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Short burst at the very start of playback

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  • daveb30

    • Jun 2022
    • 34

    Short burst at the very start of playback

    I hear a harsh short burst at the very start of Roger Waters - Radio K.A.O.S. - The Tide is Turning.
    I heard this via play back of my FLAC file on Foobar. So I listened to the same FLAC file via Audacity and no harsh burst. So I thought I would re-rip it. Weird thing is that I hear the same burst playing the CD via Windows Media Player, but not via Audacity. So I decided to re-rip it via Audacity, but when I play that newly created FLAC I still have the short harsh burst. I looked at my secure ripping log for that CD and it shows that this particular song ripped accurate (confidence 105).
    This doesn't seem to be an issue with Dbpoweramp since I heard the burst when playing the CD directly (I don't have a stand alone CD player).
    It is doing what it should, and making an exact copy of the CD.

    Any ideas? Is there a way that I can clip the first .5 seconds of my FLAC file?
    The rest of the CD is fine. For that matter I haven't discovered this issue on any other of the thousands of files I have ripped so far.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Short burst at the very start of playback

    You could load them into Audacity and delete the first burst of noise, and export the track.


    • daveb30

      • Jun 2022
      • 34

      Re: Short burst at the very start of playback

      Spoon I tried that.... Audacity seems to trim that burst on plyback but when I rip it with Audacity and play that newly ripped file on any player other than Audacity the sound is still there. Can I trim a file dBpoweramp?

