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Recommendations for a digital audio player

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  • Dat Ei
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Feb 2014
    • 1812

    Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player

    Hey guys,

    can anybody share his experiences with iBasso DX150 oder DX200 with me? Unfortunately there is no dealer in my near, even so I have two dwellings in two different, big cities.

    Dat Ei


    • GaryG45
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Jan 2014
      • 76

      Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player

      Dat Ei,
      I'm not aware of anyone who has either the DX150 or DX200. I know you want experiences from someone who actually owns either dap. I assume you've seen the reviews at Head-Fi or I had to read a review from April 2017 to learn anything about the UI. I didn't read anything about multi-value tags. It mentioned that artists are sorted using the Artist tag and not the Album Artist tag, and there was no search option. Maybe there have been updates to add a search function. I'm very interested in what you decide to purchase.



      • Dat Ei
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Feb 2014
        • 1812

        Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player

        Hey Gary,

        thank you for your input!

        Originally posted by GaryG45
        I assume you've seen the reviews at Head-Fi or
        I've read the review at head-fi, but I didn't even know theheadphonelist. Thanks for the hint! I will have a look.

        Originally posted by GaryG45
        I had to read a review from April 2017 to learn anything about the UI. I didn't read anything about multi-value tags. It mentioned that artists are sorted using the Artist tag and not the Album Artist tag, and there was no search option. Maybe there have been updates to add a search function.
        My Impression is that iBasso is very keen to develope and enhance the Firmware of their daps. Aside of that there is guy who is refines the original firmware i.e. to add Google Play store support.

        Originally posted by GaryG45
        I'm very interested in what you decide to purchase.
        I'm in the lucky situation that my iPod is still working and I have no pressure to make a decision shortly. My only enemies at this stage are myself and my impatience.

        Dat Ei


        • monsterjazzlick
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Jul 2017
          • 1764

          Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player

          Originally posted by Oggy
          I believe that it is only European players that have the volume restriction.
          Hi Oggy,

          I was informed, by Sony last year (during my 'A35' palaver!), that if you purchase their DAPs from either the US or Far East locations, then you won't have the dreaded 'volume' issue. I never got that far though as I sent it back 3 times before demanding a full refund.

          Last edited by monsterjazzlick; July 11, 2018, 04:12 PM. Reason: spelling


          • monsterjazzlick
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Jul 2017
            • 1764

            Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player

            Originally posted by Dat Ei
            2.) A&K AK70 MkII

            - Sound was superb
            - no multivalue tag support (i.e. only the first artist listed)
            - displays the album artist, but not the artist (track artist)
            Hi Dat Ei,

            Theses are quality; but of course you are paying through the roof for them!:

            Last edited by monsterjazzlick; July 11, 2018, 04:32 PM. Reason: Link


            • monsterjazzlick
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Jul 2017
              • 1764

              Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player

              Originally posted by Oggy
              I haven't bought a Hi-Fi magazine for around 30 years, but a friend bought one last month for the review of the new Chord DAC. He gave me the mag, which had a review of three portable players. Cowon Plenue D and two Astell & Kern units, the AK70 MkII and more upmarket Kann. Unsurprisingly they all get 5 star reviews - they probably advertise!

              Again, the A&K Kann is strictly priced for the elite!:

              Last edited by monsterjazzlick; July 11, 2018, 04:31 PM. Reason: Link


              • monsterjazzlick
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Jul 2017
                • 1764

                Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player

                Originally posted by GaryG45
                Dat Ei,
                I'm not aware of anyone who has either the DX150 or DX200. I know you want experiences from someone who actually owns either dap. I assume you've seen the reviews at Head-Fi or I had to read a review from April 2017 to learn anything about the UI. I didn't read anything about multi-value tags. It mentioned that artists are sorted using the Artist tag and not the Album Artist tag, and there was no search option. Maybe there have been updates to add a search function. I'm very interested in what you decide to purchase.

                Hi Gary,

                I never knew about either! Cheers.

                Funnily enough, my old Sennheiser 440-ii phones dies last month (after 25+ years!) so I will give it a visit...

                Last edited by monsterjazzlick; July 11, 2018, 04:35 PM. Reason: spelling


                • monsterjazzlick
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Jul 2017
                  • 1764

                  Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player

                  Originally posted by Dat Ei
                  I'm in the lucky situation that my iPod is still working and I have no pressure to make a decision shortly. My only enemies at this stage are myself and my impatience.
                  Dat Ei,

                  I too would be very interested to hear if/what you finally decide upon.



