I would like to rip my CD collection to individual FLAC files and to be able to re-create original CDs if needed.
Is that possible with dbPowerAmp or any other software?
Additionally, I would like as many as possible of the following:
1. Rip and encode in mp3 format at the same time as in FLAC, certain albums.
2. Calculate reply gain (album gain) and write it in mp3 tags
3. Calculate reply gain (album gain) and write it in FLAC tags
4. Use unicode characters (croatian) in naming tracs, albums etc.
5. Be able to convert FLAC files into mp3 without re-ripping later, if I haven't encoded in mp3 initially.
6. Downolad album art in folder with encoded files
7. Use separate folder structure for FLAC and mp3 files.
I plan to use Logitech squeezebox family of products at home, and they all support FLAC. mp3 will be used occasionally, where FLAC is not supported e.g. for portable mp3 players, although I expect situation to change there as well, as memory is getting cheaper and FLAC still has no quality loss compared to mp3.
Any directions and advices how to achieve what I planned are most appriciated.
I would like to rip my CD collection to individual FLAC files and to be able to re-create original CDs if needed.
Is that possible with dbPowerAmp or any other software?
Additionally, I would like as many as possible of the following:
1. Rip and encode in mp3 format at the same time as in FLAC, certain albums.
2. Calculate reply gain (album gain) and write it in mp3 tags
3. Calculate reply gain (album gain) and write it in FLAC tags
4. Use unicode characters (croatian) in naming tracs, albums etc.
5. Be able to convert FLAC files into mp3 without re-ripping later, if I haven't encoded in mp3 initially.
6. Downolad album art in folder with encoded files
7. Use separate folder structure for FLAC and mp3 files.
I plan to use Logitech squeezebox family of products at home, and they all support FLAC. mp3 will be used occasionally, where FLAC is not supported e.g. for portable mp3 players, although I expect situation to change there as well, as memory is getting cheaper and FLAC still has no quality loss compared to mp3.
Any directions and advices how to achieve what I planned are most appriciated.