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Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

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  • Mikebp

    • May 2009
    • 3

    Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2


    Have been testing out your latest beta - which works well - though i have found a few issues.

    1. Issue with the artist 'the' option

    Flac song1 of albulm1 tagged with
    Artist: The name1; name2
    Albulm Artist: The name1

    Flac Song2 of albulm1 tagged with
    Artist: The name1
    Albulm Artist: The name1

    With 'the artist' to 'artist, the' checked this show up when viewing via
    'albulmartist' for song1 incorrectly as:

    The name1, the

    for song2 correctly as:
    name1, the

    In the database song1 is stored as:

    artist = name1
    artist1 = name2, the
    albulm_s_artist = name1
    albulm_s_artist1 = The name1, the

    With 'the artist' to 'artist, the' not checked this show up when viewing via 'albulmartist' correctly for both song1 and song2.

    2. For either 'the artist' option checked or unchecked name2 artist does not show up when browsing by 'artist'

    3. issue/question

    Added M4a song with:
    artist: name1; name2
    albulmartist: name1

    Browsing by albulmartist show only name1 as expected
    Browsing by artist displays as 'name1; name2' not as separate entries.
    I've read that multiple artist tags are not supported by m4a format
    so is there a recommended method for tagging files of this type with multiple artists?

    4. Status always shows as (none) in the Asset UPnP Configuration screen


    • bhelton

      • Jul 2009
      • 7

      Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

      I am a long time TVersity user and I will keep it for video and photos - but I just want to say Asset is a very nice music server and I am enjoying it thus far. I am using the beta version with DirecTV HR2x series DVR's in case you are keeping track of devices - the v1.x kept disconnecting in the middle of playback - but the beta is very stable.

      My one small issue thus far is probably a known issue but I couldn't find anything - on my ID3v2.3 "AC/DC" files I am getting a directory structure like:

      ++ AC

      Then the items are marked up:

            <upnp:artist role="Performer">AC</upnp:artist>
            <upnp:artist role="Performer">DC</upnp:artist>
            <upnp:artist role="AlbumArtist">AC</upnp:artist>
            <upnp:artist role="AlbumArtist">DC</upnp:artist>
      or sometimes:

            <upnp:artist role="Performer">AC</upnp:artist>
            <upnp:artist role="Performer">DC</upnp:artist>
            <upnp:artist role="AlbumArtist">AC/DC</upnp:artist>
      My v2.4 tags look ok and are in the 'AC/DC' container:

            <upnp:artist role="Performer">AC/DC</upnp:artist>
            <upnp:artist role="AlbumArtist">AC/DC</upnp:artist>


      • DrFink

        • Apr 2009
        • 28

        Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

        Hi Spoon,

        I own a Sonos system, and I just want to know
        if the "option of adding an album" ist (still) on the To-Do-List of the beta (and the final) version ?

        BTW, PlugPlayer doesn't work with Sonos - I was in contact with the PlugPlayer support, but they couldn't get it (they don't own a Sonos system so they couldn't adjust PlugPlayer for Sonos. We tried some things but it doesn't work).



        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44780

          Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

          >on my ID3v2.3 "AC/DC" files

          The standard for id3v2.3 is / as a multi artist seperator


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44780

            Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

            Sonos: We might give it another go, but so far we have not had the help we need from Sonos.

            @Mikebp thanks for the report.


            • bhelton

              • Jul 2009
              • 7

              Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

              Originally posted by Spoon
              >on my ID3v2.3 "AC/DC" files

              The standard for id3v2.3 is / as a multi artist seperator
              I didn't know that (obviously :D). I ended up changing both 2.3 and 2.4 by inserting a dash instead.

              I did doublecheck (trust but confirm :p) and that's an even more interesting tidbit because this is the first time I've seen it enforced - and I've used TVersity, FUPPES, PS3MediaServer, SimpleCenter, WMP, PimpStreamer and Nero and I'm pretty sure they all showed 'AC/DC'.

