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Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

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  • ting8663

    • Jan 2013
    • 3

    Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

    A strange problem happened in my case. My system is Mac Mini with 10.8.2 + Naim UnitiLite with n-Stream as controller. All my music files are managed by iTunes. The music library is stored on firewire external HD. My problems :

    1. Some albums still show up in n-Stream after I had removed them in iTunes and the files are trashed.
    2. Some artist/album names still show up incorrectly in n-Stream after I had changed them in iTunes.

    I had already clear the UPnP cache in n-Stream. I wonder if I should rescan the music library in Asset but I don't know how to do this...

    Hope the final release will come out very soon...


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44843

      Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

      Yes you should trigger a rescan.


      • ting8663

        • Jan 2013
        • 3

        Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

        Originally posted by Spoon
        Yes you should trigger a rescan.
        But there is not such option in the config page...Any way to trigger a rescan ?


        • kaku1969

          • Feb 2013
          • 2

          Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

          A problem happened in my case. My system is Mac mini with 10.8.2. I am using PlugPlay as controller. All my music files are managed by iTunes. The music library is stored on USB external HD. My problem:

          1. Actual song does not match with the song name.

          It can not be solved I have tried several times to re-scan.

          Best Regards,


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44843

            Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

            Update 12th February 2013

            Bug fix: computer ID now remembered
            Bug fix: worked around ghost process / multi instance issues, mismatching or duplicate entries should no longer appear

            This update should solve all issues people are seeing with Asset on OSX. A future update (quite soon) will add the manual rescanning functionality


            • kaku1969

              • Feb 2013
              • 2

              Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

              Thank you for update.

              I confirmed that the problem has been improved.


              • gche

                • Feb 2013
                • 3

                Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)


                just to let 'moon 180 mind' users that Asset UpNP for mac is working well (better than the software recommanded by simaudio)

                Thanks to the development team



                • colinvz

                  • Mar 2013
                  • 1

                  Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                  Originally posted by Spoon
                  Update 12th February 2013

                  A future update (quite soon) will add the manual rescanning functionality
                  Thanks for the update. I am looking forward the commercial release. Could you please advise where the Asset UPNP database is stored? I assume that by deleting the database I can force a manual rescan? Thanks!


                  • Lorenz

                    • Dec 2012
                    • 2

                    Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                    Originally posted by colinvz
                    ...I can force a manual rescan?...
                    Hi Colin &*8211; just a little work around on a manual rescan (until that will be included) &*8211; changing "some" settings force a rescan WITH a "real" feedback. I always change " 'THE' Artist & Artist Handling " to something else, hit apply &*8211; see the "rescanning library" screen afterwards (and simply change the setting back immediately afterwards (okok, this includes another rescan &*8211; but that is instant).

                    Sounds more complicated that it is &*8211; just 5 clicks with the confidence the library is rescanned...

                    Two screenshots...

                    As mentioned JUST a little work around for the moment :-)

                    Cheers, Lorenz
                    Last edited by Lorenz; March 07, 2013, 09:10 AM.


                    • gche

                      • Feb 2013
                      • 3

                      Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                      Hi All,

                      is it possible to add another library located on an external usb drive (plugged to my computer)

                      I added the path in the watched folder box in the configuration but it doesn't seem to work...

                      then I copied an alias of the disk in my home folder... not better

                      any idea?



                      • gche

                        • Feb 2013
                        • 3

                        Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                        I managed to make it work, just by adding '/Volumes/' before the name of the drive



                        • amosh

                          • Mar 2013
                          • 32

                          Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)


                          After installing Asset for Mac - iMac 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.8.3, 4 GB RAM it ran for almost a day. I was very impressed with the ease of setup. However, overnight the Asset server went "invisible" so could not be accessed or seen by any device. Since then I have:
                          -- quit and restarted Asset on the Mac - that didn't work.
                          -- Shutdown and rebooted the iMac. On relaunch of Asset still no joy.
                          -- Rebooted and tried changing settings to force rescan. Began scanning after a while but Asset was never visible and the scanning (disk access) eventually stopped and after this even the configuration was inaccessible.
                          -- Rebooted, verified drive permissions, ran disk repair, etc. then tried changing the settings so as to use only a small folder of files on the internal drive - no luck.

                          Previously the library was my iTunes library on an external Firewire 800 drive and all was fine.

                          On occasions I have been seeing "Asset Failed To Start" in a pop up window.

                          Now I'm stuck, able to launch Asset but on hitting the configure button, I get Safari Cant Connect to Server : my IP address:51809/config

                          Is there a library file or something I can delete in case it is corrupted. What else should I look for. Asset was absolutely fantastic on Saturday but after it has stopped, it has really stopped. Any advice would be very welcome. Settings files to purge, background processes to kill, etc.



                          • amosh

                            • Mar 2013
                            • 32

                            Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                            Update since posting. Asset Mac now visible again. However the m4a transcode to wav is out of order. m4a's transcoded are not recognised and cause 3 different iPad based players to crash while the Panasonic TV just doesn't recognise them. Worked fine yesterday (for 44.1/16 aac in m4a. 44.1 24 bit and all ALAC in m4a were failing to transcode). Any hints on where to look please?


                            • amosh

                              • Mar 2013
                              • 32

                              Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                              Further update. After resetting the transcode option for all formats back to As Is and removing the merge similar artists option, Asset Mac is working very well. The Asset Server seems to take up to an hour or so to become visible after a restart although one time , it was quicker.

                              Is there a way to access the premium features, e.g. By paying for a premium registration of the windows version?

                              By the way, for those uncertain about the syntax for the volumes or folders, all you need to do is drag and drop the desired folder on to the box where you need to enter the path and your Mac will enter it for you, properly formatted.


                              • Spoon
                                • Apr 2002
                                • 44843

                                Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                                Not currently, once we feel it is stable enough we will release the full version...

