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creating wav for use in powerpoint

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  • mizy

    • May 2005
    • 8

    creating wav for use in powerpoint

    Searching desperately for a way to convert mp3 (or other) to WAV in the smallest possible way.... I make powerpoint presentations ( .pps files ) to send through e-mail and when I include music like "mp3" it creates a linkfile instead of inserting the music into the presentation. Powerpoint only accepts wav sounds for inserting, so I went looking for a way to CREATE WAV sounds with acceptable quality and as SMALL as possible to insert in my presentation. I already tried normal conversion + tooooo big, then tried mp3-to wma - to wav ,but there in the conversion to wav the original values are taken so that the wav is again too big..... :cry: Is there a way to convert say like to wma (not preserving the original size) and then convert this wma to wav again so that this last one is really smaller. ???????
    I really could use some help or information here........ asp..... THANKS
  • ChristinaS
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2004
    • 4097

    Re: creating wav for use in powerpoint

    Originally posted by mizy
    Searching desperately for a way to convert mp3 (or other) to WAV in the smallest possible way.... I make powerpoint presentations ( .pps files ) to send through e-mail and when I include music like "mp3" it creates a linkfile instead of inserting the music into the presentation. Powerpoint only accepts wav sounds for inserting, so I went looking for a way to CREATE WAV sounds with acceptable quality and as SMALL as possible to insert in my presentation. I already tried normal conversion + tooooo big, then tried mp3-to wma - to wav ,but there in the conversion to wav the original values are taken so that the wav is again too big..... :cry: Is there a way to convert say like to wma (not preserving the original size) and then convert this wma to wav again so that this last one is really smaller. ???????
    I really could use some help or information here........ asp..... THANKS
    Don't bother to go through umpteen conversions. You want to start with the best quality input file you have and convert that one to compressed wav.

    Start dMC for you input file, select the codec for wave, click compressed and then Change format. From the drop down list select mpeg-layer 3 and then pick the particular attributes that will give you as small a file yet still acceptable quality.

    For my particular needs I used 32kbits, 22050Hz, mono - 3kb/sec . Of course it al depends on what quality you're looking for. That was fine for me. You'll have to experiment. These settings result in 320K for a one-minute audio file. It will be the same as an mp3 at 32kbps, 22KHz, mono.
    Last edited by ChristinaS; May 02, 2005, 06:41 AM.


    • mizy

      • May 2005
      • 8

      Re: creating wav for use in powerpoint

      Hi, thanks for your swift reply. Tried it and have the following...
      took an mp3 4mb (specifications:original size 44.272 kb was converted to mp3 to4.027 kb - compression 10 to 1 = 9%,mpg layer 3, 128 kbps, 44100, length 4.17 minutes) THEN converted as you indicated (I only have the choice at minimum 40kbits/32.000-4kb/sec so i took this) results in a very good size file of 290 kb ! (specifications: original size 7.397kb tot 290 kb, compression ratio 25 to 1 (3%) MP3 ENCODER(waveformat ExHeader) 32.000
      length 0.59 minutes !!!!!!!)
      so the compression was fine but it cut my file to only 1 minute like ?????
      I remain thus with a quarter of the file (compression 25 ? is about the percentage that i lost) have no idea where to look or change this. Help again


      • ChristinaS
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2004
        • 4097

        Re: creating wav for use in powerpoint

        Originally posted by mizy
        Hi, thanks for your swift reply. Tried it and have the following...
        took an mp3 4mb (specifications:original size 44.272 kb was converted to mp3 to4.027 kb - compression 10 to 1 = 9%,mpg layer 3, 128 kbps, 44100, length 4.17 minutes) THEN converted as you indicated (I only have the choice at minimum 40kbits/32.000-4kb/sec so i took this) results in a very good size file of 290 kb ! (specifications: original size 7.397kb tot 290 kb, compression ratio 25 to 1 (3%) MP3 ENCODER(waveformat ExHeader) 32.000
        length 0.59 minutes !!!!!!!)
        so the compression was fine but it cut my file to only 1 minute like ?????
        I remain thus with a quarter of the file (compression 25 ? is about the percentage that i lost) have no idea where to look or change this. Help again
        Hmmm... Try to convert your original mp3 file to uncompressed wav, 16-bits, 44.1KHz, 2-channel stereo. Don't overwrite or delete the input file, save it elsewhere or with another name. Then use this wav and convert it to compressed wav with those specs I gave before. Again don't overwrite or delete original input file, save under antoher name.

        Do you have Professional frequency enabled? It may help with the transcoding (not sure though). I didn't experience loss of duration at all.


        • mizy

          • May 2005
          • 8

          Re: creating wav for use in powerpoint

          hi there , tried your last proposal and still get a compressed wav that is again 25 % smaller than the original wav. it indicates that compression is 25 to 1 . The original mp3 file I converted this time was 1.17 min. The first non-compressed wav was also 1.17 min. and last compressed wav left me with 0.15 min. only Strange thing is that with the last compressed wav, when I changed format - I selected mp3 layer,
          then went back to check again and it was changed to mp3 ENCODER, in the last saved wav file I see "format : mp3 encoder Wave Format Ex header instead of mp3 layer.???? In the first non compressed wav file it says : "PCM Wave Format Ex header.... I don't know if the mp3 encoder is a separate part installed maybe this is the culprit and can be removed ? but I will reinstall dbpower standard with no extra's and see what I get. In any case Thanks a lot for the already given info , still here for more hints if possible.
          greetings Chris


          • ChristinaS
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2004
            • 4097

            Re: creating wav for use in powerpoint

            Make sure you don't lose the registered status of dMC if you are reinstalling. Don't uninstall it first or you may have some problems to re-register.

