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Style/Content Group Tag Issue

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  • Husqcat

    • Nov 2011
    • 40

    Style/Content Group Tag Issue

    Not sure exactly when this started but over the last couple of rips (mostly WAV files) have been tagged with the "Style" field and worked well for many years. I use Asset and the browse tree uses the "Style" field to help me browse to specific content etc. Now when I look at my rips (some of them at least not sure exactly what percentage) the style field has gone but the "Content Group" field has appeared with the value that should be in the "Style" field. I know there's some sort of relationship between these two fields depending on how you have tagged your rips but can't work out why this has suddenly happened.

    Two things have happened recently........I upgraded my dBpoweramp software to 17.2, not sure what I was on before but I think either 15.3 or 16.6 maybe. I also ran a script (via IDTag Update encoder) across some of my rips to remove a field but it had nothing to do with the Style tag, it was just two fields being manipulated. Also some of my rips that are now showing with content group were not part of the script process anyway.

    I had a look in configuration and the only thing I could see was a setting in MP3 ID Tagging which refers to map TIT1 to Style. I'm not sure what the default was but I've had a play around with it but it doesn't seem to make a difference, maybe that's because my rips are WAV? I also ran a convert process on one album with the "audio info" encoder and that does show that rip contains content group but no style field.

    Any help appreciated, thanks
  • Husqcat

    • Nov 2011
    • 40

    Re: Style/Content Group Tag Issue

    Just to add to the above.......Asset is confused (and so am I) with regards to the browse views I'm seeing. I've attached some screen shots that seem to indicate that "Edit IDTag" and the "Audio Output codec" are interpreting the field delineator (semi-colon) differently. I've used two albums (Adele and Bear's Den) as examples.

    Adele First
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Adele IDTag.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	55.8 KB
ID:	294373
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Adele Audio Output.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	52.1 KB
ID:	294374

    You can see that the tag delineator is being interpreted differently?

    Composer = Carol; Mike
    Style = Redbook; Lossless

    Audio Output Codec
    Composer = Carol Mike
    Style = Redbook Lossless

    Bear's Den
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Bears Den IDTag.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	36.0 KB
ID:	294375
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Bears Den Audio Output.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	60.8 KB
ID:	294376

    Composer = Mike; Carol
    Style = Redbook; Lossless

    Audio Output Codec
    Composer = Mike Carol
    Style = Redbook; Lossless

    I wouldn't normally expect to see a view in Asset/Style of "Redbook; Lossless" but I am and all the albums seem to be now split across three categories (Redbook, Lossless and Redbook; Lossless)

    Not sure how if at all this is related to my main issue but could be releavnt?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      Re: Style/Content Group Tag Issue

      The change was made in R16.5:

      "Option (off by default) to map mp3 id2v3 style to TIT1, when mapped iTunes uses this rather than title on iPhones to organize the tracks."

      Asset will have this option off, so Ideally you have it off in dBpoweramp, then use the 'ID Update' utility codec, convert all your music to this and it will update your music to those settings.


      • Husqcat

        • Nov 2011
        • 40

        Re: Style/Content Group Tag Issue

        Thanks Spoon

        This still isn't working......a couple of things just to clarify to make sure I'm on same page:

        You reference mapping id2v3 style to TIT1 and I can see that's what it says in the version changes log, however, I assume this should read ID3v2?

        Also the version changes states mapping style to TIT1 but as far as I can see the config refers to it the other way around i.e. map TIT1 to style.

        Regardless I've run the ID Update utility codec against 2 different albums, one album where the tag defines a "content group but no style tag" and one where the tag defines "style but no content group" and the tags don't change at all regardless of whether I have the config set to "yes" i.e map TIT1 to Style or leave it set to "no" (off - default)

        What's also confusing is that if the default is off i.e. don't map TIT1 to Style then why have some of my files suddenly changed from only having a Style tag to now only having a Content Group (TIT1) tag?


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44825

          Re: Style/Content Group Tag Issue

          Please upload 2 of your files showing the 2 different tag types and I will look. Upload to dropbox and send me a message on this forum.


          • Husqcat

            • Nov 2011
            • 40

            Re: Style/Content Group Tag Issue

            Have sent you a message with the Dropbox link. Thanks


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44825

              Re: Style/Content Group Tag Issue

              The 'All Venus' track is saved as 'TIT1: MQ/Lossless' / is a separator for mp3 for multi items hence MQ; Lossless

              This tag is read as 'Content Group' by dBpoweramp (and Asset).