                  • Oggy
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Apr 2015
                    • 697

                    Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player

                    Originally posted by monsterjazzlick

                    Again, the A&K Kann is strictly priced for the elite!:


                    I'm in exactly the same position as Dat Ei and have a 160GB iPod Classic, which still works very well, and hopefully keeps going for many more years! It is my third iPod, two earlier gen ones having died. It is my only Apple product, but judging by iTunes, they are another company who are capable of making their software worse with updates!

                    I've often wondered what I would replace it with, but as you are finding, many players simply do not do, what you want them to!

                    Some run on Android, so again foobar2000 becomes an option.

                    The A&K players are extremely good, but still don't do everything right.

                    I often listen to music via the iPod in the car, and wouldn't want to be without it.


                    • monsterjazzlick
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Jul 2017
                      • 1764

                      Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player

                      Originally posted by Oggy
                      I'm in exactly the same position as Dat Ei and have a 160GB iPod Classic, which still works very well, and hopefully keeps going for many more years! It is my third iPod, two earlier gen ones having died. It is my only Apple product, but judging by iTunes, they are another company who are capable of making their software worse with updates!

                      I've often wondered what I would replace it with, but as you are finding, many players simply do not do, what you want them to!

                      I have heard no end of issues about iTunes such as it adding material to your collection which you don't even want, and then deleting items! I don't understand the ins and outs but I have heard this quite a lot. Hence, I have no intention of using Amazon Prime Music or similar.

                      This is my main point really. I like to buy a device purely for what, fundamentally, that particular device should do. A phone being a phone, a DAP being a DAP. Just my thoughts though.



                      • monsterjazzlick
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Jul 2017
                        • 1764

                        Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player


                        Rather than create a new thread, I have decided to tag my questions on to this one (already created by Dat Ei).

                        I was looking at portable/personal music players of which are sensibly priced and appear to offer the desired specs. I came up with two, but my concern (despite excellent reviews) is that I have never heard of the manufacturers before, nor have I ever purchased a brand I am not familiar with:


                        Many thanks in advance for any kind assistance offered here.

                        Last edited by monsterjazzlick; July 11, 2018, 07:35 PM. Reason: Link


                        • GaryG45
                          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                          • Jan 2014
                          • 76

                          Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player

                          I wish you good luck in finding a DAP. Until three months ago I had been using a 160GB iPod Classic in my car. It still works, but I decided to use TuneFUSION to copy the majority of my library to MP3 on a 64GB USB thumb drive. I'm able to use the thumb drive in the car, and MP3 is adequate because of the car environment(road noise). I have also thought about a replacement for my iPod in case it dies. I have experimented with Foobar mobile on my iPhone and iPad. At home I like that Foobar mobile media servers option connects to my NAS, where the ALAC version of my music resides. It also connects to Logitech Media Server and Plex Media Server both of which I'm only testing with a small portion of my music library. I hope you can get Foobar to work with your Amazon Fire.



                          • Dat Ei
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Feb 2014
                            • 1812

                            Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player

                            Good morning,

                            please apologize my late answer but I've watch the football semifinal last night.

                            Originally posted by monsterjazzlick
                            I too would be very interested to hear if/what you finally decide upon.
                            I did not make a decision so far. There exist several reasons that:

                            1.) No possibility to check and listen to DAPs I'm interested in. Too bad for an investment in that range.
                            2.) My favorite DAP iBasso DX 150 (based on the specs and whitepapers) does offer neither aptX nor aptX HD. While aptX could be implemented by firmware and still has a chance to be seen in newer firmware versions (statement from a iBasso support employee), aptX HD requires a chip which is missing in the DX 150.
                            3.) My iPod is still ok - no need to rush.

                            Dat Ei


                            • monsterjazzlick
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Jul 2017
                              • 1764

                              Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player

                              Hi Gary,

                              Thanks a lot.

                              The iPod Classic player/replacement seems to be a regular saga I am hearing. It is most frustrating when you find something you love, and which performs all of the desired tasks, has become discontinued!

                              The exact same thing as happened to me (and many other owners) of the 1990s superb pair of 'HD 440 ii' headphones from Sennheiser. I have been having a nightmare finding an adequate replacement.



                              • monsterjazzlick
                                dBpoweramp Guru

                                • Jul 2017
                                • 1764

                                Re: Recommendations for a digital audio player

                                Hi Dat Ei,

                                To be honest, I had never even heard of aptX before, until I looked it up after you mentioned it!

                                It looks like an expensive feature which is built into DAP/phones:

                                I think if I owned something of this value, then I would be too worried about taking it out in case I lost it!

                                Unless you are listening in a quiet environment, and on good quality headphones, can you really hear the difference?

                                Last edited by monsterjazzlick; July 12, 2018, 01:22 PM. Reason: Link

