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dBpoweramp R16 Discussions
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Re: dBpoweramp R16 Discussions
The shell integration can only be 1 dBpoweramp, it is which ever is installed last.Comment
Re: dBpoweramp R16 Discussions
Dear developer,
Say I have multiple FLAC files in one source folder and I want to convert them to mp3 to the same folder as source. I'm selecting multiple files by right-click menu. The previous dBpoweramp had an option "To original folder". How to manage this now?Comment
Re: dBpoweramp R16 Discussions
If you have R16 you select the option source drive/source path/source file nameComment
Re: dBpoweramp R16 Discussions
Windows 7 SP1 x64. drive/source path/source file name not working. R16 all the selected files from one folder (they have their numbered names track - artist - title.flac) go to HDD root with the same name "mp3" thus overwriting on top of each over. I got only one file named mp3 (without any extension) as a result of this.
UPD: I apologize for any inconvenience. I've found a problem - it was DSP 12 tag processing. It's settings/manipulations were inherited from R15.3. I have to review them with the R16 build.Last edited by Venoman; December 13, 2015, 12:55 PM.Comment
Re: dBpoweramp R16 Discussions
Can't get DSP12 to work with R16. Seems incompatible. I use only ID Tag processing by removing all but necessary tags and adding "Encoded by" field. As soon as I add DSP processing the result is as described above = single file mp3.Comment
Re: dBpoweramp R16 Discussions
I take 3 files, the are in a folder C:\Del\
I right click >> Convert To, choose the encoder as mp3, and the output to is chosen as 'Existing Source Folder', which is shown as Source Drive:\Source Path\Source Filename, I add the DSP Effect ID Tag processing and set the tags to 'Delete All', then Convert and the mp3 files are written to the same location as the wave files. You can try this test?Comment
Re: dBpoweramp R16 Discussions
Yes, selecting only Deletion works as expected, but if I add one more operation i.e. "Addition" of tag "Encoded by" with say "someone" - it fails and writes single file to HDD root. Something with tag Addition goes wrong.
UPD: Addition of ID tag field works in case of adding one more DSP line, but fails if the single line with multiple operations is used.
Same goes for Deletion - multiple operations per one line configurationas 1) Delete all except "Artist" 2) Delete all except "Title" 3)..... and so on is leading to one nameless file.
Re: dBpoweramp R16 Discussions
What was the exact naming used? output folder, encoder and settings please. What type of log was set to write (Complete, etc, what path was set for the log)?Comment