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Question before buying!

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  • Aaron5604

    • Mar 2009
    • 3

    Question before buying!

    Are you able to access R.13 from computers owned elsewhere after having made only ONE purchase?

    For example... If I wanted to use my R.13 subscription that was originally paid for my desktop on my laptop as well -- would that be possible? Or, would I be forced to FIRST pay that same fee from before ALL over again?


  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Question before buying!

    You can install your registered install on multiple computers, with a two restrictions I know of offhand:

    Only one install can be in use at a time.
    You must purchase a PerfectMeta subscription for each computer, you CANNOT use one for two computers.


    • Aaron5604

      • Mar 2009
      • 3

      Re: Question before buying!

      Originally posted by LtData
      You can install your registered install on multiple computers, with a two restrictions I know of offhand:

      Only one install can be in use at a time.
      You must purchase a PerfectMeta subscription for each computer, you CANNOT use one for two computers.
      Also, as a likely customer...

      Does PerfectMeta (which is paid for separate) offer any real advantages that other free services do not, such as: Amazon through Media Monkey?

      For example... does it (PerfectMeta) provide a higher, more consistent resolution for album art, and (or) is metadata tagging more accurate -- meaning will I likely spend less time having to go in and manually edit songs that were tagged wrong, or not at all to begin with?




      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44780

        Re: Question before buying!

        >(or) is metadata tagging more accurate

        This, even the best database has mistakes, so using 4x is much better.


        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: Question before buying!

          PerfectMeta, for clarification, analyzes results from AMG, GD3, FreeDB, and MusicBrainz. The album art normally comes from one of those services, so whatever resolution they offer is what it can get.


          • Aaron5604

            • Mar 2009
            • 3

            Re: Question before buying!

            Sounds good!

            I appreciate the help


            • Porcus
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Feb 2007
              • 792

              Re: Question before buying!

              Originally posted by Aaron5604
              Does PerfectMeta (which is paid for separate) offer any real advantages that other free services do not, such as: Amazon through Media Monkey?
              Yes, seriously -- AMG is great and three-and-a-half services combined is even better. And PerfectMeta is so cheap it's almost a steal. To me, the metadata is easily worth the cost of dBpoweramp AND the metadata license, and if I need one on a different computer, then the additional PerfectMeta license is just chicken-s**t money.

              However, for the wishlist (are you listening, Spoon?):
              - Discogs (it's free)
              - Amazon (can MediaMonkey, then you can. Even an "buy our recommendations" nag-ad in the albumart window while ripping would be an OK trade I think).
              Last edited by Porcus; March 14, 2009, 01:41 PM.


              • EliC
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • May 2004
                • 1175

                Re: Question before buying!

                Porcus, totally agree. I have also been pushing for Muze as an additional premium provider, especially for their VERY high resolution album art and extended meta-data.


                • sredmyer
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • May 2008
                  • 186

                  Re: Question before buying!

                  Sorry for highjacking the thread but reading this (and others) threads has caused me to wonder about the PerfectMeta licensing. I am a current registered user of R13.1 with the Batch Ripper. I am a little confused about the licensing for PerfectMeta.

                  I see in this thread that this is a subscription based service. I did not realize this and now have a couple of questions.
                  1) How do I know the stauts of my subscription?
                  2) How can I tell when my subscription expires?
                  3) Does the subscription apply to both CD Ripper and Batch Ripper?



                  • LtData
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • May 2004
                    • 8288

                    Re: Question before buying!

                    1&2) Found in dBpoweramp Configuration. See "Need to find your version?" below.
                    3) Only the ripper, though a subscription does get you a one-time use of 400 lookups in the Batch Ripper for AMG. See here for details on meta-data in the Batch Ripper:


                    • sredmyer
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • May 2008
                      • 186

                      Re: Question before buying!

                      Ok, I think I understand. Just for clarification let me state what I do understand.

                      1) Batch Ripper does not use the PerfectMeta subscription once comercial lookups have been purchased.

                      2) CD Ripper only uses PerfectMeta and will not consume purchased lookups.

                      3) PerfectMeta subscription only provides AMG lookups not GD3. GD3 lookups must always be purchased.

                      Assuming all the above are correct, what happens if I have plenty of purchased lookups (both GD3 and AMG) but my PerfectMeta subsciption has expired? Will CD Ripper use the purchase lookups?

                      And from the Batch Ripper side...

                      What happens if I have a valid PerfectMeta suscription but I run out of AMG purchased lookups? Will Batch Ripper continue to work using the 400 lookups that come with the PerfectMeta subscription until those lookups are exhausted? Or (and I believe this is the case) do I lose the 400 lookups as soon as I buy comercial lookups?

                      What happens if the PerfectMeta subscription expires but I have plenty of lookups will the Batch Ripper still do inteligent tagging? Or is it PerfectMeta that provides this inteligent tagging and therefore, for the Batch Ripper, a valid PerfectMeta subscription as well as purchased lookups are required to get inteligent tagging.

                      Lastly, does PerfectMeta require all four service (AMG, GD3, MusicBrainz, FreeDB)? Or will PerfectMeta do its thing with whatever services are available?

                      Sorry to seems so dense but I just cant get my mind around the PerfectMeta subscription vs. paid lookups, Batch Ripper vs CD Ripper...It is all very confusing to me.



                      • bhoar
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Sep 2006
                        • 1173

                        Re: Question before buying!

