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downloading a .rm file to hard disk

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  • montypython

    • Feb 2004
    • 3

    downloading a .rm file to hard disk

    How do you locally download an .rm file? The only thing I know how to do is to right click on the link and go to "Save Target As...", but then you get a .ram file. Could someone give me an example, say using the page and the link marked "Listen to Global Business" near the top of the page?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: downloading a .rm file to hard disk

    Post the link as a reply to your message here, then rigth click here and Save As


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44847

      Re: downloading a .rm file to hard disk

      An so my forum does not fill up with such postings please register an account on the forum, then after you have downloaded your rm file, you can remove your message.


      • durp

        • Feb 2004
        • 1

        Re: downloading a .rm file to hard disk

        Originally posted by durp
        well that didn't work o_O i guess i'm just slow. How can i save that above link as an .rm? It's still saving it as a .ram
        like the other guy, i really don't know what i'm doing :\


        • donny
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Oct 2002
          • 761

          Re: downloading a .rm file to hard disk

          why don't you just edit the filename?


          • jim

            • Sep 2004
            • 2

            Re: downloading a .rm file to hard disk

            dan it all to yale :vmad:
            is there a simplar way of save a streaming rm/smil file than copying and pasting. and beside the pasting method don't work! :thumbdown


            • ChristinaS
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Apr 2004
              • 4097

              Re: downloading a .rm file to hard disk

              Originally posted by jim
              dan it all to yale :vmad:
              is there a simplar way of save a streaming rm/smil file than copying and pasting. and beside the pasting method don't work! :thumbdown
              That's part of the most basic protection mechanism: to thwart attempts at ripping off media files :D


              • jim

                • Sep 2004
                • 2

                Re: downloading a .rm file to hard disk


                here is the url just incase you fink i ain't done nafink.

                fanks mans.


                • ChristinaS
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Apr 2004
                  • 4097

                  Re: downloading a .rm file to hard disk

                  Originally posted by jim

                  here is the url just incase you fink i ain't done nafink.

                  fanks mans.
                  That link is not accessible - so the file does not exist NOW. Where you may have got it from and whether it ever existed, only you and the Almighty know :D

                  However you might be interested in knowing that the directory where that file is purported as being located (i.e ) requires special persmission to access which neither of us has.

                  So this is one more layer of protection against unauthorized means of obtaining a file. If you go in through the proper path, then you may be able to stream the audio (assuming it actually exists and you don't have an old link which is now dead). All other ways will block you.

                  So if you are able to stream the audio going through the proper path on that web site, then you can use dMC Auxiliary Input to capture the audio to wav or another format as per


                  • ChristinaS
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Apr 2004
                    • 4097

                    Re: downloading a .rm file to hard disk

                    Originally posted by jim
                    and dload managers a crap as well......this is a disaster. danit
                    Disaster? I call hurricane Frances a disaster. Inability to download a file to which you probably have no right does not qualify as a disaster :(


                    • Erwinus

                      Re: downloading a .rm file to hard disk

                      When you want to download a file from a cgi script, it doesn't work. Explorer saves a meta file for the url.


                      • ChristinaS
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Apr 2004
                        • 4097

                        Re: downloading a .rm file to hard disk

                        Originally posted by Erwinus
                        When you want to download a file from a cgi script, it doesn't work. Explorer saves a meta file for the url.
                        That's because this is what is being served, not because it's a cgi script.
                        Open the meta file using Notepad and take the actual url from there, copy it and paste it into the browser's address bar and see if you can access it that way. Paste it here in a forum post and then right click on it as you are previewing the post, and save as whatever it should be.

                        If it comes from a streaming server you'll never get it though.


                        • lan4327

                          • May 2007
                          • 1

                          Re: downloading a .rm file to hard disk


                          Hope this works


                          • Port

                            • Jul 2007
                            • 1

                            Re: downloading a .rm file to hard disk

                            Last edited by Port; July 24, 2007, 04:07 PM.


                            • stitches

                              • Feb 2007
                              • 9

                              Re: downloading a .rm file to hard disk

                              I record streaming media all the time,i don't know about the states,but after some googling,i guess it is illegal in Finland, search through the comments.How on earth they could find out,i.e. tell
                              the difference from their server logs wether it's going to media player or downloader is beyond me.

                              Personally,i use url snooper to find the actuall links and Net Transport to download,if you look around you can find the last freeware version.

                              I also use HiDownload to download hard to get flash files and .mov files.

                              If sometime your downloader kicks out a small .rm .ram or .wax file open that
                              file up with a text editor and the stream link should be inside.

                              And more info
                              Last edited by LtData; July 29, 2007, 05:53 AM. Reason: irrevelant to thread and seems to be advertising

