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Volume Leveling

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  • rossop

    • Apr 2011
    • 15

    Volume Leveling

    Could someone please advise me the best way to make all my files play back at about the same level?

    I am aware of the two replay gains and the volume normalisation in the DSP and effects. I have about 200 cds ripped. I would like to batch convert them so they all have about the same loudness. I am not sure how to do it.

    Last edited by rossop; April 05, 2011, 12:06 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44836

    Re: Volume Leveling

    Convert and include the DSP effect 'Volume Normalize' with the replaygain option selected within.


    • rossop

      • Apr 2011
      • 15

      Re: Volume Leveling

      Thanks Spoon. One other thing: When I am ripping new cds should I use this same setting or use the other replay gain by itself. :smile2:


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44836

        Re: Volume Leveling

        Depends on your player, if it is replaygain compatible or not.


        • rossop

          • Apr 2011
          • 15

          Re: Volume Leveling

          Player is PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC (with Bridge). Not sure if it is compatible so I will probably leave the Volume Normalisation on. OK?
          Last edited by rossop; April 05, 2011, 09:47 PM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44836

            Re: Volume Leveling

            You would have to ask the manufacturer to be sure.


            • garym
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Nov 2007
              • 5934

              Re: Volume Leveling

              Originally posted by rossop
              Player is PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC (with Bridge). Not sure if it is compatible so I will probably leave the Volume Normalisation on. OK?

              That's not the player. that's the DAC. What player are you using (itunes, foobar2000, winamp, squeezebox, sonos, etc.). Many software players will read replaygain tags and use these in playback. These are just tags and don't change the actual digital audio. If you do volume normalize, you have changed the actual digital bits (which most people prefer not to do).

              so what is your actual player????


              • rossop

                • Apr 2011
                • 15

                Re: Volume Leveling

                I use J.River 16. Is that what you mean? I dont think it supports DSP playback to the DAC. I am not too sure.


                • rossop

                  • Apr 2011
                  • 15

                  Re: Volume Leveling

                  One more thing: If I apply volume normalisation can I revert to not having it by reconverting without it applied or would I have to re-rip?


                  • garym
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Nov 2007
                    • 5934

                    Re: Volume Leveling

                    Originally posted by rossop
                    One more thing: If I apply volume normalisation can I revert to not having it by reconverting without it applied or would I have to re-rip?
                    I'm pretty sure you'd have to rerip (almost certain). That's why this is a bad idea in my opinion. Are you sure the J River player won't deal with replaygain tags? Many, many players will these days. This is not exactly DSP. It is just a tag with info, and the player knows to lower or raise the volume of the track based on the info in the tag. Maybe a post on the J River forums about "the use of ReplayGain"


                    • rossop

                      • Apr 2011
                      • 15

                      Re: Volume Leveling

                      Thanks a lot!


                      • garym
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Nov 2007
                        • 5934

                        Re: Volume Leveling

                        just a quick google and I find a wiki that explains how J River media center can actually do the replaygain calculations. So that tells me that J River players surely can use the replaygain info in track volume leveling. You really need to explore this more before you modify your actual audio with permanent volume leveling.


                        • rossop

                          • Apr 2011
                          • 15

                          Re: Volume Leveling

                          Allthough JRiver will let you apply Replay Gain it would seem that you can only use it when playing on your PC. i.e. not when you are sending it external. Its a problem really because of the inconsistant levels that cds are recorded.:cry:


                          • less

                            • May 2011
                            • 1

                            Re: Volume Leveling

                            Replay gain vs. Normalization - yet again...

                            I'm sorry guys, but I'm trying to wrap my head around this still. My goal is exactly the same as this poster. I've ripped my entire collection and tossed the cds once I verified I had a good file and had it backed up. Re-rip isn't an option except in a very few cases.

                            Also, I'm a lossless guy with a lot of money into my systems in both the car and home and yet, none of these systems (aside from my laptop) supports replay gain on playback. I'm under the impression that replay gain is the only option that will adjust the music so that its relatively balanced, without altering the sound in a often audible manner. A friend of mine with "golden ears" always complains whenever I normalize a file as he hears the difference, although most often I don't.

                            I though you could hit the APPLY option on replay gain and convert all tracks to achieve normalization without an issue, but from what I read here, that isn't the case. Do I have an option that won't destroy the musical integrity that I'm looking for? Or, should I just keep things the way they are for safety sake?

                            I use a Denon reciever that uses WMplayer to play files from my computer network at home, and I've almost decided to move to a car PC system to feed my mobile needs just so I don't have to mess with this anymore.

                            Thanks in advance for any direction you can lend. Links to other threads or info are also appreciated.

                            Jim the newbie here


                            • dbfan
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Jan 2011
                              • 937

                              Re: Volume Leveling

                              You have to create a 2nd library (so it is left unaltered), it also makes sense to increase the bit depth to 24 bit when applying the replay gain

