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Another thread question

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  • Unregistered

    Another thread question

    Honestly, I'm also wondering what the two above normal priority threads are doing when the player is not playing anything. One of them taking ~6 to 7% of the CPU power on my 750MHz PIII.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44780

    This playing WMA files?


    • Unregistered

      Nop. Just started, no file loaded, playing nothing, it is running 4 normal and 2 above normal threads, one of the latter constantly consuming > 7% of CPU power!

      When a wma file is played, this adds 3 highest + 1 time critical. I guess this comes from M$, no wonder, winamp does more or less the same. The problem is that the time critical one stays there, still running pretty actively, if the file is not played to the end. And EACH such file leaves behind a thread!


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44780

        Have you changed the Skin? also the older version of dAP didn't have the drawing optimizations that the current beta does (hint: having the Spectrum display set to the square bars takes less CPU than Line Scope view).


        • Unregistered

          No, I didn't change anything. As a matter of fact, I just downloaded and installed the player yesterday to see whether the bug is in the codec. (Sorry, I'm using the codecs, but not the player I don't like too fancy interfaces ) However, just a piece of advice: you might want to reconsider the drawing engine you're using, as it keeps consuming CPU power (~ same amount) even when the player is minimized. As to the WMA codec, the correct way to stop it seems to use SkipTo(100) first and then wait till EoF. Just DeleteADecoder... is not enough. Probably, this should be part of DeleteA... in the next release

