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How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

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  • dkhayat

    • May 2007
    • 2

    How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

    I am a new user. After searching the forums, I configured the power pack menu in DMC Audio CD Input (downloaded with 11.5 installation in different folder from installation folder of version 12) to Auto Rip on Disk Insert. When I insert a disk in CD Ripper, the disk is recognized and the metadata is downloaded but the rip does not start on its own. If I manually click the rip button, the rip proceeds without a problem. I have a large number of cds to rip and I would like to automate the process as much as possible. The autoplay option in windows is set to use db cd ripper. I am sure I am missing something here but I can't find it. Help!

    Thanks, Darius
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

    This option is not in r12, but should reappear in r13


    • dkhayat

      • May 2007
      • 2

      Re: How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

      Thank you, I would have kept trying to figure it out if I had not posted!



      • Teknojnky
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2006
        • 323

        Re: How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

        That is just plain silly to have to wait for r13 for auto rip.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44835

          Re: How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

          Perhaps, but the .1 .2 releases for R12 are being fired out quickly as they are bug fixes, with minor enhancements. A major addition needs serious beta time, which would hold back the bug fix releases.


          • firebat

            • May 2007
            • 5

            Re: How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

            Can't you add a configuration options to do the following :smile2: :

            1. Upon autoplay invoking the dbpowerAMP RIP function, have a configuration option/selection to automatically start the RIP using the default RIP settings.
            2. Have an option that once the RIP has completed, close dbpowerAMP.

            I wouldn't think this would be difficult to implement?

            If you can't add these options easily, how can you do it from the CLI/Script? I have another program that can issue commands if I knew how to do it.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44835

              Re: How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

              Visual Basic and the old SendKeys commands.


              • firebat

                • May 2007
                • 5

                Re: How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

                Thanks Spoon. Haven't ised VB much so I'll look into that.

                How about the options I noted above? Can't those be added to a maintenance release without much issue?


                • firebat

                  • May 2007
                  • 5

                  Re: How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

                  Spoon: What the key sequence to select RIP? I tried ctrl, shift,alt, - R but nothing works. I Need the key sequence for:

                  Close app


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44835

                    Re: How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

                    You could do it by moving the tab to the right button and sending SPACE to select.


                    • bhoar
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Sep 2006
                      • 1173

                      Re: How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

                      Originally posted by Spoon
                      You could do it by moving the tab to the right button and sending SPACE to select.
                      I scripted something quick-and-dirty to address this using autoit. Source code is included. Note that it:

                      1. Will automatically choose to overwrite output files.
                      2. Requires that you enable the auto-eject option in the dbpa cd ripper, otherwise it may keep ripping the same CD continuously.
                      3. Has no graceful way to tell it to stop pressing the rip button for you other than to tell it to quit.

                      Tested under windows xp professional. If you don't trust the executable, then install the autoit/scite environment and compile it yourself.



                      • bhoar
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Sep 2006
                        • 1173

                        Re: How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

                        Updated to force focus to the the cd ripper before sending the space character.



                        • bhoar
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Sep 2006
                          • 1173

                          Re: How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

                          Originally posted by bhoar
                          Updated to force focus to the the cd ripper before sending the space character.

                          Moved to FIOS, so is down for a while. In the mean time, here's my updated AutoIt source code for the script I use to force dbpa's CD Ripper to automatically start ripping on insert:
                          <edit by LtData: code typo, see below for corrected code>
                          All you have to do is:

                          1. Save the text above as dbpa_go2.au3.
                          2. Install AutoIT and the SCITE editor.
                          3. Open the file with SCITE.
                          4. Hit ctrl-F7 to compile it.
                          5. Launch the program before you start ripping.

                          Tested with 12.2 today.

                          Last edited by LtData; June 22, 2007, 09:36 PM.


                          • bhoar
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Sep 2006
                            • 1173

                            Re: How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

                            Oops, error in the force overwrite area. Corrected code below, as I can no longer edit the above post:

                            Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)
                            ;FIXED - Use of ControlSend instead of Send allows sending of " " character to non-active windows...
                            ;TODO - Add option for auto-submit of AccurateRip data...
                            ;TODO - Add option to not overwrite files...
                            $result = MsgBox(4, "Automated DBPowerAmp CD Ripper?", "Do you wish to automatically rip CDs when they are inserted?  Make sure you have enabled Auto-eject before continuing!")
                            If $result <> 6 Then
                            	Exit (0)
                            $result = MsgBox(4, "Are you sure?", "The only way to exit this function is to right click the Auto-IT bar in the system tray and choose exit.  If you wish to cancel ripping, QUIT this program first before cancelling!  Are you really sure you wish to continue?")
                            If $result <> 6 Then
                            	Exit (0)
                            $hWindow = 0
                            While 1
                            	If WinWait("dBpoweramp CD Ripper", "", 2) Then
                            		ControlFocus("dBpoweramp CD Ripper", "Rip", "")
                            		ControlClick("dBpoweramp CD Ripper", "Rip", "")
                            		$hWindow = WinGetHandle("dBpoweramp CD Ripper")
                            		If Not @error = 1 Then
                            			ControlSend($hWindow, "", "Rip", " ")
                            	If WinWait("dBpoweramp: Confirm File Replace", "Overwrite", 2) Then
                            		$result = MsgBox(4, "Overwrite files?", "DBPA_GO will automatically force an overwrite of the output files in 15 seconds...", 15)
                            		If ($result = 6) Or ($result = -1) Then
                            			$hWindow = WinGetHandle("dBpoweramp: Confirm File Replace")
                            			If Not @error = 1 Then
                            				ControlFocus($hWindow, "", "Button1")
                            				ControlClick($hWindow, "", "Button1")
                            				ControlSend($hWindow, "", "Button1", " ")


                            • bhoar
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Sep 2006
                              • 1173

                              Re: How do I configure db cd ripper 12.1 to automatically rip cd when inserted?

                              Probably best to replace these three lines:

                              				ControlSend($hWindow, "", "Button1", " ")
                              with these:

                              				;ControlSend($hWindow, "", "Button1", " ")

