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Aux Input to Lame converter problem

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  • joemco

    • Sep 2002
    • 3

    Aux Input to Lame converter problem

    Problem: When I use the Auxiliary Input program to record sound to MP3 using the Lame codec, the conversion *always* takes place at the (very low quality) level of 32kbs, regardless of the quality level I specify. (I also use Lame with the dBpowerAMP Converter and do NOT have that problem there.) As a work-around, I downloaded the Blade codec, and it seems to work satisfactorily. However (and because I read that Lame sometimes works better than Blade), I'd like to fix this (and se Lame with AuxInput). Any info, suggestions, ideas?
    Background info: My OS is WinXP; my PC is from eMachines and has a 1.5Ghz AMD Athlon processor. Have not experienced any other problems with dMC, and love the program!

    Many thanks!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Make sure you have the latest version of both dMC and Auxiliary input installed.


    • joemco

      • Sep 2002
      • 3

      Thanks for response. I should have put version info in first post. I DO, however, have latest versions - v.9a for dMC, and v.3 for AuxInput. I cannot tell which version of the Lame codec I have, though I downloaded it from the 'illustrate' site around the end of August of this year.

      Any further thoughts? Should I try to 'reinstall' Lame?

      Thanks! :smile:


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        >*always* takes place at the (very low quality) level of 32kbs, regardless of the quality level I specify

        You are setting it by clicking the menu next to 'Record' >> Compression settings?

        Your lame comes with dMC, it should not be installed seperately.


        • joemco

          • Sep 2002
          • 3

          1. I have set compression level by choosing 'record-with options' and then, in the resulting dialog box, choosing some kbs value like 96 or 128 - used same method with Blade with desired + expected results. However, with Lame, the quality level obtained is always 32 kbs.

          2. I'm sure you're right that the Lame codec 'came with' dMC, but I had forgotten that it was bundled and that I hadn't had to download it separately (as I did with Blade).

          3. My problem, again, is that, though Lame works 'as expected' in dMC, and Blade works 'as expected' in both dMC and AuxInput, Lame *always* acts as if it had been set to 32kbs when recording to MP3 using AuxInput.

          4. For whatever it may be worth, I have purchased and installed the PowerPak, though I believe that the Lame issue predated the PowerPak install.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            On the Lame settings, click Advanced and make sure no preset is selected.

