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Grabbing ID 3 Tag from file name?

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  • berryracer

    • Mar 2012
    • 1

    Grabbing ID 3 Tag from file name?


    I just purchase dBpoweramp today so Im new to it.

    In the past, I have always used a program called Tag&Rename to edit my ID3 tags. What I like about Tag&Rename is the ease of use. It can for example grab the ID3 Tag info from the file name itself. and you can do this for an entire folder for multiple files in one shot.

    So for example, I can run the Tag&Rename on my entire MP3 collection and it will add or rectify all the ID3 tags in a few seconds.

    With that said, I am wondering, can dBpoweramp do the same thing? and if so...then how? I only noticed I can right click on a single file and manually edit the ID3 tag info

    Hope this is there and if not hope you can implement this feature soon.

    Thank you
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: Grabbing ID 3 Tag from file name?

    Look for [Tag from FileName] in codec central.

