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Air UPnP (control Airport Express as UPnP devices)

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  • ren3g7ade

    • Feb 2011
    • 6

    Re: Air UPnP (control Airport Express as UPnP devices)

    awesome! Thanks so much for the info!


    • ren3g7ade

      • Feb 2011
      • 6

      Re: Air UPnP (control Airport Express as UPnP devices)

      So I hooked up all of my devices.

      1. HomeServer running Twonky Media Server and AirUPnP
      2. AirPort Express Base station Wired to audio on my Receiver
      3. PlugPlayer app on my iPhone.

      My PlugPlayer app never sees the base station (via the AirUPnP server). However, I am able to launch the Apple Remote app and use the base station as a renderer for my itunes running on my mac. What am I missing here? Is there something else I need to check in AirUPnP or PlugPlayer? I turned off the firewall on the HomeServer just in case.

      Any help would be appreciated.

      UPDATE: So I got PlugPlayer to find my Airport Express through AirUPnP but about 10 seconds into my song the connection was severed and the AirPort entry was disabled. Is there some way I can get to the bottom of this in AirUPnP, i.e. more verbose logging or something?
      Last edited by ren3g7ade; March 08, 2011, 01:39 AM. Reason: a little further...


      • ren3g7ade

        • Feb 2011
        • 6

        Re: Air UPnP (control Airport Express as UPnP devices)

        Originally posted by Spoon
        You would use a UPnP control point, not apples remote app.
        Could it be the newer firmware for the AirPort Express that is causing the AirUPnP not to detect the device on the network? My AirPort Express is running the latest firmware 7.5.2. (May be a seeding issue?? - just wondering)

        On a side note, is there any new development on this application? If not, could I help you extend it. I would be happy to help mainly because it would be great if PlugPlayer 3.5.1 on my iPhone would see the Airport Express. :D

        Thanks again for the awesome app!

        Seeing this error in the Event Viewer every 15 seconds or so:

        Event Type: Error
        Event Source: Bonjour Service
        Event Category: None
        Event ID: 100
        Date: 3/8/2011
        Time: 9:28:21 PM
        User: N/A
        Computer: HOMESERVER
        Client application bug: DNSServiceResolve(MusicOut._airport._tcp.local.) active for over two minutes. This places considerable burden on the network.
        Last edited by ren3g7ade; March 09, 2011, 03:21 AM.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Air UPnP (control Airport Express as UPnP devices)

          We do not plan on picking up work on the Air UPnP, it was a technology preview only.


          • ren3g7ade

            • Feb 2011
            • 6

            Re: Air UPnP (control Airport Express as UPnP devices)

            Originally posted by Spoon
            We do not plan on picking up work on the Air UPnP, it was a technology preview only.
            That's a bummer! :( Its really a pretty great niche. No other product do what you guys do and a lot of people want something to fill the gap. Was this a technology preview for another product you have coming out?


            • iangrant
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Nov 2007
              • 94

              Re: Air UPnP (control Airport Express as UPnP devices)

              Originally posted by iangrant
              Does anyone know of anything that does the reverse? -- i.e. exposes a UPnP device (renderer) as an AirPlay/AirTunes device so that iTunes can stream to it.
              A question I previously asked has just been answered!

              There's already a few unofficial AirPlay applications out there, but looks like developer James Laird has now gotten right to the heart of the matter and enabled a whole host of new streaming possibilities. Here's apparently managed to crack the private key used by Apple in the AirPort Express (literally by ripping one open and dumping the ROM), and he's used that to build an emulator dubbed "ShairPort," which will let you stream music from iTunes to any third-party software -- or hardware, for that matter, if someone decided to go as far as to build a device that takes advantage of the private key. Have something in mind? You can download the emulator at the source link below.

              This guy has reverse-engineered an AirPort Express to produce an emulator. At the moment it looks like it's a Linux-only Perl/C thing, but maybe it will make it to Windows. Unfortunately I'm guessing the legality is questionable and therefore AirUPnP won't be looking in to this...?


              • GrnCdn

                • Sep 2011
                • 1


                Okay... it seems ANYthing to do with setting up a wireless music server is WAY above my head, 'cause everything to do with it is frustrating as all hell. Anyways, after much just-mentioned frustration, I can play iTunes to Airport Express wirelessly. Whoopdi-doo. Now on to new frustrations...

                After reading this post, and that at Computer Audiophile site...


                ... i feel like pulling out my hair, nearly. And hell, I'm a pretty computer-tech savvy sort! All I wish to do is play Foobar on either my desktop or my laptop, and have it shoot wirelessly over to my Airport Express, which is connected to my stereo. I don't have iPhone or any other remote control device... i don't want to access Foobar from afar... i just want to play Foobar directly, and from there have it end up on the AE.

                I have:
                1. a computer
                2. Foobar
                3. Airport Express (AE)
                4. Airport UPnP installed on the computer
                5. foo_upnp.dll dropped into the Components folder of Foobar
                6. Avast AntiVirus and Windows 7 Firewall protecting my computer
                7. Windows Firewall - Adv Settings - Outbound Rules - New Settings... i made TCP and UDP Port rules allowing outgoing access through port 26126 (as mentioned early in this forum string), as well as another rule allowing upnp.exe outbound access.

                Okay... so, what's this about PlugPlayer - is this something additional I need... or is this for some kinky 3-way access between computer (w/Foobar), iPhone, and AE?

                I run Foobar-View-UPnP Controller... i can see "Main: dbPowerAmp Rennaicance" as a selectable device. I select it. Great. Now what? And why is the UPnP Controller have Player controls... I want to use Foobar to play and control audio! I really hope I'm not limited to managing a single song at a time... maybe I'm CRAZY, but I envision dbPowerAmp (upnp.exe) running invisibly in the background, all knowing - all seeing, able to detect my Airport Express... then I run Foobar, selecting 'dbPowerAmp' as output, go to whatever playlist/songs I wish to hear, hit play, the music flies to my Airport Express and POW, I hear it on my stereo. No? What am I missing here?

                (sigh) Sorry if I seem a little flustered, but hours have been wasted!

                Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
                Last edited by GrnCdn; September 11, 2011, 09:14 PM.


                • gondag

                  • Jun 2012
                  • 2

                  Re: Help!

                  i have a problem,
                  uPlayer.exe to stop several times a day. The 'Airport UPnP Starter.exe' is always running. operating system Windows 7
                  You have any idea?

                  Best Regards,


                  • Torrnado

                    • Mar 2012
                    • 5

                    Re: Help!

                    I would gladly spend $30 to get a real "AE as UPnP"-product. Anything similar does not exist, or even seem to be planned... Have mailed Netgear, D-Link, Gefen, Argosy, no one has this simple and genious function.


                    • Torrnado

                      • Mar 2012
                      • 5

                      Re: Air UPnP (control Airport Express as UPnP devices)

                      Originally posted by Spoon
                      once Renaissance settles down then work can be done on AE (as it relies on Renaissance).
                      Will this be part of Renaissance? Will an Pad/Android version see all UPnP- and AE-devices as possible targets?


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: Air UPnP (control Airport Express as UPnP devices)

                        I am sorry to say, dev work on this item is pretty much ended now.