              So again - a very impressive server. With that level of attention to detail I would certainly hope in the future you would consider adding video.



              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44780

                Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

                Update 21st July

                migrated to new v2 database and album art store (v1 is removed)
                UUID fix to be unqiue per machine
                internally better handles database locking & updating
                dropped presentation of multiple render types (for speed), original audio format given out

                This update fixes the issue people were seeing where new tracks were not added to Asset.


                • bhelton

                  • Jul 2009
                  • 7

                  Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

                  Another small item:

                  When using internet radio with the Directv HR's the ui is showing a 'timebar' with 0:00 - normally with streaming radio it shows "Streaming [the stream title]" with no timebar.

                  I *think* this might be related to the upnp class - I believe the alternate ui is triggered by object.item.audioItem.audioBroadcast and on Asset the radio stations are returning object.item.audioItem.musicTrack. Would it be a large undertaking to change upnp:class on the streaming radio items? And of course I have no idea how that kind of change would affect other devices.



                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44780

                    Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

                    I will look into it.


                    • dvdr
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Sep 2008
                      • 235

                      Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2


                      I noticed something with the new beta release: all tracks that do have an audiotype not natively supported by the streaming client (in this case Sneaky DS) and therefor have to be set to "force to wav" will play back with a "hickup": playback starts for about 1/2 - 1 second of the song and then will restart from the beginning again.

                      This also was the case in the previous beta, when you selected "force to wav" for those audiotypes. But since I could deselect "force to wav" for all audiotypes in the previous beta and still get playback for these files (I think this is what you refer to with "presentation of multiple render types"), this was not an issue for me (at least with in my setup) - I could play mp2 or m4b even with "force to wav" disabled for those file-types in the previous beta.

                      Could you please have a look, where that "force to wave-hickup" comes from?



                      • dvdr
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • Sep 2008
                        • 235

                        Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

                        Did some more testing, in case it had to do with the rescan after the update of Asset... Rescan and database rebuild is finished now.
                        It seems to happen only with mp2-files, m4b and wma seem to work.
                        Additionally, what I noticed with the mp2-files: a plop before playback begins (more a dull sound, only very few times a more tsssss-y sound), then 1 second of music, hickup, then playback starts from top of the track.


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44780

                          Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2



                          • dvdr
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • Sep 2008
                            • 235

                            Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

                            Originally posted by Spoon

                            one more thing, that might help you eventually:

                            I copied the URL of the called "temporary" transcoded wav-file

                            (for example

                            and entered it in VLC-Player to see, what happens (btw. where would I find these files on my computer, in case I wanted to analyze them or provide them to you - could not find them anywhere....)

                            Both the plop and the hickup were there, as well.

                            Does that mean, that this is not a preload-problem of Sneaky, but that the plop and the hickup are completely present in this wav-file? Would that mean, that it's a transcoding issue?

                            About the plop: I noticed, that is dependent on the loudness and the frequency-range of the first signal of the file. The "darker" the first "notes" of a song are, the darker the plop, the louder the note, the louder the plop. If there's a little moment of silence before the first note, then this changes the plop as well. Only with recordings (classical) with much more than a slight moment of silence at the beginning, there is no plop; "hard-cut" pop-music instead produces loud plops.

                            Hope, that helps.


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44780

                              Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

                              If you could email the original mp2 file please:



                              • justinstreem

                                • Jul 2009
                                • 1

                                Re: Asset UPnP (DLNA) Release 2

                                Hi Still doesnt work with Roberts W201 and my logic internet radio. It shows the Tracks Connecting but they never connect. Does the same with Internet Radio stations where is adds to queue but then says end of queue.
                                Love to get it working with these as I like your structure better than Twonkey, Media Tomb and WMP which all seem to work fine. Had recent upgrades of software on both machines as they are now DLNA complient apparantly.
                                I will keep downloading your Betas in hope. Fingers crossed. Would do you good to get working with these as there are 10s of thousands of units out there with the same engine. sanyo, tangent, Bush etc.

