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Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

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  • Mikebp

    • May 2009
    • 3

    Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

    Originally posted by Spoon

    >1. Issue with the artist 'the' option

    I cannot reproduce this with FLAC files, please try the latest beta version (it will do a full rebuild of the database), then if still a problem please email one file:

    >2. For either 'the artist' option checked or unchecked name2 artist does not show up
    > when browsing by 'artist'

    Unless [ ] Contributing Artists with Main is checked, then I would not expect to.
    1. Still an issue with latest beta - i've emailed a problem file.

    2. Okay, thanks


    • nickr

      • Aug 2009
      • 6

      Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

      I've just reinstalled and tried again. I can play FLAC and MP3 in foobar 2000 with the upnp plugin, but I can't play in PS3 or Windows media player or media center.

      So far I've had success in:

      FLAC -> Foobar 2000
      MP3 -> Foobar 2000

      and failure in

      FLAC -> PS3/Windows media player/center
      MP3 -> PS3/Windows media player/center
      WMA -> Foobar 2000/PS3/Windows media player/center



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

        You would have to set FLAC to stream as Wave for it to play in Windows Media Player or on the PS3, you can do this in Asset Configuration >> Advanced settings >> Edit

        Also the mp3 should be playable in all, if the WMP (and obviously PS3) are external to the PC and you have more than one network card then they might be using the wrong ip address.


        • msilverz

          • Aug 2009
          • 9

          Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

          Originally posted by Spoon
          Beta section of this web site.
          I'm using the latest Beta Release version (downloaded a couple of days ago), and I'm having some problems with the A-Z option.

          Here's how I set up my tree:
          -Artist (No track listing)
          -A to Z (No track listing)

          I assumed that this arrangement would work as follows. If I selected Artist to start, I would get a list of artists, with an A-Z option at the top. If I selected A-Z, I would get a list of letter folders from A to Z. After clicking on a letter (say, M), I'd then get a list of artists whose names begin with the letter M. Then, after choosing an artist from that list, I'd get a list of albums by that artist.

          That's not what happens. The first few steps work fine. After I select the particular artist, though, I get an option for Album along with a list of all of the tracks by that particular artist. So, to get the list of Albums, I have to take an extra step and select Album, which I shouldn't have to do. (I also shouldn't see all of the individual tracks by that artist, since I have A-Z set as "No track listing.")

          Here's something even weirder, though. When I go back into the advanced settings to see what's gone wrong, the settings change on their own! The tree now looks like this:
          -Artist (No track listing)
          -A to Z (No track listing)

          An extra "artist" layer has added itself. If I restart Asset and then open advanced settings again, yet another level has been added automatically!
          -Artist (No track listing)
          -A to Z (No track listing)

          That's pretty strange!



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44840

            Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

            Confirmed 'bug' - it does not look as though it is possible to have multiple 'no container' listings to automatically drill down into the folder. It will be R3 before this can be looked at (Asset R2 is now release candidate).


            • sandrat

              • Jun 2009
              • 5

              Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2


              Just downloaded Beta version 2 and and like the Folder and Files Option as i have my music cataloged that way, however in this mode i cannot select a album too play in the Linn GUI (i am using the latest offical software, not beta releases of cara) on individual songs, one at a time, v slow.

              Also both with this Beta Version and the release 1.1 previous on the screen when you initially go in the LINNGUI to select information on Asset than if you go in and back out it always crashes if you try and back out all the way to say control my Sneaky. Twonky never crashed like this previously

              Also is possible to rename AssetXXXX etc so when it shows in LinnGUI it can be called whatever you want?



              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44840

                Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

                The LinnGUI crash is actually a bug in LinnGUI, but it will not be fixed as Cara is being released very soon.

                I will check out the folder adding.

                It is not possible to rename asset.


                • msilverz

                  • Aug 2009
                  • 9

                  Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

                  Originally posted by Spoon
                  Confirmed 'bug' - it does not look as though it is possible to have multiple 'no container' listings to automatically drill down into the folder. It will be R3 before this can be looked at (Asset R2 is now release candidate).
                  I'll anxiously await R3 then!



                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44840

                    Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

                    Asset Release Candidate 2, 6th August


                    Fixed 'The Artist; Artist' issue when mapping to Artist, the
                    Xbox streaming compatibility (magically no setting have to be applied for the XBox to stream a non-native format such as FLAC).


