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Add multiple tags (Incl. cover art) from command line

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  • khartley

    • Dec 2009
    • 13

    Add multiple tags (Incl. cover art) from command line

    I'm converting from flac to mp3 via the command line, and would like to include tags for artist, title, covert art, track, disc (part num), comments, and genre. How would I go about doing this? Is there a list of the various tag options and how to set them? I've got the ID tag update codec installed, but I'm not sure where to go from here. Thanks for your help!

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: Add multiple tags (Incl. cover art) from command line

    The flac contains the ID Tags?


    • khartley

      • Dec 2009
      • 13

      Re: Add multiple tags (Incl. cover art) from command line

      No, the flac is an empty slate as far as tags. I'm pulling those from elsewhere, as well as the cover art, and need to lay it all into the newly made MP3s.


      • khartley

        • Dec 2009
        • 13

        Re: Add multiple tags (Incl. cover art) from command line

        So - two questions, really -

        1) What would the syntax be to lay in the tags from the command line, onto an mp3 that's just been created from a flac file that has no tags in it to begin with (does it need to be a separate command from the conversion or can it be done in the same command as the conversion itself, as additional parameters?)

        2) Can the command line tagging handle cover art? Again, what would the syntax be?

        Thank you for your help on this!!


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44835

          Re: Add multiple tags (Incl. cover art) from command line


          For adding ID Tags, you could add album art if it was Folder.jpg and you included the DSP effect ID Tag Processing set to import Folder.jpg from where the source file is.


          • khartley

            • Dec 2009
            • 13

            Re: Add multiple tags (Incl. cover art) from command line

            Thanks, Spoon - that got me most of thw way there. I find that I can add both tags such as title, comments, etc., from the command line, no problem. However, when I do as you recommended above and attempt to add cover art, I get the title and comment tags, but no cover art. I can add the cover art (along with the title and comment) from the GUI, but when I copy the DSPEffects argument into my command line call, no cover art. Can you see anything wrong with the following? (Again, the file name for the jpg is correct - this works if I do it from within the GUI):

            coreconverter -infile=test.flac -outfile=test.mp3 -convert_to="mp3 (Lame)" -b 320 -encoding="SLOW" -priority="high" -errorfile="error.txt" -dspeffect1="ID Tag Processing=-add0={qt}Title=This is a Test!{qt} -add1={qt}Comment=blah blaH BLAH{qt} -case={qt}0{qt} -exportart={qt}(none){qt} -importart={qt}Folder.jpg{qt} -maxart={qt}(any){qt}"


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44835

              Re: Add multiple tags (Incl. cover art) from command line

              Have you tried using dbpoweramp through music converter to do the same? does it work?


              • khartley

                • Dec 2009
                • 13

                Re: Add multiple tags (Incl. cover art) from command line

                Yes, that same thing works correctly through music converter, and I'm then copying out of the registry exactly what's in the dspeffect, but the covert art doesn't come in with the command line version. The other tags do.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44835

                  Re: Add multiple tags (Incl. cover art) from command line

                  Have you tried putting a full path on infile and outfile?


                  • khartley

                    • Dec 2009
                    • 13

                    Re: Add multiple tags (Incl. cover art) from command line

                    Same result... remember, it is talking to the file, because the other tags are showing up correctly.


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44835

                      Re: Add multiple tags (Incl. cover art) from command line

                      I am not sure why, try enabling the debug option in dmc Configuration to see if you can compare two log files (your cli encode and one through music converter).


                      • khartley

                        • Dec 2009
                        • 13

                        Re: Add multiple tags (Incl. cover art) from command line

                        There doesn't seem to be any difference in the debug files. They both just echo the DSP effects, and the fact that -importart="Folder.jpg", but neither says anything else about the writing of the cover art tag.

                        One other thing that I'm noticing... the only time that I can get the cover art tag to successfully add the cover art to the mp3 is when I run the UI and convert a file that is actually in c:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpweramp. The flac file and the jpg are both in that directory - and the cover art tag gets written correctly. If the files reside somewhere else, even if I specify the full path (D:\folder.jpg for example), the covert art tag does NOT get written. Again, no difference in the contents of the debug file, it doesn't say anything about the success or failure of the writing of the cover art tag.


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44835

                          Re: Add multiple tags (Incl. cover art) from command line

                          You cannot specify the path of the folder.jpg, but you should be specifying the full path of the audio file (the folder.jpg should be at the same folder).

