedded in audio file tags.
    Last edited by Spoon; December 19, 2017, 02:57 PM. Reason: beta 6
  • marcaurel

    • May 2007
    • 24

    Re: Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

    Thanks! It's fantastic to have multiple instances running on one machine under Linux.
    Even more because the Windows v6 never really worked for me.

    I found a first bug:
    When I try to change the browse tree of an additional instance via "Edit Browse Tree as plain text"
    the program jumps to the main instance and only the browse tree of the main instance is changed instead.

    "Edit Browse Tree" seems to work for all instances
    but why can't all entries like e.g. "New Albums" be found in the select list here?


    • simes_pep
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Dec 2013
      • 297

      Re: Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

      Ok, seems to work ok - complete library scan on my 75k track library takes under 24-hours on a RPi 2.

      Like how Compilation is without 'Yes'

      How do you use the 'AssetUserUpstreamImages' folder?



      • psweetie
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Feb 2016
        • 75

        Re: Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

        Just getting this up and running and single instance working fine. Excuse my ignorance but how do I get two servers running on the RPi and where would the config files be for both . . .?



        • psweetie
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Feb 2016
          • 75

          Re: Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

          Have now managed to get two instances running on my RPi with no real issues and have them including files based on a new grouping attribute so all working well. My main instance is called ROCK and the second instance CLASSICAL. When I try and edit the browse tree in plain text on the CLASSICAL instance and hit the apply button, it reverts to ROCK and makes the save, meaning I cannot edit the tree for the second instance.



          • psweetie
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Feb 2016
            • 75

            Re: Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

            Also, I have added the grouping attribute into databasefields in ~/.dBpoweramp but it is not picked up by the second instance so there must be a separate config directory somewhere for each instance . . .



            • sjbabbey
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Apr 2014
              • 69

              Re: Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

              Beta installed and seems to function properly on QNAP TS421. However, I do find the Browse Tree configuration default daunting. Would like to see it trimmed down to fewer categories with options to add extra ones as necessary.

              Speaking of this I initially had an issue with the dynamic playlists (jukebox albums etc.) now listed under the Additional category. If you inadvertantly remove the Additional category as I did initially and try to add it later then the dynamic playlists no longer appear in the drop down list to add into this category.


              • simes_pep
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Dec 2013
                • 297

                Re: Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]


                Try this message tree

                I made some changes back on Asset R4 for use in the Naim app (which was n-Stream at the time) and that it will provide the A-Z indexing, it assumes you are using the 'Up Stream Artwork' for all items (see here for the setting file

                So, the changes I have introduced are the following:
                1. Remove the A-Z listing for Artist / Album view, so this view directly lists all Albums arranged by Artist alphabetically, allowing you to select using the touch-sensitive A-Z bar on the right of the size. I have retained the A-Z listing and the ability to search by letter in an Advanced Search view.
                2. I have introduced the Album Artist view at the top level, without the A-Z selection, so this views directly lists all Albums arranged alphabetically using the Album Artist entry in the IDtag. I have retained the A-Z listing and the ability to search by letter in the Advanced Search view
                3. Remove the A-Z listing for Album view, so this view directly lists all Albums alphabetically.
                4. Remove the A-Z listing for Title view, so this view directly lists all Tracks by Track Title alphabetically.

                I have the usage based folder, namely the 'New', 'Recent', 'Top', 'Least' types in the Additional folder.

                I have also updated the customized folder icons to the PNG format that R6 uses, see

                So, with this Tree Structure and icons, the home screen on my iPad Mini 2 looks like this:
                Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0102.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	88.0 KB
ID:	293365

                The Additional menu is then:
                Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0103.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	89.9 KB
ID:	293366

                and the Advanced Search screen is:
                Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0104.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	84.4 KB
ID:	293367



                • PeterP
                  Super Moderator
                  • Jul 2011
                  • 1498

                  Re: Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

                  Thanks for all the replies, I'm glad it's working so well for you.

                  Beta 2 has been posted, various web config glitches have been fixed, you can now edit browse tree of all instances correctly.


                  • psweetie
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • Feb 2016
                    • 75

                    Re: Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

                    Just installed the new beta 2 and it installs to a separate directory, i.e. not to bin, so it doesn't overwrite old version or get started automatically. Have manually copied to old directories and got it running. Looks like the plain text edits now work but the server seems to start and then crashes so the library appears and then disappears from my control point. Will start ok on a reboot of the RPi but then stops seconds later.


