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Newest Beta: dBpowerAMP Audio Player

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Newest Beta: dBpowerAMP Audio Player

    This is Release 3 beta 6, highlights include:

    Crossfade on Skip, support for 24 bit audio, DSP effects.

    dAP has been updated with a major new feature - syncing with a portable device (as handled by Sveta). Under 'Collection' button is a 'Synchronize with portable player', select the player and if necessary set also a selective play to exclude certain files, then synchronize - real simple! On the next page which says which files are to be synchronized: any that are unchecked - ie don't sync are remebered for next time.


    1.7 MB

    All Changes:

    All large fonts compatible.
    Can now synchronize with a portable mp3 player

    Amp - will now handle channels > 2 and samples > 16 bits
    Amp - if crossfade is on then will fade out to next track on skip

    Options Menu shows version number

    DSP Effects now added, see audio excellence on dAP download page.

    Added extra keybaord short cuts - clear enqued, show dap, eq on off, remove current track, delete current track, and various keys to shutdown the computer.

    Equalizer - create automatic presets that load on a genre, when click Save to save Eq settings, new options given to set for current track playing.

    File Types - each popular audio type has unique icons, see \dbpoweramp\audio-icons

    MMC - music moz new search method
    MMC - track info popups only popup if the mouse is over the first icon (first 18 pixels)
    MMC - first icon column also sorts on icon type
    MMC - shows type icon below 'play' 'new' etc icons
    MMC - Collection >> My Collection >> Synchronize with Portable Player ** need newest sveta + latest ipod
    MMC - 'Select Same' new right click menu for selecting same Album, Artist, Genre etc

    Waveout - updated so will work with DSPs which change Buffer

    Bug Fix: MMC Auto events (such as scan for new audio files) do not happen during user interaction
    Bug Fix: Situation where skin would not load propperly, so now trys all skins so something loads
    Bug Fix: Editor when No show info tips is on, will now still show how many are multiselected
    Bug Fix: Skipping during crossfade in will now correctly skip
    Bug Fix: For enques, resume plays and play from explorer - correct file info is searched for from database
    Bug Fix: MMC search box on certain graphic cards will not leave chars behind if press delete
    Bug Fix: MMC when adding tracks is more resilient to crashing
    Bug Fix: mp3 - bitrate shown for average or vbr mp3 files is now calculated from filelength
    Bug Fix: dosxt delux control not shown if switched of on main page
    Last edited by Spoon; October 24, 2004, 02:01 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Updated to Beta 3.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Updated to Beta 4 - now with Synchronize


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Newest Beta: dBpowerAMP Audio Player

        Updated to Beta 5: new mad mp3 decoder and MMC >> random selector bug fixes.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Newest Beta: dBpowerAMP Audio Player

          Updated to Beta 6: bug fix for buttons on dAP that would go black when opening files, etc.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Newest Beta: dBpowerAMP Audio Player

            dAP is being replaced by Renaissance (when feature complete):

            dBpoweramp Renaissance is a revitalization of dAP (dBpoweramp Audio Player), re-built from the ground up with specific unique goals. Designed to be the most efficient (in terms of memory footprint and resources used) audio player ever designed, featuring: Built in UPnP Renderer: Renaissance enables your PC as a UPnP

