I just purchased dBpoweramp reference via (sigh) swreg.
Got a URL, tried downloading 10 times (aborted each
one 'cuz it was getting 100 BITS per second). Then
was told "too many downloads" (#1)
Sent support request to swreg complaining ... got back
a response from a moron named "Kevin" that said
"The customer is not satisfied with the product and the c
ustomer has notified SWREG regarding this issue."
I'd done neither ... they're *lying* to illustrate/dbpoweramp.
So, my question: how does one contact illustrate/dbpoweramp to say "your ill-chosen software registrar is lying to you ... I like your software but am
having problems downloading"?
#1: for people writing download counters, don't increment
the darn counters for incomplete downloads, darn it!
I just purchased dBpoweramp reference via (sigh) swreg.
Got a URL, tried downloading 10 times (aborted each
one 'cuz it was getting 100 BITS per second). Then
was told "too many downloads" (#1)
Sent support request to swreg complaining ... got back
a response from a moron named "Kevin" that said
"The customer is not satisfied with the product and the c
ustomer has notified SWREG regarding this issue."
I'd done neither ... they're *lying* to illustrate/dbpoweramp.
So, my question: how does one contact illustrate/dbpoweramp to say "your ill-chosen software registrar is lying to you ... I like your software but am
having problems downloading"?
#1: for people writing download counters, don't increment
the darn counters for incomplete downloads, darn it!