                    • tillig

                      • Aug 2009
                      • 38

                      Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

                      Just downloaded and updated, tried Xbox 360 with Apple Lossless, still no luck. Tried it forcing to Wave, tried forcing to 128kbps MP3, and tried without forcing it at all. No luck in any case. How do I know if I got the update that contains the fix? (Or maybe I'm just over-eager and the download hasn't been updated?)

                      Totally looking forward to the Xbox 360 support. That'd be a game-changer for me.


                      • msilverz

                        • Aug 2009
                        • 9

                        Another Request

                        I was wondering if, in a later release, it would be possible to see Album Art just in the list of albums. So, for instance, when I click on U2 and see a list of U2 albums, it would be great if I saw the album art there. (As it is now, at least on my PS3, I only see it when I click on a particular album. Then, each track has the album art next to it.)



                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44840

                          Re: Another Request

                          For the XBox try the forced LPCM option as that is the format the xbox plays (not wave).

                          Album art is often restricted by the client.


                          • bhelton

                            • Jul 2009
                            • 7

                            Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

                            First - the change for audioBroadcast has fixed the display on my HR20.

                            I seem to be having an issue with coverart -

                            I initially thought when I search with criteria the search was somehow forcing the creation of a non-existent thumbnail URI for instances where Asset did not find album art:

                            SearchCriteria: upnp:class = "object.container.album.musicAlbum" and @refID exists false
                            Filter: dc:title,dc:creator,upnp:albumArtURI,upnp:class

                            <container id="au2099" parentID="au2" restricted="0" >
                            	<dc:title>Angel Dust  [Faith No More]</dc:title>
                            	<dc:creator>Faith No More</dc:creator>
                            	<upnp:albumArtURI dlna:profileID="JPEG_TN" ></upnp:albumArtURI>
                            However after digging in a little I found I get the same result when browsing ( by Album )

                                <container id="au2099" parentID="au2" restricted="0" searchable="1">
                                  <dc:title>Angel Dust[Faith No More]</dc:title>
                                  <dc:creator>Faith No More</dc:creator>
                                  <upnp:albumArtURI profileID="JPEG_TN"></upnp:albumArtURI>
                            Also the individual items do not do this - the albumArtURI element is not included

                                <item id="8232-au2645.mp3" parentID="au2645" restricted="0">
                                  <dc:title>1   Land Of Sunshine</dc:title>
                                  <upnp:artist role="Performer">Faith No More</upnp:artist>
                                  <upnp:artist role="Conductor">(Unknown Conductor)</upnp:artist>
                                  <upnp:artist role="AlbumArtist">Faith No More</upnp:artist>
                                  <upnp:author role="Composer">(Unknown Composer)</upnp:author>
                                  <upnp:album>Angel Dust</upnp:album>
                                  <res duration="00:03:44.000" size="39588612" sampleFrequency="44100" bitsPerSample="16" nrAudioChannels="2" bitrate="176400" protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/wav:DLNA.ORG_PN=WAV;DLNA.ORG_OP=01"></res>

                            The second part is that the example folder actually has a folder.jpg in it - to get it to show up I just need to do a bulk update to the audio items in the folder. I can't figure out if is something with Create/Modify datetime. I say that because almost everytime it seems to happen on albums where the create datetime of the folder.jpg is > the create datetime of the audio items but I do not know if that is 100% accurate.

                            And lastly on my search I am doing upnp:class = "object.container.album.musicAlbum" - but it also returns the [A - Z] container which I didn't expect. Wasn't sure if that was intentional ?

                            <container id="au1018" parentID="au2" restricted="0">
                             <dc:title> [A to Z]</dc:title>


                            • tillig

                              • Aug 2009
                              • 38

                              Re: Another Request

                              Originally posted by Spoon
                              For the XBox try the forced LPCM option as that is the format the xbox plays (not wave).
                              LPCM works great for getting the Xbox to play my Apple Lossless music - awesome! - but does not work on PS3. With the LPCM option, the PS3 doesn't see any of the Apple Lossless tracks, just empty containers. (Standard MP3 and other tracks are visible and play.)

                              Seems I have to pick one or the other (Xbox or PS3) for my music, but not both?


                              • Spoon
                                • Apr 2002
                                • 44840

                                Re: Another Request

                                Your PS3 cannot play lpcm, but can play wave. The xbox cannot play wave, but can play lpcm...

