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Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

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  • dbfan
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Jan 2011
    • 937

    Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

    See the first message, it shows how to add a network path.


    • MattC

      • Feb 2010
      • 14

      Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

      All very quiet on this thread...

      I'm wondering when the premium registration features might be available...? ...are there areas you would like us to test Spoon? library is 140k tracks - and all seems well....

      Love the fact that this MAC client has the option to play as WAV and pad out to 24bit...


      • sjbespa

        • Oct 2012
        • 1

        Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

        After trying the beta release, I've noticed a few potential bugs:

        (1) the beta version doesn't seem to handle apple lossless files. The unit I'll primarily be streaming to is a Yamaha network receiver. It requires mp4 aac, wma, mp3 or wav files. I've tried transcoding "M4A" to both WAV and mp3 and neither plays. I see the artwork pop up on the Yamaha OSD(on screen display) for a second, after which the gui returns to the browser.
        (2) for some reason, which could very well have to do with the possible problem with apple lossless files, only about 80 of my 350+ albums were scanned by Asset - and in most of the albums, not all of the tracks appear.
        (3) it would be nice if there were an option for 600x600 album art scaling.

        I eagerly await the next update!


        • sumitagg

          • Sep 2012
          • 12

          Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

          this is not working. when you press the config button it tries to open a web address but i get an error message that it cant connect to the server. was really hoping this would work but looks like will have to wait


          • dbfan
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Jan 2011
            • 937

            Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

            Do you have any security software such as a firewall?


            • sumitagg

              • Sep 2012
              • 12

              Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

              Originally posted by mrspoonsi
              Do you have any security software such as a firewall?

              yes. the mac firewall is on. but that has always been on. i've currently installed Asset on the mac using wine bottler and it works most of the time


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44843

                Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                The configuration page is served like an internet page, only a firewall should stop it from working.

                @Mattc - the other features will activate on release, which hopefully will not be too long.


                • murkku

                  • Nov 2012
                  • 2

                  Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                  I've been running Asset UPnP with CrossOver for a good year now, but this native OS X version is excellent news indeed!
                  Sadly it doesn't seem to detect ALAC (.m4a) files from the directory tree. FLAC (hi-res also) and MP3 files get served fine.
                  Wasn't able to transcode FLACs to WAV either, but I guess these are already known beta issues.

                  Anyway, it's looking very promising. Keep up the good work, Spoon!



                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44843

                    Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                    Update 30th November 2012

                    Updated to fix ALAC (m4a) detection bug.


                    • whgmkeller

                      • Nov 2012
                      • 8

                      Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                      Hi Spoon and others following this thread.

                      I am very enthusiastic about this development. Since I bought my Linn Akurate DS a month ago, I have been searching for a good mediaserver. So far, I am the most impressed by Minimserver (Mac version) and Asset UPnP (which I am running in a virtual Windows box on my Mac). In Asset, I especially like the fact that I am able to select music based on both Genre (which I treat as a broader group such as "rock") and Style (sub-entries which I use to further divide the genres). So you can understand that I will be following this thread :-)

                      I have installed the Asset UPnP version on my iMac. Not sure how it works though. After starting up, I have to configure. I have left all items default as they are. When I hit "apply", what should happen? It seems to me that nothing seems to happen? Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

                      What I do see is that the program is running, at least it sits in my dock. It does not (yet) show up in Kinsky though.

                      Spoon, maybe you can give a short instruction on the set-up / installation procedure? Thanks in advance !!

                      Greetz, Willem


                      • whgmkeller

                        • Nov 2012
                        • 8

                        Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                        Any new developments on this?

                        Willem, Netherlands


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44843

                          Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                          Did you add your music path to the configuration page?


                          • whgmkeller

                            • Nov 2012
                            • 8

                            Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                            Yes, I did. At least, I think I did.
                            I added the path to a test directories where some of my music resides. In this case, the path is as follows:
                            \users\Willem\Music\XLD RIPS\

                            Should I include the \ at the end?

                            After specifying the path, I hit "apply" - I have left all choices as they are. I also did not enter a value in the filed "Asset UPnP identification" - don't know what I should enter here.

                            Asset then presents me with a status message: Asset UPnP server - configuration applied

                            After that, nothing seems to happen. I do see the server showing up in Kinsky but I don;t see the albums, artist and so on. The menu choices are there but they all show up empty.

                            Maybe I should add that I have Asset installed on a local iMac, while Kinsky is running on a Mac Mini that acts as my main media player and as the basis for my Linn Akurate setup.

                            Any clues? Thanks in advance :-)

                            Greetz, Willem


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44843

                              Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                              Advanced Search >> Details >>

                              here you can see how many albums Asset knows about, to me it looks like you should be using / not \


                              • whgmkeller

                                • Nov 2012
                                • 8

                                Re: Asset UPnP For OSX (MAC)

                                Well, switching to / did the track. It works now. Thanks Spoon !

                                Is there anything in particular that you want us to test out or look at?

                                Greetz, Willem

