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Various MMC related requests

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  • Renoir

    • Jul 2004
    • 11

    Various MMC related requests

    Right, be warned this is gonna be a long one so you might wanna grab yourself a cuppa! I’m very interested in people’s feedback!

    First the preamble: I love dbpoweramp and have been using it for over a year and a half (almost all the time I’ve owned my own pc) and have found it to be exactly what it claims to be namely a Swiss army knife for digital audio. Although I get the impression that perhaps dmc is the most popular product from illustrate (probably cus it rocks and there’s not as much good competition as there is for say dap) I have a particular affection for dap and feel that as good as it is it could be a whole lot better. Now given how good it is (IMHO) to start with I think that says a lot about its potential. Now that’s out the way below is my fairly long wish list as well as a note to Spoon.

    I recently went back and read a fair few pages worth of past wish lists and thought that before I post my personal wish list I’d ask the following questions of Spoon that I’m sure other users of dap would like to know the answers to as much as me.

    1) What do you have in mind for or are possibly working on for a future release of dap? It’s been a while since the last update so it’d be interesting to know what your plans are for the future of dap.

    2) What’s your process for considering the implementations of wish list items in future product versions? Is it what seems most requested, what’s easiest to implement or perhaps something else?

    Without further ado my wish list (told you it’d be a long post but stick with me.

    For me personally the “main amp”, “on screen mini control” and the “mini tray control” are just about spot on so my requests largely deal with mmc which I use extensively. I’ll split the requests across the sections of mmc as much as possible.

    “Random play button”
    Have it become a play mode button that toggles between “random play” as it does currently (repeats by default), “sequential play” (repeats by default) and “repeat one”. This IMHO represents one of dap’s biggest flaws and would be massively popular.

    “Improved queue control”
    Allow rearranging the queue via drag and drop as well as dragging from library to queue. Plus add “move up/down to existing right click context menu.

    “Column headers”
    I’d like to see some of the functionality available in windows explorer implemented in mmc. For example

    1) Have some sort of visual cue for knowing which column the library (part of mmc that lists your files) is currently being sorted by (arrow in explorer, blue highlight in itunes)
    2) Have the ability to drag and drop the headers rather than having to go into preferences
    3) Have a context menu when right clicking a header which has options to auto size column/ all columns (like itunes)
    4) Implement the ctrl+ keyboard shortcut which in explorer auto sizes all the columns (incidentally tried this out and found that all the columns squished together and resulted bizarrely in part of the icon column now being at the start of the adjacent column)

    “On screen mini control”
    Currently when pressing the mmc button (circle) it opens and/or maximises mmc but won’t bring it to the foreground when it is already maximised but behind other windows. I would like it to bring mmc to the foreground regardless of its current state.

    “Toolbar that contains the playback controls in mmc”
    In addition to showing the number of tracks loaded, display the total size of the library.
    Have a digital timer either side of the time slider bar (time elapsed on left of it and time remaining on right). This one is particularly irritating as I have to use the mini tray control or the main amp just to get time info.

    “Multiple music collections”
    It would be cool if you could integrate a way to have your various different saved libraries (one of the standout features of dap by the way) show up as tabs in the top right hand corner where there’s plenty of empty real estate. You could still have all the same open, save, new etc manual controls but also have a designated folder whose mmc libraries show up as selectable tabs.

    “Add music button”
    I would like an interface here that’s similar to file selector so that I can select more than one folder at a time as well as have the directories automatically expand like it does in explorer and file selector (you currently have to double click them). Also would be cool if it remembered the last folder/s you accessed.

    “Search Box”
    The problem currently is that searching will find one result at a time which means you have to keep hitting enter till you get the result you want which can take a while. A solution could be to have something like itunes where you have the library actually reduce to only those files matching the search query. You could then return to the full library by deleting the search query or by pressing a “return to full” button (X in itunes)

    “Collection button”
    Add an option to “remove all missing files”

    When the library is active have pressing enter make dap play the currently highlighted track like in wmp and itunes. A problem which needs to be dealt with in order for this to work well is that currently a track in the library is always highlighted even when library is not active which can cause confusion.