            PCM is the regular uncomprssed file, and that's fine - as long as it is 16-bit, 44.1KHz, 2-channel stereo. Of course other combiantions are ok too , but just keep it simple and straightforward for now.

            The compressed wave should say MPEG-layer 3 WaveFormatEx Header . Maybe you slipped and picked a different codec instead of wav?


            • mizy

              • May 2005
              • 8

              Re: creating wav for use in powerpoint

              Hello there, just to say that the compression in WAV - mp3 layer is not working for me. always give mp3 encoder instead of mp3 layer... and no matter which size I take always reduces the original file in time... I am trying to work further with PCM compression....there the file stays the same in Length, however the quality results are not very good. Logic when I take a mp3, convert to wav, and then compress again. Perhaps there is a standard way of doing it "especially for use in POWERPOINT" Well, we ar searching further at ease. Signing off from Belgium - (City of Ghent) thanks again..... Chris :smile2:


              • ChristinaS
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Apr 2004
                • 4097

                Re: creating wav for use in powerpoint

                Originally posted by mizy
                Hello there, just to say that the compression in WAV - mp3 layer is not working for me. always give mp3 encoder instead of mp3 layer... and no matter which size I take always reduces the original file in time... I am trying to work further with PCM compression....there the file stays the same in Length, however the quality results are not very good. Logic when I take a mp3, convert to wav, and then compress again. Perhaps there is a standard way of doing it "especially for use in POWERPOINT" Well, we ar searching further at ease. Signing off from Belgium - (City of Ghent) thanks again..... Chris :smile2:
                Strange that you don't get to see MPEG Layer-3 in there. The problem you are describing I have experienced after installing the LameACM codec which was added to the compression codecs for wave. MPEG Layer-3 is still there however, though with more compression options. But only the lower bitrates work properly for me (up to 56kBs - 24000Hz), the higher ones create files with 0 bitrates in fact and half or less duration as indicated (irrelevant, since they don't play at all and cause and error n WMP).

                Perhaps you too have installed yet another one of those special codecs. I am about to uninstall the LameACM codec at this point as it's useless to me in its present state of buggyness (on my system, that is).

                Whenever you convert anything to pcm wave you are simply reverting to an uncompressed format, so it will always become again a very large file (although with all the conversions the audio quality will be poorer and poorer, the more conversions it undergoes). It's like taking an image reduced to a thumbnail and blowing it up to its original size again. It's the same size as the original from which the thumbnail had been made, but much grainier.


                • mizy

                  • May 2005
                  • 8

                  Re: creating wav for use in powerpoint

                  Hi there again, just to let you know that My sister downloaded also the dbpower amp decoder. Wat happens is the following : her wav compression possibilities are different from mine. In Wav - compressed - change format, she gets the mp3 layer possibility with lower rates than I, she can select 40KB/s , "16.000 Hz at 4KB/s. The minimum that I have is starting from 40 KB/s at " 32000 Hz" 4KB/s ! I mentioned that clicking on mp3 layer option always changes automaticly back to mP3 encoder.!!! It's becoming quit clear now that the mp3 encoder is the culprit !! it overwrites the mp3 layer settings , but WHERE can I find the encoder on my system to change the settings or delete it ?.... I have different programs installed with mp3 encoders but I do not know where to find them.... Think this problem wil not be solved....... :cry: Chris


                  • mizy

                    • May 2005
                    • 8

                    Re: creating wav for use in powerpoint

                    FOUND IT !!!!!!!
                    I searched for properties audiocodecs (on my system) and found properties for AC3 ACM decompressor (Intervideo mp3 audio Codec) and just put in "don't use this audiocodec ! When I got back to dbpower amp , the MP3 encoder was gone from the choice menue and when I choosed the mp3 layer it gave a whole different options of lower bitrates, hz etc... and I put in 40 KB/sec. 16.000 Hz and 4 KB/s and IT WORKED.! :smile2: so I AM HAPPY to have found it. I Compressed the mp3 to wav with these options and the sound I got was really acceptable with a minimum of KB space..;;;;;;;
                    tHANKS FOR YOUR reply , perhaps this thread is usefull for others
                    Chris - Belgium


                    • ChristinaS
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Apr 2004
                      • 4097

                      Re: creating wav for use in powerpoint

                      Aha! Do you remember installing that AC3 ACM decompressor (Intervideo mp3 audio Codec) somehow?


                      • mizy

                        • May 2005
                        • 8

                        Re: creating wav for use in powerpoint

                        I am trying to find out where that codec came from... I suspect from the ACE MEGA CODEC pack but I am not sure. The company is Intervideo inc. and on the their internetsite is only software winDVD to find. I suppose others are using codecs from this firm..... but not sure at all who Nero? powerDVD?. I am still going to look further will let you know something ..... bye chris


                        • ChristinaS
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Apr 2004
                          • 4097

                          Re: creating wav for use in powerpoint

                          I'm getting lots of spam from Intervideo - made the mistake to try out one of their programs and it didn't work for me - and they've been bombarding me ever since then with emails - despite my asking to be taken off the mailing list. Wouldn't be surprised ....

                          I have Nero and that wouldn't be it - unless it's a plugin to Nero.


                          • mizy

                            • May 2005
                            • 8

                            Re: creating wav for use in powerpoint

                            Hi there , I have found the MP encoder on my system. the name of the program is "Intervideo XPack" and I think I've installed it with DVDCopy from Intervideo. The xpack gives a few options / plug-ins for the Windows Media player, music settings and also dvd directx video acceleration. It's a litte program. Glad that I've found the origine. Sometimes I download a program from a p2p like shareazaa to check it out and then remove it again , but sometimes ,here and there , additional programs stay behind... Otherwise I have no conflicts with this Intervideo Xpack.
                            So, think we are done here. It was nice to receive your comments .
                            Take Care and bye. Chris.

