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Cambridge NP30 (or Twonky?) skipping trailing silence

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  • FakePlasticDunk

    • May 2019
    • 3

    Cambridge NP30 (or Twonky?) skipping trailing silence

    I've recently enountered a strange problem using a Cambridge NP30 to stream FLAC from a Buffalo Linkstation running Twonky. I'd assumed for a long time that I'd overlooked the issue of 'pre-track gaps' when ripping, because tracks seemed to play one after the other with no silence between, even when there had been when playing the CD, but now I've found that the ripper defaulted to appending such gaps as silence to the previous track, and looking in Audacity, there the trailing silences are - and playing the tracks through Windows Media Player (which as far as I can tell is streaming from Twonky on the Buffalo as does the NP30) on my laptop correctly plays the silence at the end of the song, before the next one starts, whereas on the NP30, the next song starts immediately after the last note of the previous. So what's happening with the NP30? Have they over-aggressively implemented gapless playback? Is anyone else with an NP30 having the same experience? I am puzzled. I have submitted a support ticket to Cambridge Audio, which hopefully will yield something, but I wonder if anyone else can shed light on this.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44834

    Re: Cambridge NP30 (or Twonky?) skipping trailing silence

    If the track contains silence and the NP30 is not playing it, then the NP30 is skipping the silence.


    • FakePlasticDunk

      • May 2019
      • 3

      Re: Cambridge NP30 (or Twonky?) skipping trailing silence

      Hi Spoon. Yeah, that's what I thought. Cambridge Audio support are currently pointing the finger at Twonky. Unless WMP is somehow bypassing Twonky and accessing the files via the file system (which is not what it looks like it's doing), then I don't see how that can be, but CA support say there is no functionality in the NP30 for stripping or adding silences between tracks.


      • FakePlasticDunk

        • May 2019
        • 3

        Re: Cambridge NP30 (or Twonky?) skipping trailing silence

        Originally posted by Spoon
        If the track contains silence and the NP30 is not playing it, then the NP30 is skipping the silence.
        I'm wondering if it's something to do with the silence having been appended, rather than having been part of the original track - I looked at another track where the silence at the end is part of the track on the cd, rather than appended silence to make up for the pre-track gap of the next track, and it plays properly - so whatever is doing it is not just arbitrarily stripping out any silence at the end of a track. Perhaps the length of the track is being stored twice, in two different tags, once with the original length of the track, and then once elsewhere with the appended length. The basic FLAC tag of length is correct when I look with something like mp3tag, or just file properties details, but if WMP is playing according to that, or to just whatever it finds, and Twonky or the NP30 are playing according to a different field with the original track length, playback would stop before the silence? This is all hypothesis, I have no idea how to go about checking this.