    Well there you have it. Well done if you’ve read this far!
    It would be great to hear what people think of the above ideas. Are they good? Would you like to see similar things? Could they be improved?

    I’d love to see more discussion about mmc and what it should be like in the future.
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Various MMC related requests

    For the moment, improved queue control is done by installing QueMaster, a third party program.


    • dbample
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Oct 2002
      • 69

      Re: Various MMC related requests

      Lot's of nice ideas, mate.

      It would certainly be good if most were implemented, but it looks like over-hauling MMC is not exactly Spoon's no.1 priority right now, which is a pity for me because it is so much of what one sees every day. I am guessing you've probably also read my "opus" on MMC sorting in the same Wishlist here...

      Back to your ideas - keep in mind that some/a lot of these may not be possible because of code design decisions. I remember years ago asking Spoon if I could have MMC display and sort by my own two new custom tags that I added to the ape files I work with - and he said that it is basically not possible - the columns/tags in MMC are fixed in number and what they are in order to keep MMC super-quick.


      • xoas
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2002
        • 2662

        Re: Various MMC related requests

        I do think that dMC 12 will be helping to make many of these types of changes possible for MMC-see:

        I do like these suggestions. Even if they are a long way off or never come to fruition I think it is helpful to share dreams, ideas and suggestions for future versions of dMC. The other nice thing about the wishlist is that soemtimes you find out that what you want is already there.

        Best wishes,


        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: Various MMC related requests

          Also, I believe that the next update of dMC will introduce a Sveta-like MMC. That is, tabs for sorting by artist, album, etc.


          • donny
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Oct 2002
            • 761

            Re: Various MMC related requests

            yes Sveta-like is promised for the next version, but being that it is a biiig job, it will take time...

            interesting ideas anyway, some of them are quite technical and sometimes hard to do (like the bringing of the mmc to the front which is windows dependant and therefore problematic), and there are a few concepts introduced to mmc...
            maybe I'll comment later more


            • Renoir

              • Jul 2004
              • 11

              Re: Various MMC related requests

              Cheers for the responses guys!

              Ltdata = I had a quick look at Donny's quemaster but the problem is that although I personally don't need to alter the queue that often I still find it a bit annoying having to tab between the windows which is why I'd like to see it integrated in to mmc even if it's only basic. Having said that I think it's great that Donny's provided that functionality for the tons of people who I'm sure use it! Nice one Donny.

              dbample = I'd also read several comments from Spoon suggesting that in it's current form a lot of the suggestions for dap etc just couldn't be implemented without a fundamental overhaul. But as I know nothing about programming I just thought I'd throw my ideal scenario for dap out there.
              As for your example of using additional custom columns it brings up an interesting point in my mind which is the idea of categorizing wish list items either into things that affect the core structure of the program and are therefore hard to implement and those that are more like simple add ons. I actually thought about this when doing my wish list although as I said I'm no programmer so they were complete guesses.
              For example I thought the fundamental changes might have included: "Multiple Music Collections", “Random play button”, “Search Box” where as easier things to change might have included "Column Headers", “Toolbar that contains the playback controls in mmc” and "Add Music Button". Probably totally wrong but those were some of my guesses.

              xoas = You bring up an interesting point which indicates how much more integrated the various components of dbpoweramp are than they appear to be on the surface and certainly more than I realise! I also concur on the finding things in dbpoweramp that I thought weren't there. Everyone has been a pleasant surprise.

              donny = I've never looked at sveta as I just use windows explorer to transfer files to my creative muvo tx but if mmc (which as you can guess from my wish list is the component I care the most about) is to become more like sveta then I'll definitely have to give it a look. Any other comments you have are most welcome!