              The 'Bear' file is stored internally as 'Style: Redbook; Lossless' note ';' which is not a separator for mp3.

              You could use the ID Tag update to map 'Content Group' to 'Style'


              • Husqcat

                • Nov 2011
                • 40

                Re: Style/Content Group Tag Issue

                I want to avoid mapping all the tags again if possible, talking 1000s of tracks and then they'll all have to be backed up again

                What I don't understand is why have these tracks suddenly started to use TIT1 instead of Style, I haven't done anything to these files?

                I thought "; "was the correct separator for tags within dBPoweramp, are you saying I should be using "/" to separate tags for Style?

                It was my understanding that if two tags are defined for a particular user defined text information frame (e.g. Style) then they should be separated by "; " and dBpoweramp would write them into the file as two tags both defined as Style but each with a different value, is that not how is works?
                Last edited by Husqcat; December 11, 2020, 12:43 PM.


                • mville
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Dec 2008
                  • 4023

                  Re: Style/Content Group Tag Issue

                  Originally posted by Husqcat
                  I thought "; "was the correct separator for tags within dBPoweramp, are you saying I should be using "/" to separate tags for Style?
                  No, you thought wrong. The multi-value tag separator/delimiter is dependant on the metadata format e.g. ID3, Vorbis etc.

                  Also, it gets more confusing, when there is no standard across metadata editing software either.

                  So, you need to be aware of the metadata editing software in use (in this case dBpoweramp) and then the metadata format you are editing.
                  Last edited by mville; December 11, 2020, 01:00 PM.


                  • Husqcat

                    • Nov 2011
                    • 40

                    Re: Style/Content Group Tag Issue

                    Thanks mville...

                    I've always used "; " as a separator within dBpoweramp and it's worked fine until the upgrade to 17.3, maybe I have just been lucky with regards the metadata format then. Although my files are WAV I understand that the tags outside of LIST are written as ID3v2 tags e.g Style. So what is the correct separator for ID3v2 tags (e.g. Style) within dBpoweramp?


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44825

                      Re: Style/Content Group Tag Issue

                      dBpoweramp standardizes the tag separators by using '; ' in the editor, behind the scenes the correct separator is written.

                      The default setting is now not to map to TIT1 as this was causing big issues with itunes, would not show the title. If you rip a new wave with the latest dBpoweramp the following tags are written:

                      Style: Pop
                      Style: Rap

                      Two separate tag, which is correct for id3v2.3


                      • Husqcat

                        • Nov 2011
                        • 40

                        Re: Style/Content Group Tag Issue

                        Originally posted by Spoon
                        dBpoweramp standardizes the tag separators by using '; ' in the editor, behind the scenes the correct separator is written.
                        OK that makes sense and that appears to have been working correctly although as you will have seen in the Bear's Den file the Style tag has been written into the file as "Redbook; Lossless" even though I have used the correct separator in dBpoweramp.

                        From what you say above it should have been written as....

                        Style: Redbook
                        Style: Lossless


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44825

                          Re: Style/Content Group Tag Issue

                          Using the Windows version? and didnt use the ID Tag processing dsp effect whilst ripping?


                          • Husqcat

                            • Nov 2011
                            • 40

                            Re: Style/Content Group Tag Issue

                            Windows 10

                            A lot of the WAV file rips were done many years ago so if you are asking did I use the the ID Tag processing dsp effect when I actually ripped them I couldn't tell you. If you are asking have I run the ID Tag processing codec over them all with music convertor then the answer is no, well certainly not for a large proportion, I have done some using the batch convertor and just selected the folders I wanted. If I had made a mistake and selected everything wouldn't the file modification date/time have also changed?

                            I have whole folders of music here that I haven't been near with the ID Tag processing dsp effect (as far as I am aware) that now show "Content Group" instead of "Style"....indeed the file modified date hasn't changed since 2015. I've also inspected some of the files and they do actually contain the TIT1 tag not Style
                            Last edited by Husqcat; December 11, 2020, 03:07 PM.


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44825

                              Re: Style/Content Group Tag Issue

                              Content Group means it is written to 'TIT1', for them you can use the ID Tag Processing DSP effect and map to style.

                              It is just a case of standards progressing over the years, a number of years ago, style would not have been identified as a tag to hold multiple styles, hence why '; ', however there is an option in ID Tag processing to 'Multiple Artists from 'Artist1; Artist 2'', this should put correctly using the latest version.

