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  • Guy007
    started a topic QNAP / Oppo Playback question

    QNAP / Oppo Playback question

    I have a QNAP that I have just upgraded the Asset from R7.5 to R2023-5-15.
    I use an Oppo 203 on the Network function to playback the encoded albums.

    If I have encoded a various artists/compilation soundtrack using Reference R17.7 or R2023-6-26, in the "Album Artist"...
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  • daveb30
    started a topic Short burst at the very start of playback

    Short burst at the very start of playback

    I hear a harsh short burst at the very start of Roger Waters - Radio K.A.O.S. - The Tide is Turning.
    I heard this via play back of my FLAC file on Foobar. So I listened to the same FLAC file via Audacity and no harsh burst. So I thought I would re-rip it. Weird thing is that I hear the same...
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  • MaggieMark
    started a topic ripped files won't playback

    ripped files won't playback

    My aif files rip and everything looks good until I try to play them back. They don't play on any media player. Jriver shows an error "problems with playback". This just started. I'm new at this but was successful ripping 8 cd's and then suddenly all cd's I try to rip won't playback. Any...
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