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.asx to .mp3?

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  • Unregistered

    Re: .asx to .mp3?

    i tried searching for <REF.....etc...

    but what i get is this blocks and weird words....
    no REF or whatever....
    R¥4ûÞñ€¥c4R¥4ûÞñ€¥c4 Seh


    • Unregistered

      Re: .asx to .mp3?

      Originally posted by Razgo
      rename you [color=red].asx[/color] to [color=blue].wma[/color] then download dmc from here:

      then go to codec central and download the windows media codec from codec central here:
      i tried this n follow the steps but still cant


      • ChristinaS
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2004
        • 4097

        Re: .asx to .mp3?

        Originally posted by Unregistered
        i tried searching for <REF.....etc...

        but what i get is this blocks and weird words....
        no REF or whatever....
        R¥4ûÞñ€¥c4R¥4ûÞñ€¥c4 „ Seh
        Sorry, the contents of this file appear to be in a non-western code - or perhaps it is an audio file itself, though the name suggests a meta-file. I don't know what you can do with it. Does it play in any player at all? if it does, then use dMC Auxiliary Input and capture the audio to wav and then convert it (or capture directly to a compressed format).


        • ChristinaS
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Apr 2004
          • 4097

          Re: .asx to .mp3?

          Originally posted by Unregistered
          i tried this n follow the steps but still cant
          What part doesn't work? Any error message? And are you the same unregistered guest as the one just before?


          • Henri

            • Jul 2004
            • 1

            Re: Protecting videos

            I have videos on a streaming server but I find it very expensive.
            I'm looking for a way to prevent "the average surfer" from stealing my videos on a regular server.
            I've recently read about putting videos in asx files but I don't understand it yet.
            I know that there are programs out there that can copy streamed videos but I'm talking about the average surfer.
            Can someone help me on this matter?
            Thanks, Henri


            • ChristinaS
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Apr 2004
              • 4097

              Re: Protecting videos

              Originally posted by Henri
              I have videos on a streaming server but I find it very expensive.
              I'm looking for a way to prevent "the average surfer" from stealing my videos on a regular server.
              I've recently read about putting videos in asx files but I don't understand it yet.
              I know that there are programs out there that can copy streamed videos but I'm talking about the average surfer.
              Can someone help me on this matter?
              Thanks, Henri
              Read my post in FAQ where I deal with meta-files.

              While the implementation of ASX presented there refers more to audio files, you can use the exact same model to handle video files.

              This combined with extra information from should help you.

              Note that an .asx meta file can be used for .wmv, .mpg and .avi files, as well as for .asf, .wma and .mp3 audio files. Quite possibly a few more file types too.

              Of course, anybody who's got a bit of knowledge in such matters will be able to strip the file from the .asx file quite easily, by the methods we've posted here in this forum.

              I do have some idea of how to protect that though. I haven't tried any yet but I'd like to take a crack at it. I will post something to this effect as soon as I confirm my hunches.


              • kareninflorida

                • Aug 2004
                • 1

                Re: .asx to .mp3? (my turn!)

                [COLOR=Indigo]Okay, now it's my turn. :( I've read all five pages of posts in this thread, and I am having a similar problem in that after I record and try to replay the track, I get nothing but static. Previously, I got nothing, even though all the recording control levels were maxed. Now, all of the sudden, I am getting sound, but its just static.

                Here is the URL. I was just trying to save it as a wav file:


                Any suggestions, o wise ones? :smile2:
                Last edited by kareninflorida; August 02, 2004, 06:53 PM.


                • ChristinaS
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Apr 2004
                  • 4097

                  Re: .asx to .mp3? (my turn!)

                  Originally posted by kareninflorida
                  [COLOR=Indigo]Okay, now it's my turn. :( I've read all five pages of posts in this thread, and I am having a similar problem in that after I record and try to replay the track, I get nothing but static. Previously, I got nothing, even though all the recording control levels were maxed. Now, all of the sudden, I am getting sound, but its just static.

                  Here is the URL. I was just trying to save it as a wav file:


                  Any suggestions, o wise ones? :smile2:

                  By using the notions in the first FAQ thread, I downloaded the asx file - which is a meta file for streaming through Windows Media player.

