Searching desperately for a way to convert mp3 (or other) to WAV in the smallest possible way.... I make powerpoint presentations ( .pps files ) to send through e-mail and when I include music like "mp3" it creates a linkfile instead of inserting the music into the presentation. Powerpoint only accepts wav sounds for inserting, so I went looking for a way to CREATE WAV sounds with acceptable quality and as SMALL as possible to insert in my presentation. I already tried normal conversion + tooooo big, then tried mp3-to wma - to wav ,but there in the conversion to wav the original values are taken so that the wav is again too big..... :cry: Is there a way to convert say like to wma (not preserving the original size) and then convert this wma to wav again so that this last one is really smaller. ???????
I really could use some help or information here........ asp..... THANKS
I really could use some help or information here........ asp..... THANKS