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Copy Tag/Album Arts from one file to another?

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  • AxBattler

    • Aug 2013
    • 1

    Copy Tag/Album Arts from one file to another?

    After ripping my regular CD collection to FLAC, I am now painfully going through some copy protected discs. The horrible type with lots of intentional C2 errors. I've had better luck getting a "secure rip" with EAC than dBpoweramp on those kind of discs (the results also seem more consistent when I rip multiple times). Still, I much prefer tagging with dBpoweramp. For a start, EAC seems to struggle with tags in Kanji characters (turning them to question marks). Secondly, I scan both sides my CDs, let dBpoweramp resize them when embedding (and archive the original scans). I was wondering if dBpoweramp has a feature that would allow me replace all the tags in one file to another including album art, without touching the audio?

    Edit: Also, is it possible to add the ReplayGain tags to the EAC generated FLAC so that it is consistent with the rest of the album ripped via dBpoweramp?
    Last edited by AxBattler; August 12, 2013, 09:56 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: Copy Tag/Album Arts from one file to another?

    Replaygain can be added at any time with the Utility Codec [ReplayGain] (see codec central above).

    It is not possible to move the tags from one file to another.