                  Here is the content of the asx file, after I opened it with Notepad:

                  <ASX VERSION="3.0">
                    <REF HREF="mms://" />
                  The file you need to download is the one contained in the <REF HREF=....> tag.

                  You cannot download it as it is from a streaming server (as indicated by the protocol mms:// ). So you apply the notions in the second FAQ thread I give you.

                  Bottom line: Use WMP to play your asx file and capture the wav through dMC Auxiliary input. Then convert to whatever you want. Or capture directly to mp3 or wma ....

                  Oh, and don't forget to adjust the Volume control settings for recording (from the volume icon in your task bar): input source is Stereo Mix or something similar (it depends on your sound card and the program that controls it). Make sure other input sources are muted or inactive, such as microphone and cd player.
                  Last edited by ChristinaS; August 02, 2004, 07:36 PM.


                  • New person

                    Re: .asx to .mp3?

                    Thanks alot,

                    This thread was very helpful, i just starting using dmc auxiliary input and I love it.

                    One thing to newbies that might be tripping them up, the no sound problem, is to enable sterio mix in the recording volume properties window, and select that. It took me a minute to figure how to turn that on.


                    • Newbie

                      Re: .asx to .mp3?

                      "If you see something less common like mms:// in front of a file name, then you are dealing with a streaming server and most likely you cannot save the media file directly to disk. In that case you will have to use dMC Auxiliary Input to play the meta file and capture the audio (best to capture to .wav), before you convert to anything."

                      I was reading your notes just then and I tried to record a downloaded asx file with dmc auxiliary input with the asx file playing by wmp. I pressed Record button but it doesn't record properly... What should I do?
                      And one more what should I do to get the streaming movie from the internet?



                      • ChristinaS
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Apr 2004
                        • 4097

                        Re: .asx to .mp3?

                        .asx refers tot he meta file - it is no the actual audio file.

                        So read this and get your actual audio file from there.

                        Note: A file has to be downloaded onto your pc in order to use dMC to convert it. If you cannot download it, then use dMC Auxiliary input and record an audio file from the player that plays it off the web.
                        Last edited by ChristinaS; August 08, 2004, 06:29 AM.


                        • Newbie

                          Re: .asx to .mp3?

                          I've got two computers and one has the asx files(streaming audio) and I can play it anytime and the other computer has the dmc auxiliary input and those computers are connected with the line. Whenever I play the asx file and record with the other computer, and played it, it always makes this buzz sound and it is not properly recorded. What is the good settings for recording stream audios?


                          • ChristinaS
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Apr 2004
                            • 4097

                            Re: .asx to .mp3?

                            Originally posted by Newbie
                            I've got two computers and one has the asx files(streaming audio) and I can play it anytime and the other computer has the dmc auxiliary input and those computers are connected with the line. Whenever I play the asx file and record with the other computer, and played it, it always makes this buzz sound and it is not properly recorded. What is the good settings for recording stream audios?
                            What do you mean "those computers are connected with the line" ? Are they on a network of sorts?

                            I'll assume that you are using Windows Explorer on the computer where you want to record and playing your file from the remote computer.

                            The buzz sound must be from the settings on your Volume control panel on the computer where you are trying to use dMC Auxliary Input to record.

                            Open that (from the volume icon in your task bar) and check the recording control settings. The input should be from Stereo mix (or wav maybe) or something like that, not CD or microphone. Only one input option should be used, all others should not. The names of the input options all depend on the particular sound card you are using and the control program associated with it.


                            • Unregistered

                              Re: .asx to .mp3?


                              i read the entire thread here...

                              i have the exact same problem as the person with the "Big Pimpin" song.

                              after reading the whole thread, i understand how to do the recording and such...but my problem is i have about 50+ .asx songs i need to convert. so do i really have to sit at my computer and start recording every single song? i have a source i use for music and they are all .asx, meaning i plan to get more files from there. please there must be some easier way to convert these...


                              • ChristinaS
                                dBpoweramp Guru

                                • Apr 2004
                                • 4097

                                Re: .asx to .mp3?

                                Check and click on Mp3 Resources.

                                There's something on Strembox CR and a download. Perhaps this will help you.