                        My understanding, not official:

                        There's some confusion due to the overloading of the term "Perfectmeta". It is the algorithm/feature that Spoon uses, but it's also his branding term for the bundled/add-on premium metadata license (consumer-level subscriptions) for the CD Ripper.

                        1. Both cd ripper and batch ripper have the "Perfectmeta feature/algorithm". It is enabled if you have, at a minimum, a working AMG lookup ability. For the cd ripper this could be a yearly subscription (including the bundled first year), while for the batch ripper this would be remaining free AMG lookups or remaining paid lookups.

                        2. However, you can only get a "Perfectmeta License" for the CD Ripper...not the batch ripper. The "Perfectmeta License" is a lookup-unlimited multiple-premum-source metadata-lookup license, with a *time-based* expiration. You resubscribe yearly if you want to keep using it. Sources are AMG, GD3 and Musicbrainz (added to any free ones you have configured).

                        3. With the batch ripper, you don't use a "Perfectmeta License", even though the "Perfectmeta feature/algorithm" is available under the conditions stated above. Instead you essentially contract separately with each premium metadata source, and do so on a per-lookup payment basis. This is because the batch ripper is considered a Commercial program by the premium metadata providers and they charge accordingly.

                        The "free" bucket of 400 AMG lookups in the batch ripper is primarily so that you can put the batch ripper product through the paces before committing to's not related to the Perfectmeta "License" of the CD Ripper.

                        Originally posted by sredmyer
                        1) Batch Ripper does not use the PerfectMeta subscription once comercial lookups have been purchased.
                        Correction: Batch Ripper does not use your 400 free AMG lookups once commercial AMG lookups have been configured. Batch Ripper *never* uses lookups based on your yearly Perfectmeta License.

                        Originally posted by sredmyer
                        2) CD Ripper only uses PerfectMeta and will not consume purchased lookups.
                        I'd add "License" after "Perfectmeta" above for clarification but basically, "Correct".

                        Originally posted by sredmyer
                        3) PerfectMeta subscription only provides AMG lookups not GD3. GD3 lookups must always be purchased.

                        1) For the CD-Ripper: the yearly Perfectmeta License covers both AMG and GD3 lookups.

                        2) For the Batch-Ripper: GD3 lookups must always be purchased. Always. You get none "free".

                        Originally posted by sredmyer
                        Assuming all the above are correct, what happens if I have plenty of purchased lookups (both GD3 and AMG) but my PerfectMeta subsciption has expired? Will CD Ripper use the purchase lookups?

                        Consider both products separate with regards to metadata licensing.

                        Originally posted by sredmyer
                        And from the Batch Ripper side...

                        What happens if I have a valid PerfectMeta suscription but I run out of AMG purchased lookups? Will Batch Ripper continue to work using the 400 lookups that come with the PerfectMeta subscription until those lookups are exhausted? Or (and I believe this is the case) do I lose the 400 lookups as soon as I buy comercial lookups?
                        By this time, you probably realize the question, as posed, is not correct in talking about a Perfectmeta (license) subscription in the context of the batch-ripper.

                        If you still have free AMG lookups, you must (temporarily) remove the commercial AMG login information in order to use the unused free lookups. It will not automatically fall through to them if you run out of commerical lookups. You don't lose them, but it can be hard to figure out on your own how to get them back.

                        Originally posted by sredmyer
                        What happens if the PerfectMeta subscription expires but I have plenty of lookups will the Batch Ripper still do inteligent tagging? Or is it PerfectMeta that provides this inteligent tagging and therefore, for the Batch Ripper, a valid PerfectMeta subscription as well as purchased lookups are required to get inteligent tagging.
                        I'll skip this question because I believe it is adequately addressed above.

                        Originally posted by sredmyer
                        Lastly, does PerfectMeta require all four service (AMG, GD3, MusicBrainz, FreeDB)? Or will PerfectMeta do its thing with whatever services are available?
                        In addition to requiring multiple-source enabled (specifically AMG plus at least one more source), I believe it also requires a currently valid AMG subscription, whether it be per year in the CD Ripper or per lookup in the Batch Ripper. This includes when you still have some of the 400 free AMG lookups remaining in the batch ripper and you don't have AMG login information entered.

                        Originally posted by sredmyer
                        Sorry to seems so dense but I just cant get my mind around the PerfectMeta subscription vs. paid lookups, Batch Ripper vs CD Ripper...It is all very confusing to me.

                        If this is all correct, perhaps Lt. Data can update his faq link with more details as covered.

                        Last edited by bhoar; March 15, 2009, 04:05 PM.


                        • EliC
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • May 2004
                          • 1175

                          Re: Question before buying!

                          1)Batch ripper ONLY uses commercial lookups, you get 400 AMGs for free if you are using it for personal use
                          3)You dont need a subscription for use with the commercial batch ripper

                          Currently only one of multiple freedb entries per disc is used in PerfectMeta - I would like to see more as there is great variation and some are much better.

                          It would be nice to add Discogs, particularly for album art.

                          Muze is another commercial provider that has the highest resolution album art available I am aware of as well as extended meta-data and classical music meta-data.


                          • sredmyer
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • May 2008
                            • 186

                            Re: Question before buying!

                            Ok, I think I get it now...thanks for the information.


                            • LtData
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • May 2004
                              • 8288

                              Re: Question before buying!

                              More details added:

                              Anything else that needs to be in that thread? Anything removed or clarified further?