                    • umgfoin

                      • Apr 2016
                      • 15

                      Re: Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

                      Originally posted by psweetie
                      Looks like the plain text edits now work but the server seems to start and then crashes
                      V6 beta 2 running smooth on RPI2 ArchLinux 4.9.37-1-ARCH armv7l
                      New features appreciated!

                      Spoon, would it be possible to add some basic query-restrictions in the (textbased) tree-editor?

                      E.g. to have a statically defined tree-entry only showing classical content.
                      Genre{_no_track_list_}{_contains_="classical"}{_display_as_="Genre classical"}


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44847

                        Re: Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

                        You can already do this, see:

                        The section browse tree, this is new functionality in R6


                        • umgfoin

                          • Apr 2016
                          • 15

                          Re: Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

                          Originally posted by Spoon
                          You can already do this, see:[...]
                          Great - killer feature!
                          First attempt negative:
                          [FONT=&amp]1980s Pop**Dynamic Browsing&+&Genre&+&Pop&+&Year&+& 1980s
                          [/FONT][FONT=&amp]Klassik**Dynamic Browsing&+&Genre&+&Classical[TOROOT]
                          UPnP-Browser shows root entries (1980s Pop, Klassik).
                          When I open one of these items, "internal error" is displayed.

                          OnBrowseDirectChildren::object_id: coD19234255907348E  ControlPoint: foobar2000-mobile/1.x
                            ContainerLong: 0\Dynamic Browsing&+&Genre&+&Pop&+&Year&+& 1980s
                          <DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/"></DIDL-Lite>
                           NumberReturned: 0 TotalMatches: 0 UpdateId: 4191
                          co0E0BFE3CEB6D1D15 Filter: * Start Idx: 0 Count: 100
                          OnBrowseDirectChildren::object_id: co0E0BFE3CEB6D1D15  ControlPoint: foobar2000-mobile/1.x
                            ContainerLong: 0\Dynamic Browsing&+&Genre&+&Classical[TOROOT]
                          <DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/"></DIDL-Lite>
                           NumberReturned: 0 TotalMatches: 0 UpdateId: 4191[10:31:32] UPnP debug log opened
                          OnBrowseDirectChildren::object_id: co0E0BFE3CEB6D1D15  ControlPoint: foobar2000-mobile/1.x
                            ContainerLong: 0\Dynamic Browsing&+&Genre&+&Classical[TOROOT]
                          <DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/"></DIDL-Lite>
                           NumberReturned: 0 TotalMatches: 0 UpdateId: 4193


                          • simes_pep
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • Dec 2013
                            • 297

                            Re: Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

                            Ok, so I just replaced the AssetUPnP and asset.css files into the existing folder /usr/bin/asset/bin to revise the executable for Beta 2.

                            Was there any other changes with Beta 2?

                            Does this make any changes to the files in ~/.dBpoweramp?

                            I want to be able to retain my updates in AssetImages, my custom icon "asset-120x120.png" and then the settings in .dBpoweramp re Browse Tree stucture defined in AssetUPnPDefinedBrowseTreev6.txt, and the rest of the settings in the txt files.
                            Plus the image files I have uploaded to AssetUserUpstreamImages

                            Seems to be working fine.



                            • umgfoin

                              • Apr 2016
                              • 15

                              Re: Asset R6 beta [Mac, Linux]

                              Originally posted by umgfoin
                              V6 beta 2 running smooth on RPI2 ArchLinux 4.9.37-1-ARCH armv7l
                              OK, my comment was too hasty...
                              Beta 2 seems to have a severe mem-leak (~6MB/Min.) and consuming mostly 100% CPU-power on one AssetUPnP-instance:
                              System was idle (no client connected, library scan finihed).
                              Behaviour is reproduceable upon restart.
                              PID     USER    PR   NI  VIRT    RES   %CPU %MEM   TIME+ S COMMAND
                              19727 root      20   0    5.2m   2.2m   0.0  0.3   0:00.05 S  `- AssetUPnP
                              19728 root      20   0   37.3m   1.2m   0.0  0.2   0:00.46 S      `- AssetUPnP
                              19731 root      20   0   13.2m   1.5m   0.0  0.2   0:01.78 S      `- AssetUPnP
                              19732 root      20   0  504.7m 357.9m  97.5 49.0   8:41.91 S      `- AssetUPnP
                              27526 root      20   0   14.0m   3.9m   0.6  0.5   0:03.95 S      `- AssetUPnP
                              27555 root      20   0  149.9m   2.8m   0.6  0.4   0:05.89 S      `- AssetUPnP

